The secret war is silent

Chapter 646 Clearing the clouds and revealing the sun


"Say this paragraph again, three times in a row, remember it, okay, let's start!"

"Xie Daba, are you sure that none of the people you heard heard the voice of the 'Uncle Xiang' you know?" Wen Zishan asked very seriously.

"I'm sure, sir." Xie Daba nodded, "Uncle Xiang's voice is a bit high-pitched, and it's different from what I heard just now."

"Very good, you sign your name here, press your fingerprints, and then you can go back and rest." Wen Zishan took a document over, asked Xie Daba to sign it, and then ordered someone to send him down to rest.

Luo Yao and Gong Hui both saw and heard this process, but they did not speak or disturb Wen Zishan's "testing" work.

But the result was far beyond their expectations.

"Brother Yao, this result is so surprising. Xie Daba and Guo Xiangguo didn't know each other in the past, but the testimonies of Xie Daba and Guo Xiang both said that they knew each other!" Gong Hui was surprised. .

"We arrested Xie Daba, and he confessed to Uncle Xiang. Soon Guo Xiang came over and surrendered, confessing that he had instigated Xie Daba to kidnap Jiang Lin. Although the motive was unknown, there seemed to be no problem, so we naturally identified them They knew each other. We ignored this. Fortunately, we detained the two people separately and did not give them a chance to meet and talk. Otherwise, once they met, as long as Guo Xiang recognized Xie Daba, there would probably be a conflict between them. If they collude in confession, then we don’t know how long it will take if we want to know the secret that they didn’t even know before." Luo Yao also sighed with emotion.

"Brother, can we now interrogate Guo Xiang?" Wen Zishan also found it incredible. He had handled many cases, but this was the first time he had seen something so bizarre.

This also shows that the opponent's scheming and planning are deep, and they even have plans long ago, and it is by no means a whim.

"Well, let's change the interrogation to someone else, so you don't have to participate in it personally."

"Then I let Luo Xue go?"


"No, I'll go and tell her the situation first, and then let her get ready." Wen Zishan said, "Brother, how about we go have a meal first?"

"Well, that's fine. Call Luo Xue and let's go to Niu Er Restaurant. I kind of want to eat the fish he cooks. It's not too far anyway."

"Okay." Of course Wen Zishan would not refuse.

"Mr. Qin, it's a coincidence that you came here. I only have one piece of black water left in the store. It's a bit big and can't be eaten by two or three customers. It's a waste."

"Okay, you can figure it out. Help us do it and send it over!" Luo Yao agreed readily.

"How about following big brother will bring you good luck, hehe." Wen Zishan chuckled and rubbed his hands together, looking greedy.

"Brother Yao, should I eat outside?" Yang Fan stood up and asked.

"Tiger, sit down. Since when did I treat you as an outsider?" Luo Yao grabbed Yang Fan. He had dinner with Wang Jinlu before because they had something to discuss. It's not convenient for him. Today's meal is for his own people. There are no outsiders.

"I'm worried that our car is outside..."

"Don't worry, the guy will look after our car for us. There aren't many other customers in the store at the moment," Gong Hui said.

Yang Fan sat back.

"Luo Xue, in the interrogation of this Guo Xiang later, where do you plan to start?" Luo Yao asked. The food has not been served yet, so we can just discuss the case.

"According to my analysis, this Guo Xiang should have been impersonated. From the beginning, this impersonator was setting up a trap, and the ultimate target is probably Guo Xiang."

"Go on." Luo Yao nodded.

"He needs Guo Xiang to disappear, or he needs to have Guo Xiang take the blame for him at a critical moment." Luo Xue said, "And Guo Xiang himself should not know all this."

"He came to take the blame for others, and he must not be willing to do so. If he knew that he had been calculated from the beginning, it would be difficult for anyone to accept. Maybe he would reveal the truth!" Luo Xueyao said.

"Have you not considered that even if we put the evidence in front of him, he knows the truth but still won't tell us the truth?" Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

"Is this impossible?" Luo Xue said with some disbelief.

"From your previous interrogation of Guo Xiang, did you find that he was threatened to commit the crime and showed unwillingness to express his emotions?"

"This doesn't seem to be the case. He acted very calmly and explained the matter very happily without any hesitation." Luo Xue recalled, "But he surrendered. This situation should not be difficult to understand."

"Kidnapping may not necessarily lead to the death penalty, but for kidnapping and murder, he is the mastermind, and the conviction and sentencing are different." Luo Yaodao, "Don't tell him the truth first. You can tell him first that Xie Daba fired a gun during the kidnapping. Of the three bodyguards who were injured, one was seriously injured and has died, and it is not known whether the other two will survive."

"Understood, sir."

"Brother Yao, what you mean is that the person behind him should have promised not to let him be sentenced to death, and to compensate him with a fortune after he is released from prison. Regardless of whether Xie Daba knows him or not, he will never admit that he is You were ordered by others, right?" Gong Hui understood what Luo Yao was thinking.

