The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 17: The head teacher is moving (repair)

Chu Yue also stepped into the dormitory at this time. She did not panic like Fang Qi, but looked up and looked at the dormitory carefully.

"Sister Chu Yue?"

Fang Qi looked at Chu Yue questioningly. Chu Yue didn't say anything. She took out a yellow talisman from the cloth bag and threw it away. The yellow talisman burned spontaneously without wind, and the talisman ash dissipated instantly.

"This dormitory is already under Ligui's resentment power." Chu Yue looked carefully at Fu Hui Ashin and said lightly: "The reason for this effect is because of the resentment power, if ordinary people push the door in. If so, this bedroom will remain the same."

Fang Qi was both surprised and worried: "That Mingxin she..."

Chu Yue pondered for a moment: "Do you have Zhu Mingxin's photo and birthday?"


Fang Qi hurriedly took out his mobile phone, flipped through the photos of the two in high school, then flipped out the personal photos of Zhu Mingxin and handed them to Chu Yue.

He was a little embarrassed: "Now I use my mobile phone to store photos. I have several G mobile storage devices, so I didn't buy a physical photo album." He looked at Chu Yue eagerly: "Senior girl, it doesn't matter."

"Nothing, show me."

Metaphysicians who cannot adapt to the development of technology these years are not good metaphysicians. Everyone is used to using smart electronic devices. Metaphysicians have long been involved to the point where they can look at electronic photos for calculations. If they don’t have the ability, how can they rely? This business makes money and eats, and it's nothing more than an e-photo.

Fang Qi hurriedly handed the phone over after hearing this, and by the way announced Zhu Mingxin's birthday.

Previously, Chu Yue and Wei Zhao said that if a sorcerer wants to harm people, he must get a specific birth date, and ordinary birthday information cannot be used. This is true for ordinary metaphysicians, but Chu Yue is not among them.

She took the photo, wrote Zhu Mingxin's birth date on the yellow symbol, burned the yellow symbol against the phone photo, and took out a piece of paper full of words and burned it.

"Zhu Mingxin, where is Zhu Mingxin? Zhu Mingxin from Yancheng University, come here as soon as possible."

Chu Yue's cold and low voice sounded in the dilapidated dormitory, giving people a sense of coolness for no reason.

Fang Qi realized that the cooling sensation was not an illusion. With Chu Yue’s whispering, there was really an invisible yin wind blowing out of nowhere, and the whole bedroom was so cold that he even saw the space of the bedroom distorted for a moment. Up.

In the twisted space, a black shadow was sitting quietly at the table, combing her hair one by one. While combing her hair, it slowly turned to look towards Fang Qi, and then grinned deeply towards Fang Qi. Mouth.


Fang Qi only felt a huge shock, rapid heartbeat, and tingling in front of his eyes. The distorted air returned to normal in the next second. There was nothing in front of the bedroom table, and there was no horrible shadow sitting there combing his hair.

"School girl, what was that just now?"

The impact of something unknown made Fang Qi feel uncomfortable, and his whole person was a little weak and a sense of weakness, and there was still extreme fear in his heart.

"It is the residual resentment power of the ghost. The ghost itself has the ability to distort time and space. The stronger the ghost, the stronger this ability. When I summoned Zhu Ming's heart and soul, the summoned power and resentment conflicted and distorted this. A piece of space for resentment, folds time, and lets you see what happened a few days ago."

Fang Qi didn't know how to be Li, he didn't care about Li Gui. After all, that wasn't something he could care about. He just wanted to know how Zhu Mingxin was.

Hearing this question, Chu Yue also raised her eyebrows deeply, her cold and sharp gaze scanned the bedroom back and forth: "Zhu Mingxin's soul is missing."

Zhu Mingxin's situation was different from that of Wang Ling. Wang Ling was tricked into signing a ghost contract by the long-haired ghost, which made the long-haired ghost go away, but Zhu Mingxin's entire soul was missing.

"how so."

Fang Qi murmured to himself, he didn't expect the situation to be so serious. After all, Zhu Mingxin was fine two days ago, but he just looked like an evil spirit. If he knew it was so serious, he should have asked the school girl earlier.

Chu Yue glanced at Fang Qi: "The methods of ghosts cannot be guessed by common sense, so you don't need to feel too guilty."

"Then what should I do now?"

Chu Yue thought for a while: "Go to the place where she was frightened, and check the weird rumors circulating in the school by the way."

After discussing, the two left the dormitory, and before closing the door, Chu Yue glanced at the dormitory again.

