The secret war is silent

Chapter 829 Tiger’s Love

After handing the time to Yang Fan, Luo Yao and the other two girls went to another booth and sat down.

After a short conversation, Luo Yao knew that the girl with freckles on her face was named Guo Xiaoai, and the girl with chubby face was named Yu Siyi.

Guo Xiaoai comes from a small businessman family, and she is shrewd and philistine, but Yu Siyi is different. Her father is an engineer, and her mother is Xiaojiabiyu from a small landowner family. Although she is a little fat, she looks more innocent and cute.

Luo Yao prefers girls like Yu Siyi who are innocent and cute, while girls like Guo Xiaoai are not lovable, but they can't be said to be annoying.

Family background cannot be changed. Such people will be cultivated under any environment.

As for Ai Fei, he has not been in contact with her for long, so it is difficult to judge for a while, but from the limited contact, it can be judged that this is a girl who has her own opinions and will not blindly follow her.

Yu Siyi knows cars very well, and even talks about it as soon as she opens her mouth, as if it is a common occurrence. This should be the influence of her family.

But Luo Yao could also see that this girl really liked cars. Maybe because of her gender and family, she couldn't choose her favorite major and could only study at the Normal College.

In the future, the most I can do is become a teacher who teaches and educate people, or find someone to marry and raise a husband and children.

Such a destination is considered good for a girl, but it also kills a person's value.

In Luo Yao's view, although women are different from men in terms of physical strength, they are not inferior to men in intelligence.

Women still have their own strengths in car design and manufacturing. Women understand men better, so the cars she designs will be more suitable for men.

"Classmate Yu Siyi, if you were given a chance to build a car, would you dare?" Luo Yaoxiao asked.

Yu Siyi was stunned, then shook her head and said: "I don't dare, what I said is just talk on paper."

"What if I give you an auto repair factory? Can you run it well?"

Yu Siyi was stunned.

"Classmate Yu Siyi, I can see that you know a lot about the automobile industry. Why don't you continue your studies in this area? Instead, you want to study in a normal school. Is this your ideal or your parents' request?" Luo Yao asked.

"My parents hope that I will have a stable career. The profession of teacher is very good. I can teach and educate people, and I can also have my own career..."

"But I can see your love for cars from your eyes. Have you been repairing cars with your father since you were a child?"

Yu Siyi lowered her head in embarrassment.

"You like cars, but due to pressure from your parents, you have to give up your favorite major, right?"

"Why are you like this, poking the scars in our Siyi's heart as soon as you come up?" Guo Xiaoai on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"I just want to give Yu Siyi a chance to use her talents and show her talents in this field, isn't it possible?" Luo Yao asked.

"Don't you own an auto repair shop?" Guo Xiaoai asked.

Luo Yaodao: "There isn't one now, but I can acquire one."


Are you rich?

Or are you attracted to our Yu Siyi?

Guo Xiaoai could not help but think about that, otherwise how could a man be so interested in a woman?

For many women, there is no resistance to giving in to what they like, especially a little girl like Yu Siyi who is simple and inexperienced in the world and does not know the dangers of the world.

"Don't think too much about it. I just think that Mr. Yu is a talented person. It's such a pity to waste it like this." How could Luo Yao not see what Guo Xiaoxin was thinking.

Guo Xiaoai actually felt sour in her heart. Yu Siyi was a talent, but what about her? Wasn't she a talent?

"You two, this is our specialty dessert, please try it!" The waiter brought the dessert.

Seeing the delicious food, the two girls were immediately attracted to it.

Luo Yao didn't say much more. They were not that familiar yet, so they would wait until they got to know each other better before talking.

On the other side, Yang Fan and Ai Fei got over the initial awkwardness and seemed to be getting better.

This kid is actually very good at talking as long as he lets go.

"Excuse me." Luo Yao stood up and said.

"The girl Tiger likes is called Ai Fei..." Luo Yao found an excuse and went to see Xin Xiaowu.

"I know, brother, this girl has been to our store and she lives nearby." Xin Xiaowu said, "We have conducted surveys on the surrounding households and there is nothing wrong with this family."

"Has she been here?"

"Well, she comes here on weekends. She comes alone with her schoolbag and sits there all afternoon. She only orders a glass of lemonade each time." Xin Xiaowu pointed to a seat by the window and said.

"Is she waiting for someone?" Luo Yao asked.

"It seems so, but it seems not."

"Let's investigate this girl's family carefully and in depth. I want the details of her parents," Luo Yao ordered.

"Understood, does Tiger fall in love with that girl?" Xin Xiaowu glanced at Yang Fan from the corner of his eye and asked.

"This guy was so silent that he actually gave me such a big surprise." Luo Yao nodded.

"Is this against military family rules?"

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. Who knows? Even if the superiors know, it doesn't matter. They are not married." Luo Yaodao said, "I don't object to my subordinates finding partners, but don't hide it, understand?"