"Well, kidnapping, as long as no one dies, the crime is serious, but as long as there is a surrender, the sentence will basically not be very light. According to Guo Xiang's crime, it will be released in three to five years. But Xie Daba, the sentence may be higher than He is heavier, but if someone dies, or more than one, it will be difficult to say. In serious cases, he can be sentenced to death, and life imprisonment is not impossible. He cannot get out until he dies. For him, behind the scenes Things promised by people are also useless." Luo Yao nodded.

"Thank you for your teaching, sir." Luo Xue was still a little afraid of Luo Yao. Everything she learned at Nakano School seemed very childish and ridiculous in front of this man.

The more you get to know him, the more you understand how terrifying he is. It is really a nightmare for many people to fight against this kind of person.

"Sometimes it is a good way to go straight to the point, but you have to think from the opponent's perspective. Not everyone is suitable. You know, Guo Xiang's family is not in the mountain city. In Marais, he is not only thinking about himself. , and family." Luo Yao reminded.

Telling Guo Xiang the truth directly may not make him change his mind, because he also has to weigh the pros and cons, because even if he does not know Xie Daba, it will not affect him from taking the blame, and even if in court, Xie Daba says that he does not know him, that is Xie Daba's problem had nothing to do with him. He had not broken his promise to Ye Chuan.

Therefore, it is very likely that he will choose to remain silent. The only way to make him speak is through torture.

Of course Luo Yao doesn't want to use torture. After all, this case will go to court. Once tortured, Guo Xiang will go to court and retract his confession in court. In addition, the other party's lawyer is also a difficult character, and he will definitely catch " "Torture" is used to extract confessions.

Then you will be passive.

This is not a spy case.

Of course, Luo Yao also knows that in addition to torture, military commanders have many ways to make the other party talk, but he still likes to handle it in a more civilized way.

Not everyone in the military liked the method of torture, and he was not unconventional. Many people had their own methods of interrogation.

There is a difference between people who like to use their brains and people who don't like to use their brains.

Boiled fish heads, braised fish fillets...

This was Luo Xue's first time to eat at Niu Er Restaurant, and it was also her first time to eat such delicious fish. In Japan, fish is also eaten, and even fish is one of the most common dishes, but the way of eating and cooking are completely different.

She seems to prefer the Chinese way of cooking fish and the taste.

Guo Xiang didn't speak immediately, which seemed to be expected, but his emotions had been touched.

It is normal for a steady person like him not to make a decision right away.

As long as he puts a little more pressure on him, he will inevitably let go. Luo Yao and Gong Hui cannot stay any longer. They have to go to the guest house.

There is a more important person waiting for them over there.

Axiang, this shouldn't be her real name. As for what her real name is, it's hard to say. If she doesn't say it herself, others really don't know.

Axiang's treatment is far different from that of Guo Xiang. Luo Yao may not torture Guo Xiang, but this may not be the case for Axiang.

This kind of woman who has gone through special training cannot tell you everything in just a few words.

You have to use means.

Torture is also one of the methods.

Axiang was tied up with leather bands and hung on the torture rack. She had been tortured and her body was covered in blood.

In the cold torture room, a high-power electric fan was turned on, the shoes were taken off, and there was a huge ice block underneath.

Wearing only a pair of obscene pants, the ice was slippery and he couldn't stand at all. In addition to his body shaking constantly, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Brother Yao, Sister Hui, you are here!" Su Li personally presided over the interrogation. When he saw Luo Yao and Gong Hui approaching, he quickly stood up and greeted them.

"Tsk tsk..." Seeing this scene in front of him, Luo Yao couldn't help but frown. Everyone knows that once a woman becomes an agent and is captured, she will be treated much worse than men. Moreover, women He is an emotional animal and easily breaks down.

"Su Li, has she spoken?"

"No, we have been interrogating him for a day and a night, but he still doesn't speak." Su Li shook his head helplessly and said.

"If you continue like this, I'm afraid people will be beaten to death if you don't ask the question. Put them down first." Luo Yao ordered.

Su Li glanced at Gong Hui and found that Gong Hui had no objection. He nodded and waved his hands to direct his men to put Axiang down from the torture rack.

The man fainted as soon as he got off the shelf.

"Brother Yao, if that doesn't work, just give her an injection of sodium amytal?" Gong Hui suggested, looking at Axiang who was lying on the straw mat and covered with a quilt.

"Don't worry, her current body may not be able to withstand the medicinal properties of sodium amytal." Luo Yao shook his head.


"Send someone to take care of her and check her body temperature in half an hour. If she wakes up, get her some rice porridge first to let her recover." Luo Yao ordered.

"Where is Inaba Kenjiro, has the fever gone?"

"The fever has gone down a bit, but not completely. The inflammation and pus in the wound were treated by him. He woke up at noon today and was fed some rice soup. His condition improved a bit," Su Li said.

"We must try our best to save this person. His confession is very crucial." Luo Yao reminded.

"Don't worry, we hired specialized medical staff from Siyi Hospital to treat him, as well as the other two people." Su Li replied.

"You didn't interrogate the other two, did you?"

"No, the three of them are separated now, and they are not allowed to have a chance to talk." Su Li said.

"It seems that Ah Xiang can't ask questions today, so we will go back first and come back tomorrow." Luo Yao said.

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