Although the bedroom has changed greatly due to the erosion of resentment, there is nothing unusual about it except for the decline, but Chu Yue always feels that something is wrong.

Her gaze swept past the place where she saw the dark shadow, keenly aware of a flash of light on the empty table, Chu Yue frowned, and remembered this abnormality in the bottom of her heart.

It was early evening when they came to the dormitory. After checking the dormitory, it was already midnight. Fang first went back to the dormitory, planning to search for valid information in the school forum, and Chu Yue went to the small forest.

This time period is scary for ordinary people, but for Chu Yue, it is a good time for work.

The campus at night was not peaceful, and there were young lovers who were secretly sticking together. When Chu Yue passed by, there happened to be a pair of lovers who were blatantly loving.

Adhering to the principle of not having long eyes, Chu Yue coughed lightly, pretending to be harsh: "Who is there."

The little couple thought the teacher was patrolling and hurried away.

On the tip of Chu Yue's ears, she heard the boys screaming while running: "To bother people to fall in love, shamelessly, pay attention to loneliness."

Chu Yue: "..."

Although as a spiritual practitioner, I don't care about being alone or not, but as a single dog, Chu Yue still feels a little bit connoted.

After scaring away the young couple, Chu Yue took a circle in the small woods.

The quiet and unmanned grove is indeed terrifying, but there is nothing wrong with Chu Yue except for the black. It seems that the problem is with Zhu Mingxin himself.

It was late at the moment, the school was already under control, and Chu Yue didn't intend to disturb the guard, so she went back to the dormitory and stayed overnight.

Fortunately, young school students are used to staying up late, and the dormitory has not been locked, and Chu Yue will not be reduced to the library to spend the night.

Seeing Chu Yue coming back, the three girls in the dormitory were very surprised, especially the dancing girl who had a distorted face, but after the last time, they were all a little confused, and they didn’t dare to say anything, or even not. Dare to talk to Chu Yue.

Chu Yue was not interested in chatting with these people, and went to rest directly in the bed with his eyes closed.

No one saw it, the invisible darkness squirmed and crawled silently all over the bedroom.

On the other side, Fang Qi is also quickly inquiring about the strange and weird events in the school in recent years. He was originally the student union responsible for the information. He is naturally very skilled in this aspect, and soon he will be in the school forum old posts. Filter out suitable posts.

One of the posts ten years ago attracted Fang Qi's attention, and the title was "The Lost Dormitory".

When Fang Qi opened the post, he saw the host in the first building wrote in bold red letters: Have you ever noticed the missing dormitory in the school?

Fang Qi kept dragging his mouse to look down, but the following replies were all mocking the host for making up a scary story, dragging it to the end, only then did Fang Qi notice a message from the host.

‘My roommates are all missing, and I went back to school on leave, but the school told me that there is no such dormitory at all, and there is no such group of people as my roommates. Who can help me and tell me what’s going on! ’

This message was three years ago, and Fang Qi's spirit suddenly came to him. The message three years ago proved that this leader should still be a student of the school, and there may be some unexpected gains.

He used his authority to check the ip of the layer owner, and finally locked the history department, chasing the ip user's computer usage records, and found the layer owner's information.

As Fang Qi expected, the other party was a senior in history, and Fang Qi did not dare to delay for a moment. He found the other party's contact information and sent a friend application.

To Fang Qi's unexpected surprise, the other party was obviously also a night owl, and soon passed the application.


Because he was worried about Zhu Mingxin’s safety, Fang Qi didn’t delay for half a minute, and chatted with the other party straightforwardly: "I am also a victim of the disappeared dormitory. I saw your message in the post. I want to ask about the situation at the time. ."

The other party slowed down for a while and sent a long string of words.

"Until now, I haven't figured out what the **** is going on. That year was the autumn when I just entered university. My roommates and I became friends from strangers who had never met before. After the National Day, I Something happened at home. I hurriedly asked for leave to go home to help the family deal with things. When I returned home from leave, I found that the world was turned upside down. All my roommates disappeared, and even my dorm room was gone..."

Following the other party's narration, Fang Qi's back was stiff, and there was something strange in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.

"...I couldn't believe it at the time. I chased the dormitories around, asking questions one by one, and the school reported, and asked the teacher to follow up, but everyone told me that I was a student in the history research major of the Department of History, and I had no roommates. Because I have been applying for off-campus renting, but how could it be possible? I clearly remember how we introduced each other when we moved into the dormitory. I remembered the names of each of them, even the little moles on their faces, the habits of left-handers, I remember the front teeth that I missed when I laughed."