"In a moment..."

"It's too dangerous for you to go out alone. The Japanese spies in the mountain city are all watching you."

"Am I afraid?" Luo Yao said, "Don't worry, I'll go out through the back door in a while."

"Brother Yao, how do you ask me to explain to Sister Hui like this?"

"What are you telling me? I went to school to pick up my daughter from school, and I brought someone with me. I have no personal space at all?" Luo Yao scolded.


"It's nothing. It's not necessarily dangerous for me to go out alone. It's dangerous if there are people following me. Others will know that the person with the bodyguard is a big shot. Do you understand?" Luo Yaodao.

"Yes, Brother Yao." Xin Xiaowu said helplessly.

"Tell Tiger to drive directly to Shen Yu's house after sending him back to school. I will pick up my daughter and go directly there." Luo Yao ordered.


After putting on a little makeup, Luo Yao went out through the back door of the cafe, making sure that no one was following him.

He called a rickshaw, gave an address, and quickly merged into the crowd of people in the city.

Luo Yao got out of the car, paid the fare to the driver, then turned around and turned into a long and narrow alley.

After walking in the alley for seven or eight minutes, I came to a door and looked at the house number on the door.

Dong Dong...

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the door gently. It was a regular knock. After a moment, the door creaked, and a head poked out from inside. He looked at Luo Yao and said hurriedly: "Come in! "

This room was rented by Lao Wu, but not in his name, but as Xiao Hai.

Of course, it was to cover up others' eyes. At this time, Xiaohai was still in the store showing him the store, so he wouldn't come back.

"I know you're back, but I don't know when you can come, so I can only come and wait." Lao Wu explained while leading the way.

"I also looked for opportunities to come out. I have no choice. I can't get away now." Luo Yao said.

"Yang Fan's matter hasn't made any progress yet?"


"Yes, you can't be careless about this matter. Once you take that step, you will have to bear huge risks." Old Wu also expressed his understanding. Even he did not dare to use Xiaohai to contact Luo Yao. He could only communicate with Jiang Xiaoyu. traffic officer.

If Jiang Xiaoyu is exposed, the problem will not be big. Once Luo Yao is exposed, the loss will be huge.

"Tiger is in love, and I want to test him out with his girlfriend," Luo Yao said.

"This is a solution. Do you want me to cooperate?" Old Wu nodded.

"The girlfriend he is talking about is a female college student from Transmission Normal College, whose name is Ai Fei. I checked her current background and found nothing wrong, but I don't know much about the situation in the school yet. I will send someone to find out more. Let's Are there progressive student organizations at East Sichuan Normal University?" Luo Yao asked.

"I really don't know this, but once we use our organizational connections to help, will the risk for you be greater?"

"Can't you make excuses? First cultivate Ai Fei to become our activist, and then we will intervene." Luo Yao said.

"This is a good idea." Old Wu nodded.

"This is what I think. First, arrange for someone to contact Ai Fei and the others, but not her alone. Then, recruit her to come in and enter the investigation stage. Then I will arrange for Yang Fan..."

Lao Wu nodded and used Ai Fei to instigate Yang Fan. This would be safer. At least if there was a problem, the line could be cut off immediately.

At the same time, you can also examine Yang Fan, observe Yang Fan's character, and finally determine whether Yang Fan can be won over.

Although it is a design, as long as it is successful, the result will be good.

"This is my work report in the Fifth War Zone. Hand it over immediately." Luo Yao took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it over. "

Old Wu put it away solemnly: "I understand, don't worry, I will hand it over as soon as possible."

"I have to go, otherwise I won't be able to pick up the kids in time. Today's time is too tight. We'll talk in detail next time when I have time." Luo Yao stood up and said.

"Okay." Old Wu nodded. If Luo Yao could come, he would be taking a huge risk. Naturally, he could not be allowed to stay longer.

"I rented this place in the name of Xiao Hai. He stays in the store during the day and returns here to live at night. Once special circumstances occur, this place can become a safe place for emergency evacuation." Lao Wu said.

"Okay, I understand. Does Jiang Xiaoyu know this place?"

"she does not know."

"Yeah, okay." Luo Yao nodded. After opening the door, Old Wu observed it and then asked him to leave quickly.

After leaving the alley, Luo Yao called a rickshaw and headed to the school where Xiaonan studied.

Due to the Japanese bombing, basically all primary and secondary schools were suspended in the first two months. In order not to delay the homework for the next semester, the school chose to continue classes during the summer vacation. Of course, due to the hot weather, the daily class time was halved. .

School ended at 5:30, and the children came out of the gate one after another. Most of the children went home by themselves, and only a few of them were picked up by someone.

Luo Nan was also picked up, but in secret. This was also to prevent other children from thinking that she was special.

But for the safety of the children, he had to do this. After all, Japanese spies can do anything.

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