The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1658: The birth of the legend of the refiner (37th)

Chapter 1658 The birth of the legend of the refiner (37th)

The original quiet scene suddenly became noisy again.

"What, I did not misunderstand, Xu Feng is also the seven best product refiner, he can refine the seven best medicinal herbs?" Someone heard Xu Feng's words, with a surprised look.

"You didn't get it wrong, I didn't get it wrong. He really said that he is the best of the seven." The person next to him said.

Xu Feng’s words directly caused an uproar in the crowd.

You must know that Xu Feng’s age is only twenty-six and seventy-seven. Such a seven-product elite, the entire southern continent, I am afraid that it has not appeared for many years.

Huo old blame and other eight masters of the refining guild are all eyes wide open, they did not expect that Xu Feng turned out to be the seven best product refining division, then this talent is too bad.

Huo old blame thought of this, his face with an excited smile.

"In any case, our refining guild, this time will pull him in, we may have to witness one, the birth of the future Southern China refining legend."

On the face of Huo Laoguai, there is no plan to accept Xu Feng as a disciple at the moment. His intention is to let Xu Feng join the Association of Refiners, and then the eight masters of the entire refining guild to cultivate Xu Feng.

Xu Heng heard that his old face had a positive look. He said: "On the southern land of the vast land of China, isn’t it always laughing at other places in our country, can’t we create a legendary refiner? Then this time we Kyushu The refining guild of the ancient city told them with practical actions that we are about to leave a legendary refiner here."

Hearing the words of Xu Heng, the eight masters of the refining guild of the entire Kyushu Old City, their faces are full of shock and surprise.

The only thought in their hearts at the moment is to help Xu Feng become a true legend.

Yu Can's face was full of horror, and he found that all his pride was smashed by all the people he had looked down on before.

"No...Impossible...I am the only southern continent, the top refining genius, you can't surpass me, you can't surpass me..."

Yu Can's cheeks became gloomy and distorted. His eyes revealed **** light, and his body became messy.

"I am going, really so waste, so the heart attack collapsed like this?" Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised, he looked at Yu Can's eyes, completely turned into contempt.

Victory or defeat is standard issue.

With such a blow, this Yu can be ruined, and this mentality is simply weak.

"Young master?"

At this time, an old figure broke out from afar. He suddenly appeared in the side of Yu Da, feeling the breath of Yu Can, his face changed greatly.


Xu Feng’s face changed slightly. The repair of this old man is at least the five-character emperor. It is worthy of a million-year-old refining family.

Moreover, this is enough to prove that Yu can have a high status in the Yu family, otherwise it is impossible to arrange such a bodyguard to follow, obviously Yu Jia attaches great importance to Yu Da.

In the old man's hand, a medicinal herb suddenly appeared, and it was directly shot into the mouth of Yu Can. The violent Yu can be directly fainted.

The old man's gaze fell on Xu Feng, frowning, and immediately said: "You have to say that you are the most talented refiner I have ever seen."

"This kid has never experienced any disaster since he was a child. This mentality collapses, maybe it is a good thing for him. However, his talent for the refiner is not necessarily worse than you."

"Good luck, leave!"

The old man did not continue to talk to Xu Feng, but directly held Yu Can, the strong breath of the body emerged, the whole person disappeared in place.

Obviously, this old man must take Yu to go back to the hometown of Shenzhou.

Xu Feng came to Huo’s strange body.

Huo old man looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face and smiled: "It’s really unexpected. This is Chi Tian Ling Dan and Wuji Xuan Dan. You should accept it first."

Xu Feng is satisfied with the harvest of the Red Heavenly Soul, he is very clear that his soul power should be able to ascend to the 80th order.

After taking this Promise Xuan Dan, his cultivation can also be upgraded to Ba Pin Ling Zun.

However, Xu Feng is not ready to take the Promise Xuan Dan for the time being.

The Kyushu hegemony is about to begin, and by then he will slowly improve in the ancient battle platform. He still has one of the biggest cards.

That is his five-dimensional space, as long as the refining of the natural space, the crystal of the heart, he believes that the time can reach the extreme of the six-space space.

"Xu Feng, let's go to the refining guild, how?"

Huo old blame said to Xu Feng, said.

Xu Wei, next to him, looked at Xu Feng. His old face was also curious. He was shocked inside. He said: "This master of Xu Feng, in the end, what a high-ranking man, can actually cultivate such a genius of the refining genius. ""

"But it's disrespectful!"

Xu Feng’s impression of Huo’s blame is very good. This guy did not suppress himself because of the power behind Yu Da, and he would please the other person, so that the character is no problem.

"sit down."

With Xu Feng followed by Huo old blame, and Xu Wei and others, they all came to a hall of the refining guild, these people are eight masters.

They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and they were all hot.

"Xu Feng, before you said your master, can you tell me where your master is, and see if I am old enough to hear about his name."

Huo’s face was curious, and he asked Xu Feng.

His heart is looking forward to, Xu Feng's master of the refiner, I am afraid it is the nine masters.

Only such a powerful emperor can cultivate such a genius of refining.

However, the entire southern continent, it seems that the nine emperors, he knows only a handful, those people seem impossible to accept Xu Feng as a disciple.

Could it be said that among the southern continents, there are other high-ranking incognito who have never appeared before, and have taught Xu Feng’s existence.

Xu Feng’s face showed a distressed look. He looked at Huo’s old blame and said: “Predecessors, I’m really sorry, it’s not that I don’t tell you, but I really don’t know my Master’s name.”

"You don't know, I followed my master to learn the skills of alchemy, and only after studying for more than a year, he left me."

"When he left, I asked him about his name and wanted to find him in the future. I know, he told me that if you have a fate with him in the future, you will naturally meet."

"And, he said that my qualifications are dull. If I tell others that I am his disciple, it will make him famous, so..."

Xu Feng said here, his face is still regrettable, constantly sighing and sighing, making the old guys around, one by one can't help but roll their eyes.

One by one in the heart shouted: "What is this special monster refiner, will you say this, this Xu Feng talent is still poor?"

(End of this chapter)

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