The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2795: Mysterious woman's strength

Chapter 2795 The Power of Mysterious Women

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.


As the whole altar swayed, the dark magical spirits infiltrated into the surroundings, forming a violent atmosphere.

The magic is constantly criss-crossing.

The dark altar is roaring.


The middle-aged man made a scream of screaming, blood flowing from his veins.

The sharp sounds are constantly emerging, the sound makes people feel creepy, and the pores are chilling.

A miserable snoring sounded.

The blood of a middle-aged man is instantly dry.

The altar is shaking.

Then, a dark shadow was condensed on top of the altar.

The formation is a strong breath.

The momentum of terror is constantly being distributed.

"A good and rich blood, after I want to devour it, the effect on me will really be very good."

The cold voice came out, and the shadows above the altar were swaying, forming sharp fluctuations.

Xu Feng stared at the illusory, cold and cold road: "Hey, the area of ​​the Mozu, lingering, and dare to be so arrogant, who gives you confidence?"

On Xu Feng's body, the golden light is constantly flowing.

The spiritual power of his body is floating.

The body of the refining body in Kowloon, the body that was cultivated, formed a golden glow, a terrible horror.

"A good boy, don't you think that killing a dog is dare to be so arrogant to me?"

The dark shadows of the darkness are all exuding the horrible momentum.

The magic of his body, criss-crossing around.


A loud noise!

The entire altar is constantly shaking, forming a fierce momentum, fierce.

The gust of wind whizzed past, the dark claws, which condensed in an instant, came toward the attack of Xu Fengqi.

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

The last move of Canglong Wang Quan was displayed.

Golden fists, jumping out.

The fists gathered on the arms and became extremely terrifying.

That punch, I went out in an instant.


Unfortunately, Xu Feng’s arm was suddenly torn open.

The same dark claws.

At that moment, the darkness of the shadow, the power of display, and the power of the former middle-aged man, the difference is simply different.


The dark shadows, constantly flickering and swaying, are all formed by bursts of wind and waves.

Xu Feng stepped out step by step, he did not have any fear, his fist suddenly slammed out, and a strong hurricane was surging.

"Hey, do you work in front of me, what are you?"

The dark shadow came out with a sneer.

It was a paw and it was torn apart.

The claws are terrible.


Before Xu Feng’s chest, the blood suddenly rushed out, and the whole person continued to quit.

His body fell to the ground, his face became extraordinarily ugly, and his spiritual power flowed.

He turned and wanted to escape.

This dark shadow, the strength is too horrible.

He is definitely not the opponent of the other side.

If he can withstand the attack of the other side, the former Cang Long Wang Quan will not be so badly defeated.

"You don't need to run, it's a demon in the district, it's easy to kill!"

The words of the mysterious woman rang in Xu Feng’s mind.

She did not find it herself.

Unconsciously, she was too lazy to talk to Xu Feng from the beginning, and gradually became familiar with Xu Feng.

Up to now, she has no dislike for Xu Feng, and some have a sense of identity.

He even communicated with Xu Feng constantly.

Find ways to help Xu Feng.

At this moment, in the face of the shadow.

Xu Feng does not have any choices, the mysterious woman will stand up directly and choose to help Xu Feng.

"Can you really deal with it?"

Xu Feng does not know what the identity of the mysterious woman is, but he knows that the strength of the other party is not simple.

If the mysterious woman is really shot, the remnant will be defeated, and it will be miserable.

"Do not say that the devil in the district, even if the demon appears, I want to kill, it is also a matter of raising hands."

The voice of the mysterious woman reveals the momentum of overbearing.

In her tone, it seems to be the discouragement of who I am.

Xu Feng paused in the body, and he looked at the dark shadow on the altar.

I saw it.

A light woman suddenly appeared outside Xu Feng's body.

However, Xu Feng has not had time to see the other side's face.

Her arm fluttered gently, as if it were a sharp sword, piercing the sky in an instant.

The remnant made a miserable snoring, and the shadow was instantly split in four minutes, and the sword shadow was unconscious.

Xu Feng opened his mouth and looked at the scene in front of him.

He doesn't even know how the mysterious woman hands it up?

He, even the look of a mysterious woman, did not see it.


Xu Feng swallowed the swallow, and the inside was full of sorrow.

“So strong?”

Xu Feng can't imagine what the mysterious woman is and how to do it.

"You don't expect me to help you kill in the future. If you are really not as good as people, you should be killed."

The mysterious woman's cold voice sounded, directly to Xu Feng head-on, is a basin of cold water.

"I don't have any good feelings about the Mozu, so, but if they are the Mozu, they want to kill you, I will shoot."

"Yes, if you are dead in the hands of the Terran martial arts, it is yours to live." The mysterious woman is cold.

Xu Feng’s smile smiled.

He did produce such an idea just now.

I feel that I have such a powerful thug.

Xu Feng looked at the altar on the opposite side. He recovered from the shock of the moment.

He believes that one day, he can become so strong.

Even he has to go beyond the mysterious woman.

"What about the altar?"

Xu Feng looked at the dark side of the altar, surrounded by blood, he did not know how to deal with it.

"Your heaven and earth are so angry that you can burn the altar of the Mozu."

The mysterious woman reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded.

In the palm of his hand, all the controls are the fires of heaven and earth, and they are burning directly toward the altar of the Mozu.


"Magic is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual power. You can use the cultivation and refinement, and it will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

The mysterious woman raised to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng immediately began to sit cross-legged, refining and devouring, the magic around.

For the magical power that comes from the cultivation, Ding Ding began to purify.

Transformed into pure spiritual power and integrated into Xu Feng's body.

Originally, he broke through to the spiritual level of the nine, not long after.

I did not expect it, just a short time.

After refining his magic, he cultivated himself to the mid-term realm of the nine-heavy state.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and smiled all over his face.

He looked at the burnt altar of the Mozu.

Not far from the little boy, this is scared to be white.

Xu Feng looked at the little boy and spit out a word coldly.


(End of this chapter)

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