on the screen.

A new title appears.

“Famous Scene 2: Peter’s hair suddenly rises as Thanos’ spaceship arrives. 》

Stank Building.

Tony saw this title.

Take a deep breath.

Is Thanos’ spaceship coming after all?

What will happen?

Will it cause more damage than the Chitauri Legion the first Avengers gathered to deal with?

What methods will their heroes use to deal with it?

With such curiosity.

Tony continued to look down.


[New York Temple. 】

[After Tony passed through the portal, he sat on the sofa and listened to Wang, Dr. Strange, and Dr. Banner give him information about the six Infinity Stones and Thanos. 】

[After listening for a while, he stood up from the sofa. 】

[He is smart enough to know that a fateful showdown is about to come at this moment. 】

[Tony: So that’s it. How much time do we have? 】

[Banner: It’s hard to say, he has already obtained the power and space gems.

His power can basically dominate the entire universe.

If all six gems were in his hands, Tony…]

[Doctor Strange added: Then countless lives will be catastrophic, and the consequences are simply unimaginable! 】

[Tony: Wait, if Thanos wants to collect six Infinity Stones, wouldn’t it be better to dispose of this green stone as garbage? 】

[Doctor Strange shakes his head and rejects the offer. 】

[King: We vow to protect the Time Stone with our lives. 】

[Tony: I also swore off dairy products!

But with the ice cream named after me, I finally ate it! 】

[Doctor Strange joked: You mean the one with the wild nutty flavor of Shi Da Tuo? 】

[Wang: I love Hulk’s sweet smile the most. 】

[Dr. Banner looked at the two of them in confusion. 】

[He really didn’t expect that such a big change would occur in this society after he had just disappeared for a few years. 】

[Just call him this old man, he doesn’t understand at all! ! ! 】

[Tony: This kind of thing doesn’t matter. Anyway, what I mean is.

Things always change. 】

[Doctor Strange: However, our oath to protect the Time Stone will not change.

Moreover, he may be the opportunity to defeat Thanos. 】

[Tony replied: In other words, he is also an opportunity for Thanos to invade the earth. 】

Chat group.

Little Spider asked: Wait, why do you want to dispose of the Time Stone as garbage?

Taking a step back, what if we give the Time Stone to Thanos?

If he wants it, we will give it to him, but in return, he will also give us enough benefits. Isn’t that enough?

Ancient One: This is impossible, child. Our temple has been sworn to protect the Time Stone for so many years.

There is no way we can give the Time Stone to Thanos.

Little Spider: I know, but aren’t we discussing issues now?

I felt like I had reached a deal or related agreement with Thanos.

There seems to be nothing wrong with the idea of ​​giving him gems and then him giving us corresponding benefits.

Gamora: Let me explain this problem.

Thanos is not simply a crazy collector who just wants to collect six Infinity Stones.

If it were just like this, I wouldn’t have been running away with the Power Stone before.

The main reason why Thanos wants six Infinity Stones is to use the power of the Infinity Gauntlet after collecting them all.

Maximize the power of the six stones.

So go snap your fingers.

With the snap of his fingers, half of all life in the universe disappeared.

This is completely random, regardless of high or low.

It may be the person you love the most, or it may be the person you hate.

But these will all happen with a snap of Thanos’ fingers after he collects the six Infinity Stones.


Turn into dust!

Peter, do you understand now why we can’t make a deal with Thanos?

Peter: I, I understand.

There are actually most of the heroes, before Gamora explained this.

The thoughts in his mind are similar to those of Little Spider.


Just like the little spider said.

If Thanos just wants to collect six Infinity Stones, then just let him collect them.

As for fighting life and death like this?


Even if you take 10,000 steps back.

After you, Thanos, have collected six Infinity Stones.

want to do something likeVillain actions from past movies and TV series.

For example, what do you mean by dominating the world and dominating the universe?

Okay, let’s talk according to the spatial scale of the universe.

The universe is so big, and there are so many planets with life.

