The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1630: Treasure Map

Chapter 1630 Treasure Map

"It turned out to be the eight-piece Zundan Red Heavenly Soul, which is incredible."

"This medicinal medicine has great benefits for the soul. In those boxes, those who are powerful, I am afraid they can't sit still."

"There is no way to sit still, to repair to the spirit of the emperor, the requirements for the power of the soul is also very high, the stronger the soul of the soul, the stronger the strength."

"So, for any Spirit Emperor, this red heaven is a treasure."

Those in the auction house have talked about it.

They are very clear that this red sky will be auctioned out at a high price.

You must know that the eight-piece Zundan is not so well-recognized. The eight-finishers in the entire southern continent are very pitiful. You must know that there are very few people who can refine.

What's more, the medicinal materials needed by this Red Heaven Soul are really precious. Among them, the soul of the soul is so rare that it is rare to see it in a million years. I don't know who actually took out the Red Heaven Soul to auction.

"You may not know, I heard that this red sky soul Dan, is the president of the refining guild, Huo old blame came out to auction, he only has three."

"The three red heavens that he refines many years ago are said to have gathered many talents in the ancient city of Kyushu. He wants to recruit a disciple."

"What? Huo old blame wants to recruit disciples, but that's not a problem. He is the most powerful refiner in Seoul, the whole of Kyushu, is the eight-product quality master?"

"Well, it is said that this news has spread to the vast land of Shenzhou. Even the people of the alchemy family of Yujia have arranged young talents to come to participate in this refining event."

"It is said that the reward for winning this time is the red soul."

The auctioneer’s eyes on everyone’s emotions have been completely mobilized.

Suddenly, his face was filled with a satisfied smile.

"The value of this red sky is very high, so our starting price is 20 million to the liquid, and each price increase must not be less than one million to the liquid."

"Auction! Start!"

As the auctioneer's words rang, it suddenly sounded in the box, and the continuous sounds constantly filled, making many people shocked.

"Fifteen million."

"20 million."

"Two million five million."


The asking price is still going on, and it is really crazy asking price. Almost everyone is desperately adding the supreme liquid, for fear of not getting the red sky.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of emotions, and his family’s family can’t afford a little bit of red sky. I can’t think of so many Lingshi in my body, it’s useless.

Xu Feng has a lot of spiritual stones, but for the ancient city of Kyushu, the supreme liquid is the thing that circulates. After all, the supreme liquid can be used for cultivation.

However, the speed at which Lingshi is used for cultivation is really too slow. This is not too high value for the Emperor and Spiritual Respect.

"Fifty million!"

The sound of the auctioneer is almost out of the way. His eyes are dark and fluctuating. Of course, he is not excited about watching Red Heaven, but he is mobilizing everyone's emotions.

I have to say that this auctioneer is worthy of being a Lingbao Pavilion. I am afraid that the experience of auctioning has been for decades, or even nearly a hundred years, so skillful psychological skills.

"Has 50 million still higher than 50 million? This is the red sky soul Dan... can greatly enhance the soul power..." The voice of the old man sounded.

"No, this red sky soul Dan I must get my hand, if I take the red sky soul Dan, when I swallow it in the ancient battlefield, my cultivation will break through to the spiritual emperor, and the soul power will also break through. At that time, the strength will inevitably be greatly improved. Therefore, this red sky, Dan, I am in a must."

Liu Hyunde’s box, he is very eager for this red sky, and now looks at the old man sitting not far away, saying: “60 million!”

As Liu Hyunde’s voice sounded, the old man frowned slightly and didn’t say much. He also knew the value of Chi Tian’s soul.

"60 million ... 60 million ... the number of boxes in the 9th box is 60 million, but there are people who increase the price?" The auctioneer's eyes are shaking.

"65 million."

Another old voice, from the box of the fourth, apparently that is a strong spirit of the Emperor, he is also a must for the Chitian soul Dan.

"Seventy million."

Liu Hyunde’s voice rang again. He looked at the old man and said: “Mi Lao, this red sky is too precious, I am bound to get it. If I continue to increase the price, I can only give up.”

Liu Hyun-de is very clear that the 70 million supreme liquid is already the limit he can bear, and their Liu family gives Liu Hyunde the limit of the supreme liquid.


The old voice heard Liu Xuande’s price increase so fierce. He just snorted coldly and did not continue to increase the price. He knew that 70 million sacred liquids had exceeded the value of this red sky.

"70 million, is there a fare increase?"

The sound of the auctioneer sounded, this time 70 million no one continued to increase the price.

"70 million, congratulations to the guests of the 9th box, please prepare for the liquid, this red sky soul Dan is randomly sent." The auctioneer said with a smile.

Obviously, he himself sold 70 million for Chi Tian Ling Dan. He is still very satisfied with this price. After all, the value of this red sky soul should be around 50 million.

Of course, 50 million, it is priceless.

"Uh huh..."

The auctioneer cleared his throat, and his eyes showed a faint smile. He swept the crowd and said: "I believe everyone is very interested in the last auction, because no one knows the last auction. What is it, now you can reveal the answer for everyone."

As the auctioneer made a gesture not far away, suddenly a beautiful woman, there were countless reels in front of her, and the scrolls piled up like mountains.

"The last auction item is a treasure map." The sound of the auctioneer sounded, and countless people on the scene became stunned. It turned out to be a treasure map.

I don't know who is the treasure map. If it is the treasure map of the Emperor of the Spirit, it will inevitably cause some blood and rain. Now it is just the countless young talents and the opportunity for the strong to gather in the ancient city of Kyushu.

"Everyone did not guess wrong. This map is a treasure map of a strong emperor." The auctioneer looked at the crowd and said: "This treasure map is a spirit emperor coming to the auction, which hides The fragment of the field, and the life treasure of the Emperor of the Spirit, but who can get it, no one knows."

"This treasure map is brought to the auction, the other party said that only 10 million of the supreme liquid is needed. Therefore, this treasure map has 10,000 points, so if you want to buy a treasure map, a thousand to the liquid can be Buy one."

"Of course, don't think about a few people sharing a treasure map, just because there is a special treatment on the treasure map, once a person looks at it, the scroll will be automatically destroyed."

The sound of the auctioneer sounded, and countless people on the scene suddenly rushed to grab the treasure map.

(End of this chapter)

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