The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2779: There are a lot of monsters

Chapter 2779 is a bit more monster

A middle-aged man next to Mr. Ji, with a sneer, said: "The kid, with the elders of Ji, is your blessing."

Xunyang stood on one side and his face was slightly awkward.

He knows Xu Feng's alchemy ability.

not to mention.

Xunyang knows better that even the owner of Daming Villa is respectful to Xu Feng.

It can be said that as long as Xu Feng said a word.

The elders of Ji in front of him will die in the Daming Mountain Village.

However, the other side has chosen to provoke Xu Feng.

Xunyang is preparing to say something.

However, Xu Feng used his eyes to stop it. His face showed a smile, saying: "Thank you for the good intentions of Elder Ji. Since the elders of Ji are so worthy of me, I certainly will not let Mr. Ji disappointed."

Xu Feng said this to the elders of Ji.

Kyrgyz elders heard the words and their faces became much better.

He walked over to Xu Feng and patted Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Right, you can think like this before you can live longer."

The elders of Kyrgyzstan are all proud of their faces.

Xu Feng's other kitten on the shoulder, wants to roar Ji Long.

But it was stopped by Xu Feng.

"If I don't look at the boss's face, I don't bother to let you follow me."

Elder Kyrgyzstan is slowly following Xu Feng.

Xun Yangshuo smiled at Xu Feng.

"Ten boss, since you are not looking for black wood purple vine, you can leave first."

Elder Ji reminded him of the sound of Xunyang.

Xunyang looked at Xu Feng and saw Xu Feng nod. He turned and walked outside the yard.

Elder Kyrgyz looked at everyone and said: "You all see clearly. He is called Xu Feng, who is mine."

"If you have an offense to everyone, I hope you will forgive me."

Ji Chang seems to be maintaining Xu Feng.

However, this tone made Xu Feng feel very uncomfortable.

If you don't want to look for the black wood purple vine, he can do a good job with this elder.

"It looks like two people are still waiting. When they arrive, we can set off."

Elder Kyrgyz glanced at everyone.

The scene is probably Xu Feng, there are six people.

The strength of the remaining four people is fivefold and sixfold.


Just at this time.

Outside the yard, a figure came in.

Xu Feng looked at the figure coming in, his face changed slightly.

He really didn't think that he didn't meet his family.

The person who came is actually Chen Yagang, the captain of the law enforcement team.

When Chen Yagang saw Xu Feng, his face became stunned.

"Kid, you dare to come here, I want you to die."

Chen Yagang’s face-to-face killing, the spiritual power of his body, madly surging.

The five-fold atmosphere of the virtual world is pervasive.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was calm.

He knows that Chen Yagang’s shot on him must be stopped by Elder Ji.

Ji Chang is the boss of this group of people.

If, now, let Chen Yagang do his own thing, isn’t it the old face of the elders?

"Cough and cough... Chen Yagang, don't hurry up and stop, do you still put the old man in your eyes?"

Kyrgyzstan looked at Chen Yagang really want to do it, and his eyes were angry.

He organized everyone to look for black wood purple vines, and if they hadn't started looking for it, they would have guilty words.

Isn't this a hit on his face?

What's more, he only said it, Xu Feng is his person.

If so, let Chen Yagang deal with Xu Feng at will.

Isn't it his words, is there any prestige?

"Ji Chang, this kid is awesome!"

Chen Yagang's face was angry.

He did not expect that Elder Kyrgyz actually intervened in his and Xu Feng.

Kyrgyzstan nodded and said: "Chen Yagang, I don't want to do what he hates. We are going to look for black wood purple vines now."

"If you don't want to go, you can quit now. When looking for black wood purple vines, I don't want you to fight with him."

"As for how to solve the grudges after you have found the black wood purple vine, it has nothing to do with me."

The words of Elder Kyrgyzstan sounded.

Xu Feng can hear that the meaning is to find the black wood purple vine.

Chen Yagang can kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly mocking, saying: “A good old fox, do you really think that I am a soft persimmon?”

Xu Feng’s current holy soul line is elevated to twenty-seven stripes.

During this time, he got enough soul crystal cultivation.

Almost all of Xunyang gave him the soul crystal, he used to enhance the holy soul.

With his holy soul lines, he was promoted to twenty-seven.

In addition, Xu Peng taught him the fourth-order supernatural skills.

Five lines of heart surgery!

He is now practicing the first layer, and Kim is killing him.

With the cultivation of this soul skill, he believes that as long as he uses the power of the Holy Spirit, he will certainly be able to defeat the elders of the seven-year-old Ji.

Not to mention, it is just Chen Yagang, who is a vain five-pointer.

"Well, since the elders of Kyrgyz have said this, of course I will give you this face."

The spiritual power of Chen Yagang converges.

He is killing in the depths of his eyes. He looks at Xunyang. "You kid, I want to see, your mountain is killed by the old master. Who else can you save your life?" ”

Xu Feng heard that he looked at Chen Yagang and said: "Your brother-in-law, isn't it also killing? I also want to see, what is your backstage?"

"you wanna die!"

Chen Yagang did not expect that by this time, Xu Feng dared to be so hard.

He felt that the reason why Xu Feng faced him last time was dare to be arrogant.

Mainly due to Xia Wei's sake.

In fact, he did not know.

The relationship between Xu Feng and Xia Wei is not good.

The reason why he is fearless is because of his own strength.

“Everyone doesn’t have to go on and say that we are ready to go and look for black wood purple vines.”

Elder Kyrgyz nodded to the seven people, and his voice was expecting.

Blackwood purple vine is a third-order spiritual material.

Moreover, the black wood purple vine can enhance the cultivation of the virtual world.

He really wants to get black wood purple vines.

"Okay, Kyrgyzstan."

Seven people followed the elders of Ji and walked outside the yard.

Several of them teamed up and walked out of Mingjun City.

For such a group of people, there is no big difficulty.


The gust of wind blew.

They are walking in a stretch of mountains.

Xu Feng's face is a little dignified.

"Ji Chang, we are going to this place, this mountain range is endless, still do not know where is the end?"

A man next to him, he asked the elders.

Elder Kyrgyz took out a map and said, "Yes, according to the description on the map, we are not far from the location of the black wood purple vine."

Hearing the words of Elder Ji, the hearts of several people are loose.

It is really, as the forest continues to deepen.

The gust of wind blows, making people's hearts inexplicable panic.


They walked and walked, and the sound of shaking the mountains and the waves was constantly coming from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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