"They are Li Niu from the first class of history studies, Wang Cancan from the first class, and Song Yue from the first class. Do you remember?"

Fang Qi was stunned, even though he was slow, he realized that the other party's rhetoric was strange. He was about to ask something, but the other party's head went black, which was obviously offline.

Fang Qi repeatedly poked twice, but the other party did not respond. He had to send a screenshot of this conversation to Chu Yue, waiting for the school girls to study together.

After doing all this, Fang Qi was too sleepy, so he turned off the computer and rested.

Almost the moment he turned off the computer, he fell into a drowsiness, and naturally he did not notice it. As he fell asleep, the whole bedroom was too quiet. Something rustled along the side of the bed towards the bed. Fang Qi, who was asleep, crawled away.

The next day Fang Qi hurriedly found Chu Yue. Chu Yue was sitting in the canteen for dinner. When she saw Fang Qi, her expression was very subtle.

Fang Qi looked at himself inexplicably, but didn't see anything wrong: "School girl, what's the matter?"

"Last night, didn't you encounter anything?"


Fang Qi was very puzzled: "By the way, school girl, did you see the screenshot of the chat I sent you yesterday?"

"Are you talking about this?" Chu Yue drank the soy milk, while holding the phone under Fang Qi's eyelids. Seeing the chat history on Chu Yue's phone, Fang Qi broke down in a cold sweat.

On the screen of Chu Yue’s mobile phone, where is the chat message between him and the senior student, the screenshot he sent in the past is a dazzling blood red, and the so-called senior student’s portrait is even darker, if you are not sure of yourself I questioned the other party for a long time last night, I was afraid I would treat this dazzling cold blood as a prank by others.

"Why, how could this be?"

Fang Qi muttered to himself in disbelief.

"I remember clearly. I checked the forum posts for a long time, and then I found the other party through ip. If you don't believe me, I will tell you the content of our two chats yesterday."

Fang Qi said as he took out his mobile phone, trying to prove to Chu Yue that he was not joking.

However, when he opened the browsing history of yesterday, Fang Qi's face was pale, his browsing history was blank yesterday, and no strange talk post was found at all.

He checked the names of yesterday's people again and found that there was no history research major, let alone those few students.


Fang Qi didn't know what to say.

Chu Yue was not surprised. She bit her straw: "Show me your amulet."

Fang Qi just woke up like a dream, and quickly took out from his arms, and took out the amulet that Chu Yue gave him.

But as soon as the amulet was taken out, Fang Qi's face changed again. The amulet was fine yesterday, but today it is already scorched, and it is obvious that it has spontaneously ignited after encountering a situation.

"You mean we were spotted after we got out of Mingxin's bedroom?"

Thinking that he had been fooled by ghosts for so long last night, Fang Qi felt a strange nausea. It was a psychological stress reaction that could only occur when he was extremely frightened.

"Well, it should be." Chu Yue looked indifferent, and even commented in the mood: "I have some ability to make ghost marks under my nose."

Fang Qi looked confused: "But I remember clearly that the senior student told me yesterday..."

As he told the content of last night, Fang Qi's expression became strange, a stiff smile on his face, and even his eyes became hollow, staring directly at Chu Yue.

Chu Yue was not frightened at all, but rather boringly squeezed the empty soymilk cup, and didn't mean to stop Fang from prosecuting, she just watched Fang Qi tell with a stiff smile.

"Their names are Li Niu from the first class of history studies, Wang Cancan from the first class, and Song Yue from the first class. Have you remembered it?"

Seeing that Chu Yue just raised her cheek to watch the show and did not answer, Fang Qi could only ask and answer by herself.

His voice also became cold and stiff, making his scalp numb.

He slowly said: "Remember, remember, I'm."

This sentence was like a switch. Following Fang Qi's stiff sentence, the environment around Chu Yue and Fang Qi began to stretch and stretch, and the surrounding pictures flowed quickly and finally freeze, and then they came to a lively voice The canteen, but this time the canteen is obviously the Yanda canteen ten years ago.

Fang Qi's expression returned to normal, and he was shocked and at a loss: "School girl, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, let you appreciate ghost tricks." Chu Yue admired the jaws. The ghosts in the city really pay attention to rituals. Unlike the country ghosts, possessing and harming people are simple and rude, and there is no beauty in performance art.