You, Thanatos, rule one by one, and it will be the turn of the earth only in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Not to mention, if a deal is really made with Thanos.

Then isn’t the Earth still an ally of Thanos?


From various perspectives.

Little Spider’s previous suggestions and remarks are the most consistent with the realistic logic of the heroes.

But who would have thought.

Reality does not follow logic.

Thanos is not a crazy, paranoid gem collector.

Nor is he a villain trying to take over the world.

He actually wants to directly destroy the entire world and half of all living species in the entire universe! ! !

Who could have thought of this? ! !


What’s even more unexpected is.

This is actually possible!

Only used with the blessing of six Infinity Stones and Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet.

All it takes is a light snap of your fingers.

This, this is so sci-fi! ! !

You wouldn’t even dare to shoot a movie like this! ! !

It seems.

Fight against Thanos.

What an inevitable duel.

[Dr. Banner saw that Doctor Strange and Tony were preparing to fight with each other, and quickly interrupted the two of them: Wait, you two, can we stop arguing for now.

What happens now is that we have this green stone.

We know where it is.

The Mind Stone is with Vision.

We need to find him quickly. 】

[Tony crossed his arms over his chest and said: Yes, that’s where the problem arises.

Vision turned off the communicator two weeks ago.

Don’t know where he went. 】

[Banner is shocked: What? Tony, you lost another super robot! ? ? ? 】

[Dr. Banner never expected that Tony would make such a mistake again. 】

[Didn’t Ultron suffer enough for them? 】

[Tony defended: I didn’t lose it.

He’s not just a robot, he can evolve on his own. 】

[Doctor Strange: Who else can find Vision now? 】

[Tony cursed secretly, because he knew that in the entire earth, perhaps only Captain America knew where Vision was. 】

[Hearing the news, Dr. Banner quickly asked Tony to contact Captain America. 】

[Tony is a little embarrassed: It’s not that simple.

God, we haven’t spoken in a while.

Banner, the Avengers have disbanded and we are disbanded. 】

[Dr. Banner was shocked again: What! ? ? The gang is broken up! ? ?

Like the Beatles breaking up! ? ? 】

[Tony: Captain America has completely broken up with me.

We don’t care about anyone now. 】

[Banner feels a little funny. 】

[The universe is about to be destroyed. 】

[Why are you and Captain America bickering like a couple having a cold war quarrel? 】

[Why are you telling me this? Are these the reasons? ? ? ? 】

[So, he said to Tony: Tony, listen to me.

The shill is gone.

Thanos is coming. 】

[Tony sighed, he understood the urgency of the situation and what Banner meant. 】

[So, he turned around. 】

[Take out the mobile phone contained in the envelope given to him by Captain America after he left from his trouser pocket. 】

[Captain America said it before. 】

[If you need to contact him for anything, call this phone number. 】

[Although Iron Man Tony had a conflict with Captain America before. 】

[But the phone is always fully charged. 】

[Perhaps, in his heart. 】

[I still want to bury the hatchet with Captain America. 】

[Just when Tony wanted to contact Captain America. 】

【Sudden. 】

[He feels something is wrong. 】

[Tony felt that the wind seemed a bit strong. 】

[Things around me are shaking. 】

[Tony: I said, doctor, you weren’t touching your hair on purpose, were you? 】

[Doctor Strange felt his bangs trembling slightly, and felt a little weird: No, not now. 】

[Tony follows the sound and walks towards the street outside. 】

[But I found that the streets were full of fleeing people, and there were screams everywhere. 】

[But the strange thing is that Tony has no idea why these people ran away. 】

[He tried to stop a lady to ask her carefully. 】

[The response was an irrational scream. 】

[Tony contacted Friday again and asked her to help check what was going on. 】

[But it happened too suddenly. 】[I didn’t know what was going on on Friday. 】

[Just when Tony was very confused about this. 】

[Passing the corner of the street. 】

[He sees a giant donut appearing on the streets of New York. 】

[Thanos’ spaceship is coming! 】

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