The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1802: who am I?

Chapter 1802 Who am I?

"What if the rain?"

Xu Feng's eyes were very confused, and he frowned slightly.

He looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him, but he didn't have any impression.

"Miss Rain, do we know?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, causing the rain to suddenly brow.

Because, the rain has found a problem.

That is, although Xu Feng wakes up, his eyes can be seen, and the most important thing is that he does not have any spiritual power.

"Are you OK?"

Rain if you look at Xu Feng, ask.

Xu Feng glanced at himself with a smile on his face and said, "I am very good. You look at my body and it is intact everywhere."

"Do you know who you are?"

Yu Ruo asked tentatively Xu Feng.

After all, she and Xu Feng were the first to meet. When she said that she was called Yu Ruo, Xu Feng should also introduce herself.

However, Xu Feng did not introduce himself, but looked at himself with a smile, the smile seemed a bit silly, but it was a little cute.

"who am I?"

Sure enough, it seems to have been guessed by the rain.

That is, although Xu Feng is alive, it seems that the soul is seriously damaged, and most importantly, the physical injury is also very serious.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with painful colors. His mouth was a little white, his voice became trembling, his hands were holding his head, and the painful said: ""

"Ah... my head hurts, it hurts..."

Xu Feng’s hands clasped his temples with his hands, and his eyes became blood red.

"Xu Feng...Xu Feng... Are you okay?"

When the rain blinked and Xu Feng’s emotions began to explode, she suddenly became a little nervous. Her hands were on Xu Feng’s head and she clicked twice.

Suddenly, the spiritual power rushed into Xu Feng’s mind, making Xu Feng quiet.


In the eyes of the rain, she was suddenly shy.

Just because Xu Feng’s head fell in her arms, and the painful face leaned on the fullness of her chest.


If the rain raises his hand, he wants to hit Xu Feng's slap.

However, she looked at Xu Feng's white cheeks, and the body that was constantly shaking, her hands still did not fall.

Her face was blushing, and she was so big that she was in close contact with a strange young man for the first time.

Moreover, this contact directly relies on her chest.

"Oh, it’s raining, what do you think about?" The rain swayed and shook his head, and she took a deep breath.

She hugged Xu Feng's body and went to the room of Xu Feng in the yard.

She looked around and simply went out to explore the situation and had not returned.

Otherwise, if you are seen by the night old, the scene is just that you are not dead.

Put Xu Feng slowly on the bed.

"Ling Bingrong... Ling Bingrong... Why?"

"Ling Bingrong, why?"

"Ling Bingrong, why?"


When the rain was ready to get up and leave, but Xu Feng’s hand grabbed his arm, he felt the palm of his hand tremble constantly, and it seemed that something terrible happened.

"Who is Ling Bingrong?"

When the rain was a little indulgent, she looked at Xu Feng’s incomparable cheek at the moment. She suddenly found that she had some envious of Ling Lingrong’s woman.

What kind of woman can make such a man who is not afraid of fear? "

If the rain is stunned, but I saw Xu Feng with my own eyes, dare to collide with the dark hall, and dare to put my life and death out of the way.

However, at this moment Xu Feng is actually afraid of a woman.

The name of Ling Lingrong is obviously a woman.

"Ling Yue Shijie... Sorry, I don't want to hurt you..."

"Ling Yue Shijie..."


Xu Feng was in a coma, and there was constant nonsense in his mouth.

If the rain frowned, she suddenly opened Xu Feng's arm and said: "Cut, it's a romantic billet, and I have so many women."

When the rain went to the outside of the room, her brows were screwed up.

"Xu Feng is obviously a soul that has been hit hard. I need to refine some of the medicines used to restore the soul." Rain Ruoyan has a touch of worry on his face.

Warrior, after the injury, the most difficult thing to repair is the soul.

"Fortunately, in my storage ring, there are a lot of medicines stored, otherwise it is really difficult to find medicines." Yu Ruoyi also thanked Xu Feng.

As an obsessed person in alchemy, she carries almost a lot of medicine.

Otherwise, Xu Feng’s soul may be very badly damaged.

"First refine some medicinal herbs that are good for the soul."

If the rain is clear, the soul cannot recover in a short period of time, and it must be slowly recovered, especially if the injury is serious.

In the beginning, it is absolutely impossible to use a drug that is very violent, otherwise it is very likely to have the opposite effect, that is, it is really counterproductive.

For alchemy, Yu Ruoyi was extremely happy. She began to take out her own alchemy furnace and began to refine the medicine.

She refines the six best medicinal herbs and settles the soul.

This kind of medicinal medicine is almost a lot of refining divisions. It is not very precious to use the medicinal herbs for the soul.

If the rain is refining, it is almost handy.

Not long after, in her alchemy furnace, there were five souls.

The pure medicine in the medicinal herbs exudes, and the rain nods and nods.

"Miss, it seems that we have to stay in this forest for a long time."

With the end of the alchemy of the rain, the night appeared in front of the rain.

There was some worry on his old face, saying: "The dark temples and the many strongmen of the Nangong family are waiting outside the forest."

"These people are definitely rumors of jealousy of this ancient comet. They dare not enter the forest on a large scale, but they are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"Don't rule out, they may arrange for the strong to enter the forest search. Therefore, we are afraid to hide a little. Especially Miss you, don't go out and look for medicine."

The night old reminded the rain.

Night old is very clear about the character of the rain, this is a complete Dan.

If she is to see the heart of the medicine, I am afraid she will want to get the medicine at all costs.

"Night, you can rest assured."

Rain Ruo nodded to the night and said.

"Miss, you know, if you are in danger, how can the old man go back and explain, so don't blame me."

Even if the night is full of rain, he even regrets rescuing Xu Feng.

If you do not intervene in this business, you will not fall into such a crisis.

"Oh, unfortunately, I will not arrange the formation, otherwise we will use this valley to leave a magical array, and the people of the Dark Temple cannot find it."

The rain sighed with some sighs.

(End of this chapter)

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