Before the ghosts in this city harm people, they will give you a prelude to spread out, allowing you to gradually enter the atmosphere of terror.

Fang Qi was initially very scared, but when he heard what Chu Yue said, he couldn't help but smile: "School girl, don't say that. I don't want to appreciate this kind of tricks at all, and they seem to be angry with you."

Fang Qi raised his hand and looked at Fang Qi's fingers. The group of boys and girls just talked and laughed. After Chu Yue finished that sentence, he stopped and turned to look at him. Xiang Chuyue.

At this time, the color of the canteen has also changed from bright to gloomy. The students who turned their heads all had their skin turned blue and gray, their eyes were hollow and cold, they all stared directly at Chu Yue, showing a dark smile.

"School girl."

Staring neatly with this kind of gaze, Fang Qi swallowed with some fear, and moved away from Chu Yue very facelessly.

Chu Yue laughed, "I'm angry now. Isn't he **** off? Is it a petty kid?"

Seeing that the atmosphere became more and more gloomy, and these students tended to rush over, Chu Yue asked lazily: "You are not acting anymore. Didn't you pull us in to watch the show? This is the main topic. Do you want to start playing now? , Let’s talk about it first, I don’t like hearing ghosts cry."

The students' movements suddenly froze, and they were caught in a dilemma.

It's embarrassing, this person can't help but what's going on, it must not be that they are not working hard enough, but that this person is blind and nervous!

After some self-discipline, the students' movements like Kazhen became fluent again.

However, at this moment, a sharp and angry questioning sounded: "Chu Yue, what the **** are you doing, why do we appear in such a place?"

This time even Chu Yue was shocked, and raised her eyebrows to look at the questioning person.

Three more people appeared in the cafeteria. All of them were Chu Yue’s roommates, two English-speaking girls Li Momo, Zhou Li, and the dance girl Tian Zi who was jealous of Chu Yue. They questioned Chu Yue angrily. It's Tian Zi.

"What does your presence here have to do with me."

Tian Zi sighed: "Before you came back, you have been fine. No strange things have happened. You just came back and lived all night and something went wrong. It's not you who else can be, and only you show off those weird things every day. , Didn't you provoke it?"

This is true. Chu Yue still hasn't figured out how the ghost seal quietly left the other party, and she doesn't know if Tian Zi's appearance is related to this.

Fang Qi also knew about the affair between Chu Yue and his roommate. After all, it was a big mess at the beginning, and it was also related to the student union. It was difficult to know.

He then said to that Tian Zi: "Who can control this kind of thing, if it has to be accounted for, it is because of me. The matter is of priority and priority. At this time, you have to argue with Chu Yue school girl, don't you want your life?"

The situation here is really weird, Li Momo and Zhou Li also realized something, their faces instantly turned pale.

Who knows that Tian Zi sneered: "Chu Yue, do you think that only you can do these things, do you really enjoy the feeling of others begging you, do you think everyone is holding you, and think we should kneel down and beg you for help? ?"

This is interesting. Chu Yue looked at Tian Zi with a smile on her arm.

Li Momo and Zhou Li tugged Tian Zi in fear, trying to persuade each other.

Seeing Tian Zi sneered contemptuously, poked a few times with her mobile phone, opened an authentication interface, stunned in front of everyone, and said with a bit of pride and arrogance: "There are more capable people in this world than someone. One, some people have some abilities, they look down on this one and bully the other, but they don’t know that people who are truly capable tend to hide by their side, so they won’t come out to slander casually."

Seeing the surprised expressions of the people around her, and the shocked eyes, Tian Zi finally felt a sense of disgust, and the depression and humiliation of so many days was finally released.

She stared at Chu Yue mockingly: "How surprised? I didn't expect that I was also a person with extraordinary talents and aptitude. Master liked me a lot when he saw me, so he took me into his door and closed the door. Disciple, do you know who my master is? He is nationally certified, famous in Yancheng circle, deputy captain of the local office of the Taoist General Association, and the respected elder Taishan Chen Dao."

Tian Zi proudly said: "The number of high-ranking officials who want to ask him is countless. Master doesn't bother him. Master's Taoist practice is advanced, strong and knowledgeable. Master's Guangtian Taoist View Yancheng is well-known, and it is by no means comparable to some small mountains and wilds. Some people have some ability to trample ordinary people under their feet, without knowing how high the sky is and how thick the ground is."

"Chu Yue, what kind of certified Taoist do you think you are? It's amazing. I didn't expect that I am also a certified Taoist now."

