The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1387: The shock of the first assistant adult

Chapter 1387 Shock of the First Auxiliary

"This Xu Feng is probably a fickle since then. It is really terrible."

"No, ah, the existence of a three-character reverence, even directly resisting the two eight spirits, and finally killing these two eight spirits."

"The battle just now is thrilling. I really see ups and downs, and the blood in my body is rolling. This is the pride of the sky."

"I feel that even if we have five ice and snow, if they are on the same line as Xu Feng, I am afraid that I will not qualify for Xu Feng."

"Don't say this, if you are heard by others, we are afraid to follow suit."


Seeing that Xu Feng killed two eight spirits, many people began to talk about it.

To know that in the ice and snow empire, the most powerful is the ice and snow.

These five people are all repaired by the eight spirits, and whoever is able to take the lead in breaking through the nine spirits will inevitably become the legend of the ice and snow empire.

However, they feel that compared with Xu Feng, these five people are nothing.

After all, although they are the eight-pronged spirit, they may be stronger than Xu Feng for the time being.

According to the talents that Xu Feng showed, if there are five ice and snow, it is necessary to stand by.

Xu Feng did not hesitate. He came to the front of Dou Heng and Shen Lai and integrated the tokens of the two sides into his own token.

He found his own tokens, a burst of light flowing, and his points jumped directly to 859 points after merging their tokens.

Xu Feng's face is smiling, it seems that this sinus and Shen Lai, before also got a good score, I want to kill them a lot of monsters.

However, Xu Feng is also interested in the storage ring of the two.

These two people are also good geniuses of the two major forces, and there may be quite a lot of supreme liquid.

At the moment, Xu Feng began to sort out the storage rings of the two people. As expected, Shen Lai had twenty-three drops of supreme liquid.

There are nineteen drops of supreme liquid in the storage ring of Dou Heng.

In this way, he is about to consume the supreme liquid, and sent so many supreme liquids, it is really charcoal in the snow, Xu Feng's face is a smile.

"Xu Feng brother!"

Xu Feng glanced at the people around him. His eyes fell on several disciples in Dongyue Mountain Villa with a faint smile on his face.

These people were all followed by Yuan Teng who stood up to help him.

"You have been working hard here. This is the storage ring of Zhou Jie. You have divided the things inside." Xu Feng threw Zhou Jie's storage ring to several people.

Inside Zhou Jie’s storage ring, just one person was assigned a drop of the supreme liquid, and one of them was a happy one. They did not expect Xu Feng to be so harmonious.

There are other things in the Zhou Jie storage ring, and they are also divided into many.

Nothing is done, just standing here, and being able to get something like this, they are of course very happy.

The disciples of other forces around them have quietly left.

They were afraid that Xu Feng would shoot them. If Xu Feng wanted to shoot them and **** their tokens, they really didn't have any resistance.

They didn't know that Xu Feng really didn't bother to steal their tokens at the moment.

For Xu Feng, their token points are really too small.

"Oh, Master Xu Feng, I almost forgot to tell you something..." A young man with a six-pronged spirit, he slaps his head and faces Xu Fengdao.

Xu Feng looked at the latter and did not know what the other party had to say.

"Xu Feng, brother, I heard rumors a few days ago. On the bank of the ice lake, there was a heart of gods." The man said directly to Xu Feng.

"Dao Xinlian?"

Xu Feng’s breathing has become so fast that I can’t think of this extremely cold snowfield.

Dao Xinlian can be used to enhance the heart.

If you can now refine and refine your heart, the gravity of the heart can definitely be promoted to the triple realm, and even the killing of the Tao may be further.

"Ice Lake?"

Xu Feng took out the map from his arms and suddenly found the place called the lake of the ice.

"I will take a step first."

Xu Feng snorted at a few people, and his spiritual power flowed toward the shore of the ice lake. He really needed it for the heart.

Seeing that Xu Feng had taken out the map of the extremely cold snowfield, they all had envy on their faces, saying: "It’s not a brother, Xu Feng, he can only find the map after he has entered the extremely cold snowfield."


"The eight hundred and ninety-three points?"

The first assistant was full of stunned faces, and his old eyes burst into shock. He looked at the huge list of points, and some people's light became dim.

He knows that those people have been killed, and his eyes are changing when he looks at Dou Heng and Shen Lai.

These two people are eight spirits.

"Ah... the scores of these two people have all been transferred to Xu Feng's body?" The heart of the first assistant adult was completely shocked. He did not expect the young man of the second product to be horrified to this point.

The old man did not know that Xu Feng had already reached the level of San Pin Ling.

"You did not investigate clearly. Where did this Xu Feng come from?" The old man looked at the people in front of him. The people shook their heads and said: "The first assistant, this Xu Feng is not the person of our ice empire, the investigation will be very It’s hard.”

"However, according to the news we got, it was confirmed that Xu Feng was indeed a disciple who joined Dongyue Mountain Villa this year. He and Jiang Jiang's Jiangliuer became the first in the Dongyue Mountain Villa."

The old man heard the report from the people below, and he frowned.

"I have to go to the women's emperor to report this matter personally. You are here to pay attention to the changes in the standings. This Xu Feng is focused on it. According to his speed, he is afraid that it will be surpassed by him."

"If we were the extremely cold hunting of the Ice and Snow Empire, the last first place fell on the head of a new disciple in Dongyue Mountain Villa. Isn't that a joke?"

The first assistant adults are very clear that this matter is crucial.

Now you must find the female emperor to report.


Xu Feng continued to hurry in the extremely cold snow, he finally came to the place where the ice lake is located, he looked at the center of the lake, a noble snow white lotus, even high.

The fragrance spreads out from the lakeside lakeside, and the fragrance makes the blood flowing through the body, feeling incomparably comfortable and comfortable.

The arrival of Xu Feng did not cause too many people to watch.

For these people, Xu Feng is just a three-pronged spirit, and such a presence is hard to cause any change.

The news that Xu Feng had just killed two of the Eight Spirits and did not spread so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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