The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1697: Will bet on the end

Chapter 1697 will bet on the end

"Xu Feng...that is Xu Feng..."

A scream came out, and the people around him were glaring.

Looking at him one by one, said: "You have something wrong with you, so loudly screaming what to do, scare the labor."

The man looked at the people around him awkwardly: "I thought Xu Feng hung up. I know that he can still live. You don't feel shocked?"

The people around me nodded very much this time, and seemed to forget that this person scared them.


The iron rider has a big mouth and a shock on his face.

Next to Liu Wei, at this moment, I only feel that my heart is bleeding, but that is 50 million supreme liquid!

"Iron ride, I am grass! Your ancestors!"

Liu Wei turned his head, his eyes staring red and staring at the iron riding storm, and immediately roared.

Iron riding storm did not expect that Xu Feng was so powerful.

"I said, Liu Wei, don't you go too far, this bet is your own willingness."

Liu Wei directly yelled: "What is your idea? I will kill him directly. I won't have it. I still use it so much?"

Xu Feng appeared on the edge of the valley of people, he came to the old man and said: "Predecessors, thank you for making this witness!"

The old man shook his head and said: "No thanks, raise your hand."

Xu Feng is holding 50 million of the supreme liquid, and the heart is extremely shocking. I can't think of my short time and earn 100 million yuan of liquid. This is really a huge gain.

Xu Feng is very clear that these supreme liquids are all that he killed those half-step spirits, and now they have 100 million supreme liquids.

He came to the front of the watch and said: "Cousin, this is 10 million to the liquid, it is the performance of your previous, please do not postpone."

Xu Feng is very clear, if it is not the cooperation of the watch, then he proposed a 50 million gamble, I am afraid that Liu Wei will directly veto, from the side, the table bears the decisive role of betting.

"Haha, then I will be more respectful than death, thank you!"

The watch haha ​​laughed and took over 10 million to the liquid.

Not far away, Liu Wei almost did not vomit blood.

"Liu Wei, things are up to now, we can only bet back to the end, only to be able to pull back a city!" Iron rides to Liu Wei, directly said.

“Will you bet on the end?”

Liu Yu suddenly frowned and said: "You don't have any other ideas. When it's time, it's really bloodless, then it's not good."

"Do you have a way to bet? The watch is obviously standing on the side of Xu Feng. We are joining forces and want to kill Xu Feng. He will definitely help, and we can't kill Xu Feng. ”

Liu Wei heard the words and frowned slightly.

The strength of the watch is stronger than that of him and the iron rider.

Now, there is no doubt that Cheng Cheng will definitely help Xu Feng.

"Then you said, how do you bet with him?"

Liu Wei asked.

"Continue to bet with him, then bet he can't get through the seven-level wind and cloud platform. It's very difficult for us to have a seven-level wind and cloud platform. I don't believe that he can beat the past."

Iron riding storm said.

As he said, he does not think that Xu Feng can survive the seven-level wind and cloud platform.

"Our supreme liquid is not much. What is it to bet with him? Is he not stupid?" Liu Wei’s hand, now only 30 million of the supreme liquid.

The iron rider slightly frowned and said: "My supreme liquid is less than yours. I have only more than 10 million supreme liquid in my hand."

"Spell, I have a million years of fire crystal here, I took out and bet him 100 million to the liquid." Iron riding storm directly said to Liu Wei.

"You think he is an idiot. There are more than thirty or four million sacred liquids in the top of the fire." Liu Wei knows very well about Wannian Huojing, although it is very precious, but it is not invaluable.

Xu Feng stood there, and the conversation with the watch was extremely hot.

He smiled with a smile. He knew that Liu Wei and the iron rider would not be willing to give up, and the two would continue to gamble.

Sure enough, he did not expect, iron riding storm and Liu Wei have begun to discuss.

"Xu Xiong, it seems that these two people are prepared to take the big head to the end!"

The watch looked at the constant discussion between the iron rider and Liu Wei, and his face was smiling.

The people present at the scene were too clear about the strength of Xu Feng.

How can it be simple for someone who can kill Tie Chi?

"There is a piece of spirituality in my hand. We both bet with him. I still don't believe in evil. He can really survive the seven-level wind and cloud."

Liu Wei and the iron ride hit it off.

"Xu Feng, do you dare to bet with us?"

Liu Wei walked to Xu Feng's not far away, and looked at Xu Feng with contempt.

"Haha, you two poor ghosts, still want to bet with me?" Xu Feng is a slap in the heart, he did not know to kill the two, but from the two here, first search for a little treasure, it is a good thing "Your supreme liquid is almost lost. How can I bet with me, do you want empty gloves and white wolves?"

"Hey, you are superficial. The identity of the two of us can be understood. I have a eternal fire, and the heart of the earth, bet your 100 million supreme liquid, can you dare?"

Liu Wei directly took out the eternal fire, and the air became violent.

The Violet faint inside the body of Xu Feng makes a fierce change.

This eternal fire is a good thing.

As for the core of the marrow, it is the treasure of cultivation and cultivation. The two things are added together, and it is indeed worth almost 100 million to the liquid.

Xu Feng became a little hesitant. This scene fell in the eyes of the iron rider and Liu Wei. Both of them were smiling inside, which shows that Xu Feng has already produced fear.

"What? Don't you dare?"

Liu Wei is cold and cold.

"You first talk about how to bet, I think about it, I don't want to be yours?" Xu Feng looked at Liu Wei, and seemed to be somewhat fearful.

"It's very simple. Didn't we just bet on the winds and pans? Then continue to bet on the wind and the clouds, if I have passed through the wind and clouds, you will return 100 million."

"If you have passed the seven-level wind and cloud platform, this eternal fire and crystal heart will be yours." Liu Wei looked at Xu Feng and said directly.

"If that, we both have passed the seven-level wind and cloud platform?" Xu Feng continued to ask.

"That's not easy. Who can get through the eight-level Fengyuntai, who wins?" Liu Wei said very directly: "If anyone can't get through Fengyuntai, then who will come out first, who will lose."

Xu Feng’s face was hesitant, and he seemed to be hesitant to promise to bet.

The iron rider screamed next to him: "Xu Feng, if you want to be a man, bet you bravely, otherwise we will look down on you!"

"Yes, don't be a man!" said Liu Wei.

Xu Feng seems to be struggling, biting his teeth, and angry: "Gambling is gambling, who is afraid of who, this is what you force me, for the dignity of men, even if it is lost, I have to lose the righteousness."

Looking at the performance of Xu Feng, the people around him are forced.

They think Xu Feng is fooled.

(I really beg you all here, every day is five cents, VIP members only earn money every day, what can a society do for a few cents? But that is a lot of food for dinner, I hope everyone will come to QQ to read a lot of support. !)

(End of this chapter)

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