Since Chu Yue’s face was slapped in public that day, Tian Zi’s luck became visible to the naked eye. After a few days of misfortune, Tian Zi suddenly realized something was wrong, and thought of what Taoist Taoism Chu Yue said, she began to consciously look for it. The capable people and strangers in this area are eager to understand the situation.

I don’t know if she was so sincere and moved to heaven that she actually told her to meet him. The other party is a real celestial master, gentle and good-tempered. She also looks at her differently, completely like Chu Yue. Different.

Tian Zi tried her best, and finally moved the Taoist leader, begging the other party to accept her, just for today.

Oh, this is interesting. Chu Yue raised his eyebrows, and looked at Tian Zi carefully up and down, making sure that he didn't see how the other person was so talented, the talent for death was quite high.

"Then what do you want now?"

Chu Yue didn't show any expression of error, nor did he cry and reconcile. Tian Zi always felt that today's breath was not strong. At this moment, when Chu Yue asked rhetorically, Tian Zi's chest became even more nauseous, and she was refreshed. It disappeared in an instant, and there was still a little aggrieved.

Tian Zi glared at Chu Yue fiercely, and said arrogantly, "I don't need to beg you, I can handle this kind of small scene myself."

"Let's do it, whatever you want." Chu Yue stretched her hands, she didn't force other people's virgin disease to save.

Seeing Chu Yue raising his leg and walking away, Fang Qi hurriedly followed, but didn't even glance at the three of Tian Zi.

To be honest, Fang Qi really felt that Tian Zi was two hundred and five, and looked unreliable at all.

Although Fang Qi didn't say anything, Tian Zi saw the disgust and rejection in the opponent's eyes, and the aggrieved heart was even worse.

When Zhou Li and Li Momo's expressions were shaken, Tian Zi became even more anxious: "Are you two really going to kneel and beg Chu Yue? Have you forgotten how Chu Yue treated us, people like her? , Narrow-minded and selfish, do you really think she will protect you if you go? Isn't it that you two will be used as cannon fodder in danger?"

Li Momo hesitated: "We are both classmates and roommates. Zhou Li and I have not done anything excessive, so it shouldn't be too much."

Tian Zi said coldly: "You trust her ability, how do you know if she is really capable or equipped?"

Zhou Li was suspicious: "Chu Yue is a certified Taoist priest. She worships Grandpa Grande in the dormitory. We have all seen it. I think her Grandpa Grande is quite alive."

Tian Zi glared at Zhou Li fiercely: "I think you are ill and went to the doctor."

She took out a handful of Huang Fuzhen from her bag and put it under the eyelids of Zhou Li and Li Momo: "I don't know what Chu Yue is, but my master is a real talent. I am his most beloved young disciple, my master. But taught me a lot of tricks."

Seeing the changes in Li Momo and Zhou Li's eyes, Tian Zi finally felt comfortable: "Don't worry, I am definitely more reliable than her, and I will never leave you two alone."

After finally conquering Li Momo and Zhou Li, Tian Zi felt exasperated. She lowered her head and glanced at the phone, and the person who used the Tai Chi figure pattern in WeChat finally got a reply.

"Little apprentice, what's the matter?"

Although Tian Zi sent a bunch of words, and the other party replied, somewhat indifferent, but Tian Zi was still very happy.

After all, in this situation, Master's response will make her more confident.

Tian Zi's tense nerves relaxed a little, and she hurriedly explained her current situation, and at the same time she was faintly proud that she was helped by the master. That Chu Yue was so young, and she was probably all scornful. Not asking to go to them, kneeling down and begging them for help.

The middle-aged Taoist priest on the other end of WeChat watched Tian Zi crackling a paragraph, his sloppy expression slowly became serious, and he typed out a reply word by word.

"You say it again, and explain your situation in detail."

The other's tone made Tian Zi stunned, but Tian Zi didn't realize that there was something wrong, but described the surrounding environment carefully according to the other's instructions.

"It's impossible, how could it be... unexpectedly this happened at Yancheng University..."

The middle-aged Taoist priest at the other end murmured to himself, his face was also very ugly, he didn't lie down anymore, he got up from the couch with a grunt, and he slapped back information while walking out wearing his clothes.

"Little apprentice, listen to me, you and your roommates must not walk around, let alone trigger plot tasks arranged by ghosts at will. It is best to find a safe place to hide yourself. I suspect that you have encountered spiritual pollution."

Tian Zi was completely stunned: "What is supernatural pollution?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest carefully explained what was wrong with Tian Zi and the three.

