The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1974: Dark cycle

Chapter 1974 Dark Reincarnation

These people, who want to withdraw their hearts from the fallen heart disease, find themselves deeper and deeper.

They clearly felt that the body was burned wildly by the flameless flames.

However, one by one can't escape.

They are not reconciled in their eyes, but they can only let the flames burn.


Seamless cooperation with the flames of the Promise and the Fallen Heart.

Xu Feng looked at this scene, his eyes were full of hearty smiles.

If, afterwards, the violets will reach the end of their years, and it will become even more terrible.

"I now have three kinds of heaven and earth fires. Wouldn't it be better if I could find a very powerful fusion of heaven and earth?"

Xu Feng looked at this scene, his heart with expectations, he could not help but ask the seven killing spirits: "Seven killing the predecessors, you know, is there a perfect ability to use the magic of heaven and earth?"

Seven killing spirits heard the words, his eyes flashed and thought for a long time.

"The southern continent may not have such a brilliant spiritual skill, but if you go to the spiritual godland in the future, you will definitely find it."

"The spiritual skill of the spiritual gods is simply innumerable. It is simply strange. It is really a holy place for warriors."

Xu Feng heard that there was expectation in his eyes. He knew very well that he is still far away from the mainland of Lingshen.

"Seven killing seniors, you are not saying that."

Xu Feng’s eyes are helpless. He is very clear that he has not even reached the peak of the southern continent. He went to the Lingshen continent and estimated that it is the ants.

"Kid, you asked me."

The seven killing spirits rolled their eyes and said.

"You are careful, there are six peaks of the Emperor."

The Seven Killing Emperor reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng has already felt the arrival of the breath. His eyes have a cold killing intention. He said: "Look at how far I am from the peak of Liu Pinling."

Xu Feng instantly put away the flames in front of him, but the dark hall was burned and turned into sticky powder.

The hall collapsed completely, and Xu Feng appeared in the sky above the Hall of Darkness. His eyes were staring at the peak of Liupinling Emperor.

The dark temple of the Six Emperor's Emperor's Peak is divided into the main hall. His eyes flashed with a murderous intention. He said: "The Liu family is rumored to tell the old man that you are still alive, the old man is still not convinced, I did not expect you. Really alive?"

The old man’s eyes sparkled with killing. He had received a message from Liu, and he asked the deputy to deal with Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, some time ago, he discovered that the crystal of the life of the deputy master was completely shattered, that is to say, the other party was killed.

"Your dark hall wants to kill me three times and five times, and finally let me live." Xu Feng's eyes flashed with a chilly, cold, biting force, and he slowly opened his mouth, saying: "You can rest assured, as long as I Xu Feng is alive, and the nightmare of your dark temple has just begun."

"Ha ha..."

The old man opposite, suddenly laughed, his eyes fell on Xu Feng's body, with a taunting mockery.

He said: "Do you know how many people have tried to destroy the dark temple for many years. However, after so many years, the dark temple is still safe and strong, and those who want to destroy the darkness The people of the temple, they all become the nourishment of the dark temple."

Speaking of this, the old man's lips are open, he said: "And you, today is also destined to become the nourishment of the old man."

"If you are such a powerful soul force, if you become a full-time old man, perhaps the old man can break through to the seven spirits."

When the old man finished, the dark field of the fourth heaven was filled, and the darkness of the light wrapped the entire dark temple of the wreck.

The darkness of the sky, as if it were boundless oppression, powerful power, broke out from the old man.

Xu Feng’s eyes are dignified, and he is very clear that he is still sloppy in the face of Liu Pinling’s peak.

"Kid, I will tell you today, I want to destroy the Dark Hall, are you dreaming?"


The voice just fell, the old man's eyes, the dark light flashed out, his hands suddenly like a black sword, falling toward Xu Feng.

Thousands of feet of dark light, wrapped up Xu Feng in an instant, as if the endless waves of air, attacked Xu Feng.

Endless winds, sweeping open, the ruins on the ground, all directly rolled up, forming endless dark smoke.

"It’s good."

Xu Feng roared, and the second killing field of the peak of the sky, accompanied by the gravity field of the first heaven, emerged at the same time.

A punch, just like the dark sword, smashed out.

The body of the Spirit Emperor in his body was cast into the realm of Dacheng.

"Kid, your talent is really strong, but you are destined to die."

The old man once again smashed out with a sword, forming a circle of storms.

Xu Feng’s fist was displayed and he did not have any back.

"The horrible six-character emperor peak."

Xu Feng’s eyes were shocked, and his spiritual power filled him. He stood in the air and stared at the opposite old man.

"The three changes in the burning of the spirit."

Xu Feng’s current body of the Emperor is cultivated into the realm of Dacheng. His body is enough to withstand the first change of the three changes of burning, and there will not be much damage.

As Xu Feng exhibited three changes in the spirit of burning, the soul power of his body seemed to burn instantly, and his breath suddenly rose to the Emperor of the Three Spirits.

"It is possible to improve the cultivation in an instant. It seems that you are still carrying such a good spiritual skill. It is a waste to you." The old man thinks that if he can get it, he will be able to upgrade to the Seven Spirits in an instant, which is even more invincible. presence.

Inside his eyes, with greedy light.

The dark field of the body is even more terrifying.

"Boy, I will let you see and see, the true darkness of the Dark Temple inherits the power of spiritual skills."

Inside the eyes of the old man, there is a chilly chill.

His body, the dark field of the fourth heaven, is boundless, covering the whole earth, and swallowing everything in between heaven and earth.

"Dark cycle."

Along with the mouth of the old man, a breath of darkness spurted out, and he appeared in front of him, a huge swirl of reincarnation.

Everything in it seems to be caught in the reincarnation, completely swallowed by the whirlpool, and the boundless vortex becomes terrible.

Xu Feng’s face changed slightly. He felt the horrible momentum. His eyes narrowed slightly: “I also want to see and see. Is it that your darkness is so powerful, or is my space division more powerful?”

On his body, the momentum of the Sanpinling Emperor floated, the spiritual power surged, and the void around his body was shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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