In the great hall of Asgard.

Everyone fell silent.

after all.

Patricide is a serious crime!

You, Loki, are so ambitious.

Just want to seek power and usurp the throne.

History is written by the victors.

You finally succeeded in usurping the throne.

That counts as your awesomeness.

Let’s change the dock and say goodbye.

And you can live a thousand years of leisurely life.

But if Loki kills his father…

The people present will definitely create the biggest wave of public opinion.

The king of a kingdom.

You can do this to your own father!


people living in this country.

How much better could it be?

Loki was panicking now.

Apparently he also realized the seriousness of the problem.


He looked at his father Odin in horror.

He explained continuously.

“Father, it’s impossible!”

“It must be this weird screen that is causing trouble, trying to drive the relationship between you and me.”

“I usually listen to you the most. I can’t possibly kill you!!!”

Odin didn’t think it mattered.

after all.

As the God King, he already had a premonition that he could vaguely detect the date of his death.

So I am about to die.

Not much emotion.


He has lived for so long.

I have long been tired of living.

As the saying goes.

People die and birds look up to the sky.

Immortal for tens of thousands of years.

Regarding whether one will live or die in the future.

Odin really didn’t care too much.

But what really matters to Odin.

It’s time to die.

in his premonition.

The time of death should be seven or eight years later.

The worst thing should be after the contract war.


Watch this in the video.

Apparently Thor hasn’t reunited with the Avengers yet.

They haven’t met each other yet.

This proves that this incident occurred before the dispute.

And how could he die at that time?


There must be something weird about this!


Odin slowly spoke to everyone.

“It’s okay, just keep watching the video.”

[Colson puts Thor, the God of Thunder, who is making a fuss into a white, bright interrogation room. 】

[He really wants to know who this man is who beats their well-trained agent like a minimum-wage security guard in a supermarket. 】

[Colson: According to my experience, it takes someone with similar training to defeat them like you did.

Tell me where you were trained?

Barkistan? Afo Khan?

You look more like a mercenary. Are you from South Africa? 】

[Thor moves his eyes to the side, avoiding a response. 】

[Colson continues. 】

[Colson: Some organizations will spend a lot of money to hire outstanding mercenaries like you. Who are you? 】

[Thor raised his eyes, his eyes full of impatience. 】

[Coulson: No matter who you are, we’re going to get the information we want, and we’re good at it. 】

[At this time, Agent Coulson’s walkie-talkie rang. 】

[He walks towards the door. 】

[At the moment the door closes. 】

[Loki appears in the white interrogation room. 】

[He looked at Thor, his eyes full of sadness. 】

[Thor became excited when he saw Loki appearing out of thin air. 】

[After all, he has been wronged too much these days on Earth. 】

[Thor: Loki, how come you are here? 】

[Loki: I have to come see you. 】

[Thor: What happened?

Tell me, is it about Jotunheim?

Let me explain to my father…]

[Loki refused bluntly. 】

[Loki: My father is dead. 】

[Thor frowned and opened his mouth slightly, he was in disbelief. 】

[Thor: What? 】

[Loki: Your expulsion and the threat of renewed war are difficult for him to accept.

Don’t blame yourself, I know you love him, and I tried to persuade him, but he wouldn’t listen.

It’s really cruel to have Mjolnir placed in front of you knowing that you can’t pick it up. 】

[Thor was silent for a long time, sinking into the sadness of losing his father. 】

[Loki continued to speak in a calm tone. 】

[Loki: Now the burden of the throne falls on my shoulders. 】

[Hearing this unexpected reply, Thor raised his head and looked at Loki. 】

[He wanted to congratulate his brother, but the words turned into something else. 】

[Thor: Can I go home…]

[Loki raised his eyebrows and looked at Thor with eyes full of pity. 】

[Loki: Peace TreatyDunheim’s truce condition is your permanent exile. 】

[A tear fell from the corner of Thor’s eyes, and he asked in a panic. 】

[Thor: Okay, but is there no other way…]

[Loki interrupts. 】

[Loki: Mother doesn’t allow you to go home either. I’m here to say goodbye, brother.

