The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1782: Now, not reconciled?

Chapter 1782 is not reconciled now?

"Haha, very good!"

Xu Feng directly laughed. He looked at the opposite iron rider and said: "Since you want to fight alone with me, then I will fulfill you."

"If I don't fulfill you, it seems that Xu Feng is really afraid that you can't make it. If you want to take the oral death, I will fulfill you."

Xu Feng went to the center of the battle platform, and the field of killings constantly floated, twelve spirits and double angry seas. At the same time, the majestic spiritual power was surging.

The body of the Emperor of the Emperor began to emerge, and the golden light was surrounded by his body, forming a circle of light.

He stood there, it looked so majestic, his face was extremely determined.

"What is Xu Feng going to do? Is he crazy?" A half-step old man of the Emperor's peak, his eyes are incredible.

At this moment, everyone can see that Xu Feng really wants to choose, and iron riding alone.

Isn’t Xu Feng not aware that as long as the five of them join forces, is Tie Xiong’s already standing in a land that must be defeated?

Now, at this time, I also chose to go out and iron the head, they do not know whether to admire Xu Feng's courage, or feel that Xu Feng is too ignorant.

The so-called strong is the respect, the winner of the prince is defeated.

This is the unchanging truth. As long as Xu Feng joins hands to eradicate the iron rider, then regardless of the situation, Xu Feng has an advantage.

Now, Xu Feng’s impulsive choice is to fight with Tie Chixiong alone. If he is killed by the iron rider, there is no doubt that Tie Xiong will have an advantage.

"Hey, this Xu Feng is still too impulsive."

Someone in Xianjia looked at Xu Feng. They didn't understand Xu Feng's behavior.

It is clear that victory has been achieved, just in front of the victory.

It is really not a wise choice to make such a choice now.

"It is not Xu Feng impulsive, but he has his own pride. He does not want to be slain. This is his confidence and pride."

Xian Che stood there. He understood Xu Feng's character. He had awe in his voice. He really admired Xu Feng.

That is a courage to go forward.

"Haha, this Xu Feng is really not self-sufficient. Does he really think that defeating Xianheng can defeat the iron rider?"

Outside the ancient battlefield, some people said with sarcasm.

Liu Wei’s face was not reconciled. He looked at the proud look of the iron riding Yu Ping’s face not far away. His heart was full of anger.

Now, Xu Feng actually promised the iron horse's battle. If Xu Feng was really killed by the iron rider, then the last thing that would have the best benefit would be the iron rider.

"Haha... It’s God bless me iron rider."

Iron riding Yu Ping's face with a proud look.

His voice sounded, and the sword thirteen slowly said: "Iron rides Yuping, don't be too happy, I will be afraid that you will cry."

"Sword XIII, I am afraid that you are crying, the son of your good brother, will soon be cut off." Iron riding Yu Ping's face mocking.

Oriental Zircon could not help but sigh and said: "Oh, this Xu Feng is really very appetizing to me, this courage is unprecedented."

The sound of the eastern zirconium sounded, many people could not help but look at the eastern zirconium, is it that the eastern zircon feels that Xu Feng can also defeat the iron rider.

Oriental Lingyue smiled and said: "Five uncle, he is a proud person, I believe he will defeat the iron rider."

"I probably didn't believe it before, but now I believe he can win." Oriental Zircon slowly said.

Nangong just poured cold water and said: "It’s ridiculous, that iron rider has become famous for so many years, occupying the first place in the Kyushu Fengyun record. How can Xu Feng be his opponent in two sessions? It’s really not self-reliant."


Just outside the discussion.

The Tianlei field of Tieqiong’s body suddenly broke out. It was an endless thunder and lightning, and the violent momentum was extremely shocking.

Many people feel the violent thunder and lightning, and both eyes are shocked. Does Xu Feng really beat the iron rider?


The thunder and lightning are constantly criss-crossing. It is an endless thunder and lightning. The bombardment of the smashing, suddenly formed a space that is condensed by the thunder.

"Xu Feng, this is your own death."

The iron rode slammed out with a punch, and suddenly the thunder of his body condensed directly, which was the radiance of lightning.

The silver thunderbolt is very long, as if it is more than ten feet, dozens of feet in general, the most important thing is that the Thunderbolt fell to Xu Feng.

"Iron rider, if your attack can only be like this, then I think you still admit defeat." Said, Xu Feng's body of killing is diffuse.

I saw that the void in front of him suddenly torn out, that is the space of Xu Feng's space, accompanied by the momentum of the field of killing.

"The ground killing."

A punch, the eruption of the eruption, suddenly the fist and thunder, the bombardment together.

The sly voice constantly shakes the world.

The battle platform seems to be shaking.

And the body of the Emperor of Xu Feng, the powerful momentum also broke out completely.

"Iron, I forgot to tell you, you are really not my opponent."

After that, Xu Feng’s spiritual power is like the sea, and he starts to growl.

"The genius."

That is the third form of killing a fist, and it suddenly covers the world.

However, there is no doubt that Tie Xiong is really strong.

His Tianlei Xuandian was displayed as if it were a book of lightning and condensation, and a collision with a fist.

When the two men fought for half an hour, they did not even have any wins and losses. Many people were stunned.

From the beginning, they felt that Xu Feng was killed by the iron rider. At the end, they felt that Xu Feng insisted on no more than ten strokes. Until now, they did not think that Xu Feng would lose.

"Heaven and Earth!"

"End it!"

When Xu Feng screamed, he displayed the best of the inheritance, which is a boxing with the rules of heaven and earth.

The moment when the punches fell from the sky, it seemed as though the whole world was quiet, and countless squalls disappeared instantly, and the silver lightning seemed to stop.

"This is the best inherited spiritual skills... How can you have such a heritage?" Tie Xiong's eyes were shocked.

The best inherited the spiritual skills, in the entire southern continent, only those top-level forces have to have, how Xu Feng may have such spiritual skills.

Outside the ancient battlefield.

The face of the iron rider Yu Ping became extremely embarrassing, incomparably pale, where there was just the arrogance.

No one expected that Xu Feng had the best inherited spiritual skills.

At this time, many people's eyes fell on Nangonggang.

It seems that the Nangong family has the best inherited spiritual skills.

Nangong just felt the eyes of the people around him. He suddenly smiled and said: "You don't know that the best of our Nangong family is the inheritance of spiritual skills. It is the inheritance of the space field. The punches he just showed are completely There is no relationship between space and space."

(End of this chapter)

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