The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1429: Triple space road debris

Chapter 1429 Triple Space Doctrine Fragments

"Xu Feng, you can ask now, what do you need? If we can do it, we will try our best to do it for you."

Duan Hong looked at Xu Feng, and he decided to cultivate Xu Gen’s genius wholeheartedly, so that the other party can truly become the future hope of Dongyue Mountain Villa.

Xu Feng was slightly indulgent. He now has no doubt that he hopes to get the debris of the space, but he knows that the space debris is very precious.

Throughout the southern continent, only the Nangong family have the inheritance of space and heart, which makes the space and heart fragments precious. After all, the death of the Nangong family's own strongmen, all the space and hearts are collected and left to the disciples of their own family.

"Deputy deputy owner, don't you say, I really need a piece of triple space, I don't know if there is a sect?"

Xu Feng looked at Duan Hong, he spoke directly.

Duan Hong is a bit surprised. He looks at Xu Feng and says: "Xu Feng, what do you condense is not killing the heart and gravity? What do you do with the space?"

Duan Hong is very surprised. It is necessary to know that the debris of the three-dimensional space is extremely precious. The most important thing is that this kind of space is very rare.

Next to the investigation, I was surprised to see Xu Feng at the moment.

Xu Feng smiled and looked at the two people and said: "I need space to be a little useful. If the two deputy owners can't provide it, then forget it."

Xu Feng said vaguely that he did not tell Cha Jian and Duan Hong that he still had a third kind of heart. After all, he did not want to provoke unnecessary trouble for the time being.

It is the old village owner of Dongyue Mountain Villa. He knows that Xu Feng is the son of Xu Pang, so he knows that Xu Feng has a third kind of heart.

"That is not the case. In the inventory of our Dongyue Villa, it seems that there are still space debris. It seems that there are still several pieces, which are all in need."

"It's just that this space is really precious. You need other pieces of the heart. We may be able to give it to you directly, but this space is really fragmented. We need to ask the owner."

Duan Hong looked at Xu Feng. He knew that everyone had secrets. Xu Feng wanted space debris, fearing that he had some plans for himself.

"Xu Feng, do you think so? You go back first. After we both went to ask the owner, if he agrees, tomorrow we will give you the space debris, how do you feel?"

"Thank you for the two deputy owners!"

Xu Feng is respectful to Duan Honghe and Jian Jian.

"You get the first thousand drops of the supreme liquid, and we will give it to you tomorrow." Cha Jian and Duan Hong finished, Xu Feng turned and left the hall.

Duan Hong looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure, and he said something strange: "Check and build, you said Xu Feng, this kid, what do you need to do with the space?"

Duan Hong and Cha Jian have the right to decide, but they do not understand why Xu Feng needs space and heart fragments, they do not dare to give Xu Feng rashly.

Moreover, they think that Xu Feng appears like this, will not be the genius of the Nangong family?

Otherwise, who else will need space for the war?

We must know that although various Taoisms can be converted to each other, this spatial Taoism is the existence of a first-class heart, and it is almost impossible to merge with other Taoist hearts.

Cha Jian shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's ask the owner, maybe he knows? This thing is better for him to come up with ideas."

The two disappeared into the hall now and appeared in the courtyard of the old village.

"Cha Jian, Duan Hong, are you two people coming to me to have something?"

As Cha Jian and Duan Hong just came outside the yard, there was a sound of oldness inside, which was the old owner of Dongyue Mountain Villa.

Almost all of his current affairs are handled by Jian Jian and Duan Hong. Both of them also know the condition of his body and rarely disturb him.

"Zhuang, we have one thing that requires you to come up with ideas." Duan Hong directly spoke to the old Zhuang owner in the yard.

"Well, are you coming in?"

Lao Zhuang’s old figure appeared in the yard. He looked at Duan Hong and Cha Jian, who came in, and said, “What do you have to decide?”

"Zhuangzhu, Xu Feng, the newly recruited disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa, you met with him at the time of the freshman assessment. He is now the first place in the disciple."

Duan Hong’s words have just been finished, and the old Zhuang’s eyes are shimmering with shimmering light. His old face is slightly trembling, and his heart says: “This child’s talent is even more terrifying than his father.”

"The owner, this is the case. When he gets the first place in the disciple's big brother, he can get a reward for the treasure. This guy needs space debris."

"We both have some doubts, this kid will not be the spies of the Nangong family? So we did not immediately agree, I want to ask for your opinion."

After Duan Hong finished, the owner nodded and said: "Reassure, his life is very innocent. He can't be a spy of the Nangong family. Maybe he needs space to be useful."

"So young geniuses, your two deputy villages are mainly good at heart, so train him, and then you can go further. The space of the warehouse is broken, leave a piece, and the rest will be given to him."

After the words of the old Zhuangzhu finished, Duan Hong and Cha Jian were both surprised.

They did not expect the old Zhuang owner to be so generous to Xu Feng, but also determined that Xu Feng was innocent, and they guessed that the old Zhuang master knows something?


early morning.

Dongyue Mountain Villa is still so lively, especially today, it is necessary to award the top 100 disciples of the disciples, everyone is looking forward to receiving the reward of the supreme liquid.

"Do you know? I saw the latest disciple rankings. The first place turned out to be Chen Fu, not Xu Feng's brother?" Some people couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that Chen Fu is afraid to test the two deputy directors, and his grandfather Chen Fu is the strongest of our Dongyue Villa, afraid that even his grandfather will be dispatched."

"This Chen Fuzhen is despicable and shameless. He clearly is not Xu Feng’s opponent, but he still wants to occupy the first place without shame. Isn’t it famous?”

Xu Feng stood on the edge of the crowd, his face with a smile, standing next to him is Jiang Liuer, laughing: "Xu Feng, are you not interested in the first place?"

"Jiang Liuer, do you think the first place is very important? I feel that it is still the most important thing that needs to be upgraded and strength is strong."

Xu Feng said slowly to Jiang Liuer.

Jiang Liuer nodded, but if this happened to him, he would definitely find two sub-owner theories. It is very calm to know that Xu Feng is on the edge of the crowd.

Chen Fu looked at himself as the first of his disciple's Dabi. Although many people knew that he was not Xu Feng's opponent, the whole boundless star did not know.

(End of this chapter)

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