Xuanyue City is very big, and there are many cultivators in it, but the majority are still boys and girls who come to awaken their spiritual roots.

It's not that they don't have family members to help awaken their spiritual roots, but the people who awaken here are more professional. If the awakened spiritual roots are of good quality, they can directly join Xuanyue Valley.

Compared with the behemoth Xuanyue Valley, the family can be directly ignored.

It was not until dark that Bai Xiao and Nie Yunting returned to the inn that operated the big bunk bed.

Bai Xiao warned everyone not to stay up late and awaken in the best condition tomorrow. Everyone nodded obediently, as for whether they could go to bed early at night, that was another matter.

They were just a group of young people aged between twelve and twenty-five. Even if they were more mature and intelligent, they still couldn't change the fact that they were young.

The next day, it was dawn, and everyone who had a simple breakfast followed the crowd and began to gather in the central area, just because there would completely determine the direction of their lives.

The awakening area of ​​Xuanyue Valley is divided into 20 areas, and each area has 20 Xuanyue Valley disciples and deacons responsible for awakening.

The weakest of them are at the fourth or fifth level of foundation building, and the strongest has even reached the eighth level of Jindan stage!

Bai Xiao and his team are arranged in the eighth area. The main person in charge of awakening the spiritual roots here is an outer sect deacon at the fourth level of Jindan stage.

The time has come, accompanied by a long bell in the distance, the awakening of the spiritual roots officially begins!

Bai Xiao is not in the team. He and Nie Yunting are sitting in the audience seats set up around.

There are many people like them, most of whom are family members who send their younger generations here, and of course there are some outer sect disciples or elders.

If they find a person with excellent spiritual roots, they will directly snatch the person, and even fight if they can't agree. This is not uncommon in Xuanyue City.

For this kind of situation, as long as no one dies, Xuanyue Valley will turn a blind eye.

After all, you can't even compete with others, why should we hand over the disciple with excellent spiritual roots to you?

Very realistic and cruel, the weak are not worthy!

During the awakening of the spiritual roots, the person in charge of awakening released a trace of true qi and entered the boy's body. After a few seconds, the true qi was withdrawn, and the awakened boy did not react at all.

Seeing this, the disciple in charge of awakening shook his head and called the next one.

A person's spiritual root awakening was completed in less than ten seconds, and then the next boy walked onto the stage nervously and fearfully.

Following the same method, this time, when the Xuanyue Valley disciple in charge of awakening withdrew his true qi, a faint light of red, green, blue and yellow was emitted from the other party's head.

"Wood, water, fire, and earth four-element mixed spiritual roots can be assigned to do odd jobs outside! Next one!" The Xuanyue Valley disciple spoke indifferently, like a god, judging the boy's result.

Indeed, a four-element mixed spiritual root could not attract his attention at all.

The awakening continued, and finally, it was the turn of the 560 people he brought!

The first person to come on stage was a person from a family in Daqin. He looked excited and nervous, and even a little panicked.

He knew what this meant. He wanted to succeed and become the pride of his family!

The disciple of Xuanyue Valley released a trace of true energy and entered the boy's body. After a few seconds, the true energy was withdrawn, and there was no change on the boy's head.

"No spiritual roots, next!"

As the man's words fell, the boy was struck by lightning, his face turned pale instantly, and tears rolled in his eyes.

He resisted the urge to cry and walked down the stage in a daze.

Seeing this, Bai Xiao left the audience helplessly, walked to the boy's side, and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Now, the boy couldn't help it anymore, and burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly!


Bai Xiao sighed, after all, he was just a boy!

But he forgot that he was also a minor boy.

The second one was a girl from the royal family. She still had no spiritual roots. She walked down the platform with tears in her eyes. Bai Xiao continued to comfort her, and she threw herself into Bai Xiao's arms, which made Bai Xiao quite uncomfortable.

The third one still failed to awaken. Bai Xiao continued to comfort her, and she threw herself into Bai Xiao's arms for comfort.

The fourth, the fifth...

Until the 21st one, this was a young man from the Meng Tao family, who seemed to be called Mondo. Above his head, three brighter lights of "gold, red, and yellow" were flashing.

"Gold, fire, and earth three-series true spiritual roots! The qualifications are above average, and you can enter the outer gate!" The cold face of the Xuanyue Valley disciple finally showed a smile and said to Mondo.

"The spiritual roots are good. If you work hard, you will have a chance to enter the inner gate!"

Hearing this, Mondo's face flushed with joy, and he quickly bowed to the Xuanyue Valley disciple to express his gratitude!

"Not bad, you go over there!" The Xuanyue Valley disciple was very satisfied with Mondo's attitude, and pointed to a seat where six young people were sitting in a friendly manner.Zhi said.

"Thank you, thank you, Master!" Mondo happily ran over there, and the six people smiled at Mondo when they saw him.

They are all awakened true spiritual roots, and have a bright future. Maybe they will all be fellow disciples in the future, so naturally they should get along well with each other first.

This made the twenty people who failed to awaken cry again.

Originally, everyone failed together, and they felt a little comforted, but you betrayed the organization and directly rubbed salt into the wound. How can they have the nerve to go back and meet their elders?

Later, the spiritual roots awakened one after another.

Among the 530 people he brought, 12 people had spiritual roots. Don’t look at only 12 people having spiritual roots. Compared with the cultivation world, this is already a very scary ratio!

You know, in the cultivation world, on average, there are no more than two people with spiritual roots per 10,000 people, and there are 12 people among the 530 he brought, and the ratio reached an astonishing 2.26%!

This data directly shocked Nie Yunting!

Among these 12 people, 7 of them have five or four mixed spiritual roots, 5 have two or three true spiritual roots, and no one has heavenly spiritual roots.

Even so, Nie Yunting was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

You know, he is only a three-series true spiritual root owner, which is already considered a little genius in Xuanyue Valley.

But among the people they brought, there are five people like him, which is simply unbelievable!

At this time, Bai Xiao saw two familiar figures, who were the grandfather and grandson who were bullied by Hua Buhua yesterday.

The pink-clothed girl walked timidly to the high platform, and the one who was responsible for awakening her was the strongest deacon in the Jindan period in the eighth district.

Seeing the little girl, the middle-aged man just smiled slightly, signaling the little girl not to be nervous.

Then, he repeated the monotonous and boring awakening action, injecting a trace of true energy into the little girl's body, but before the true energy returned, an extreme blue appeared on the little girl's head!

It's not over yet, along with the extreme blue light, there are layers of ice flowers, freezing the air!

"Mutation, mutation of ice spirit roots! Oh my god!"

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