"Spiritual pollution is a situation where ghosts use their power to pollute normal space. Generally, only ghosts with strong resentment can do it, or ghosts living in groups. In a polluted environment, everything can be spiritual, and those abnormal changes are enough to swallow everything. , Completely pollute living people, organisms, and the environment."

"Spiritual pollution doesn't know when, where it appears, or how to appear. It was just a game of ghosts at first. Those who enter it must obey the rules of ghosts and accompany the ghosts to play a nine-dead game. It seems very fair and just. In fact, as the game progresses, the ghosts will tear up their masks and reveal their hideous faces. Anyone who enters it will encounter the ghost lore and become the blood nourishment of the ghosts. The survival rate is infinitely approaching. 0."

"This is basically a hunting feast for ghosts and monsters. The so-called game is just a disguise. The rules of ghost killing, the rules of survival, the completion of tasks, and the search for plots are all scams, because you will never be able to play with the person who makes the rules, there is only one It’s safe not to enter the game at the beginning."

"If you accidentally enter the ghost plot, you should leave as soon as the plot is not triggered at the beginning. Only the time period between the first entry and the trigger of the plot is the safest. Once the person who enters triggers the so-called under the ghost cloth Missions, confused by those so-called missions, will be restricted by ghost rules, and eventually fall into a death trap!"

"So you must find a way to hide it, and don't let those things find you."

"Also, don't do the task of triggering ghosts and monsters when you die."

"Don't worry, I will rush to Yanda University to find your traces as soon as possible, and I will also request support from the Association."

With the explanation of the middle-aged Taoist priests, the expressions of the three Tian Zi became more and more ugly, and they didn't know if they were affected by the words of the middle-aged Taoist priests. They only felt that the surrounding area was getting colder and colder, even the seemingly clear sky above their heads. He also became gloomy for no reason.

At this moment, what supports the three girls not to collapse is the last words of the middle-aged Taoist priests. They pin all their hopes on the middle-aged Taoist priests, looking forward to the arrival of each other.

At the same time, after listening to the explanation of the middle-aged Taoist priest, the three of them felt subtle sympathy for the leaving Chu Yue and Fang Qi.

They are protected by Tian Zi's master, so it can be said that there is no danger.

But Chu Yue and Fang Qi were not so lucky.

The only blame is that Chu Yue is too arrogant and too arrogant. If Chu Yue was willing to bow her head to apologize and beg them for forgiveness, now she can also enjoy Master Tian Zi's protection.

After the middle-aged Taoist priest crackled and explained with Tian Zi, he quickly called the special office and informed the special office of the matter.

The special office forwarded the call to the team leader's office.

The indifferent and sharp man in the office furrowed his brows deeply, his eyes filled with dangerous blood, and he gave an unusually impatient tusk.

"This group of garbage monsters really drill everywhere. They are more difficult to deal with than cockroaches. Are the people of the Taoist Association waste? I can't walk when I hear the supernatural pollution. Such low-level supernatural pollution must be reported to support."

"Group leader, then we..."

"Arrange two A-level team support."


After the middle-aged Taoist priest finished the phone call, he hurriedly drove to Yanda University. On the other side, Chu Yue and Fang Qi found the key person and followed a group of boys to the basketball court.

When the middle-aged Taoist priest urged him not to touch the plot at will, Chu Yue turned to look at Fang Qi: "Who do you think is that drama spirit?"

Fang Qi looked at a loss, looking at a group of boys arguing in the basketball court, and fell into difficulty in choosing.

Chu Yue snorted, "Although the theater is very interesting, I actually hate troublesome things very much."

Chu Yue said that he walked towards the boys who were arguing in the basketball court, Fang Qi quickly followed, and she saw Chu Yue standing by and watching quietly for a while, and then found the quietest and low-key boy among them, and stretched out his hand to directly drag him. Came out.

As the boy was dragged out by Chu Yue, Fang Qi felt that the sky was spinning, his soul seemed to be torn apart by external forces, where the fortress was going.

A cold and malicious voice also sounded in his ear: "Please choose... the real revenge object."

Before the voice was finished, he suddenly screamed and yelled, "You can't do this, you are breaking the rules! Violation! Cheating! Cheating! Help, mother, there is a violent maniac, who will come? Help me, there was a pervert hitting someone, oooooooo..."

Fang Qi also broke away from that state of loss of soul, and returned to the basketball court again, seeing a scene that made him burst into three views.

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