I’m very sorry. 】

[Thor: No, I am the one who should apologize. Thank you for coming to see me. 】

[Loki: Well, farewell, brother. 】

[Loki leaves the interrogation room. 】

[The heartbroken Thor is left alone in the white interrogation room. 】

[The moment the door is closed. 】

[The corners of Loki’s mouth curled up slightly. 】

[A smile that shows success appears on his face. 】


When Thor saw the front of the video.

The whole person is in bad condition.

after all.

He doesn’t have any divine power or Thor’s hammer now.

It can be said that he suffered the most misfortune in the video.

All that’s left is “permanent expulsion”.


He felt deep sympathy for himself in the video.

in particular.

Thor heard Loki say in the video.

Even his mother Frigga wouldn’t allow him to go home.

I feel even more heartbroken.

“How much trouble will I cause in the future, and how much trouble will I cause before my father dies? Even my mother doesn’t want to see me anymore.”

“And if I didn’t have this screen today, would I be on this path in the future?”

“Does this prove that the me now and the me in the past are not as good as I thought before…”

Thor has always been reckless.

See what will happen to your future self.

A rare silence fell.

God King Odin watched the video.

But he could vaguely guess why he would banish Thor permanently.

It should be some day in the future.

Reckless and warlike Thor.

While you’re not paying attention.

Taking a few of his buddies with him.

Go to Jotunheim and try to deal with the oppression caused by the Frost Giants.

Such behavior seems good.

After all, the enemy’s effective strength has been eliminated to a certain extent.

But in fact.

But it destroyed the diplomatic balance between the two kingdoms!

To know.

Although Asgard has always regarded Jotunheim as a threat.

A lot of preparations have been made for this.


Here comes the problem.

The two kingdoms are still in harmony on the surface.

Never mind that privately, the people of both kingdoms want to kill each other quickly.


You on the surface.

They all have the attitude of a good gentleman.

after all.

The two sides signed a non-interference treaty early on.

It is still a time of peace.




The next king of Asgard.

Don’t understand this.

You are bellicose, reckless, and one-minded.

Take a few friends and secretly head to the enemy country.

It also caused countless casualties to the opponent.

This behavior is undoubtedly a provocation to the other party!

Obviously the people of the two countries can still maintain a relatively peaceful life.


Wait a few years.

The time has come.

Let Loki, the frost giant, go to Jotunheim to do diplomatic work.


Finally there was peace between the two kingdoms for a long time again.

Don’t worry about whether Loki is the only one in Asgard who has the blood of the Frost Giant.

When the other party sees Loki, they will only see him as the son of God King Odin and the prince of Asgard.

They will see the attitude from our side.

If Loki is sent to negotiate and do diplomacy.

Then think in the best direction.

that is.



Do you have the blood of a frost giant?

What a coincidence!

Me too!

I am also a frost giant queen!


It turns out that if you don’t ask, you won’t know, but if you ask, you will be shocked.

A flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, and one family cannot recognize the other!

That battle between the two of us a few years ago.


It’s all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!

What about the next time?

We are already a family, how can we still engage in so much fighting and killing? This is so strange!

Then we…

It must be peaceful coexistence and mutual communication.

Okay, brother, I just like your attitude, come and have a drink!

(For specific details, please refer to Wang Zhaojun of the Western Han Dynasty.)

(By analogy, Odin’s plan is to let the third princess Loki go to Jotunheim to “make peace”.)

If this is the direction of the story.

The ending is undoubtedly happy for both parties.

But Thor is such a loser.

in order to satisfyTo satisfy his child-like desire to fight.

He suddenly became the criminal who started the entire war.

The conflict between the two kingdoms intensified and was suddenly put on the table.

And ruined Odin’s plans.

Can your future self not be pissed off?

“But…then it stands to reason that the title should be ‘Odin is dead and the murderer is Thor’.”

“What happened to Loki?”

“He smiled like he was trying to succeed before he left. What’s going on?”

Odin couldn’t figure it out.

He turned his attention to the video.

Looking forward to the next scenes.

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