The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1400: Miserable pyloric disciple

Chapter 1400 Miserable Psychic Disciples

"Ah... I beg you... let me go... you killed me..."

A female disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa, the clothes on her body were torn apart, but they were already obscured, but the white body was suddenly revealed.

The male disciples of the pyloric, each with their eyes shining, they rushed toward the female disciple like a wolf.


The female disciple made a miserable snoring. She bit her lip, and blood ran out of her mouth. Her body curled up on the ground and his eyes were filled with tears.


The moment Xu Feng looked at this scene, the blood-red killing of his body broke out instantly, and the three major and complete killings directly condensed.

His body suddenly disappeared into the original moment, the sound just passed out, and the golden fist swept straight out.

This boxing contains all the killings of Xu Feng's three major and complete killings.


As the golden fist swept out, the pylord men who rushed to the female disciple were directly smashed out by a punch.

One by one fell to the ground, they spit blood, stood up one by one, eyes angered Xu Feng, said: "The hair boy who emerged there, San Pin Ling respected, also want to learn other heroes to save Beauty, you are looking for death!"

"All of your pyloric people who are present today will die."

Xu Feng finished the word, he looked at the female disciple and said: "This sister, you wear a shirt first, I will avenge you."


Xu Feng’s voice just fell, and several people on the opposite side felt a golden figure in front of them. They didn’t react, and they felt that the bones were all broken.

The sound of broken bones came and they made a miserable noise.

When the people around them saw them clearly, they couldn’t help but take a breath.

All of them, all their hands and feet, were all interrupted.

"Good horror strength?"

The disciples of the pyloric, one by one, have emerged as taboos. They are very clear that those people are not ordinary warriors, but the existence of the six peaks.

"Xu Shidi?"

Yuan Teng, who was still fighting with several people in the pyloric, looked at Xu Feng, and his eyes were first brightened, and then became a worry.

You know, there are three people in the pyloric where there are three eight spirits?

"The original waste is the person of your Dongyue Mountain Villa, and the Sanpin Lingzun also dares to die." One of the seven spirits who fought with Yuan Teng was the peak of the road.

"You guys are slowly playing with Yuan Teng. I am going to kill the kid and let him know that it will cost me a pyloric." The young man of the seven-pronged spirit peaks and walks toward Xu Feng.

The sword in his hand danced and attacked directly toward Xu Feng’s chest and sword. He said: “The kid, if you want to be able to do it, you have to pay the price of life.”

Xu Feng heard that his mouth was slightly raised and said: "You are right, you want to die, you will die very quickly. For example, is you dead?"


Xu Feng’s voice just fell, he displayed the thirteen-style **** to stop the gods, this boxing contains three major and complete killings of the Taoist power, extremely terrifying.

A fist punched out, the young man of the seven-character spirit, he waved a long sword to resist Xu Feng's fist, who knows the moment when the fist hits his sword.

He only felt the whole arm trembled, blood flowing from his shoulders, and his entire face was pale and he immediately quit.

However, Xu Feng did not have any thoughts of letting him go. He saw Xu Feng stepping out step by step and slamming his fist on top of his head.

He suddenly widened his eyes, blood spurted out, and his eyes were unwilling, saying: " dare to kill me...not to die..."

"Today, you all have to die."

Xu Feng's eyes are **** red. He looked at the disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa. There are ten people who have been killed by the pyloric. They are still alive like Yuan Teng and others, and they are already scarred.


Xu Feng rushed out to those people, how strong his strength, the existence of the six spirits, he only need a punch, he can kill each other.

The seven spirits of the people, but also died very badly.

He was constantly strangled in dozens of disciples in the pyloric. For a time, the disciples of the pyloric had a miserable snoring, and some even rushed back to the side.

"Liu brother, quickly shot to kill this kid, we are not his opponent." A young man who is the peak of the seven spirits, he retreated to the side, his heart has a lingering fear.

He looked at the three eight-person spirited youth standing on one side and asked for help from three people.

Liu Hao’s mouth was slightly raised and said: “Let me kill him.”

On Liu Hao's body, the four-and-a-half-way heart spread out. He stepped out in one step, and his hands seemed to be a fierce beast that slammed toward Xu Feng's chest.

The wind blew around Liu Hao's body, and his face was disdainful. "You kid, you shouldn't stop, you shouldn't come to death."

"You shouldn't have to do anything. After I killed Shen Lai, I still came to provoke me." Xu Feng's words rang, and Liu Hao's face suddenly became blue.

He looked at Xu Feng, and his voice trembled: "You are Xu Feng? You are the young Xu Feng of the Dongpin Mountain Villa."

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng’s mouth floated, and his brow’s eye was picked up. The three major and complete killings of the body broke out and directly displayed the first form of killing the boxing.

People kill.

With the display of this boxing, Liu Hao, the eight-character spirit, with his eyes with fear, he directly said: "We have no intention of offending, please spare us a life..."

"It’s ridiculous, these brothers and sisters of Dongyue Mountain Villa, they didn’t provoke you? Their lives, who will spare?” Xu Feng’s mouth was stunned.


The power of human killing can be described as incomparably powerful. Xu Feng is becoming more and more skilled in killing the first type of killing.

This person kills, he has cultivated to the realm of the peak of Dacheng.

Liu Hao’s inheritance and Xu Feng’s gap was too big. He was suddenly thrown out by a fist, squirting blood and pale face.

Just standing still watching the two eight-pronged spirits, they couldn’t stand.

You know, Liu Hao is their pyloric to participate in the extremely cold hunting, the most powerful existence.

Now, this Liu Hao even couldn't resist Xu Feng's punch, and he was seriously injured and fell to the ground.


The disciples of the pyloric, one by one, were all stunned and distorted. They did not expect that the strength of Xu Feng was so terrible.


Not far from the two eight-pronged young people, the only thought in their eyes is to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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