The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3238: Broken knife

Chapter 3238 broken life knife

"This thing, when he thinks about it, how about it?"

The tree has a blade to look at Higashino.

Although Dong Ye Lili’s heart is unwilling, she also knows.

The tree thousand blades really blocked her from killing Xu Feng, and she could not do it.

Anyway, after her blood knife door, there is a chance to kill Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, is the girl around you?"

The tree is looking at Higashino, and his eyes are deep and glittering with a touch of surprise.

It is the appearance of this girl, so that he is familiar with it, as if he saw an old acquaintance.

Higashino went on his own and said: "I am the owner of the newspaper, I am the daughter of Higashino, Sanno."

"I know that the three major powers are about to begin, and my sister Lili and I will come to the heart of the Holy Land."

Dong Ye's voice is gentle and his behavior is polite.

Higashino’s face is full of embarrassment, and she is staring at Higashino.

"Don't you call it so kindly, are you a small monk who is born and born, and are you qualified to be sisters with me?"

In the voice of Higashino, there is shame in it.

Xu Feng’s brow wrinkled slightly, and this Dongye Lili was really too embarrassing, it was a bit vicious.

Dong Yeh seems to have been used to the viciousness of Tono Lori, and she does not care, faint smile.

Tree Thousand Blades said: "It turned out to be Miss Yan. If so, I will arrange for you to live in the yard."

I haven't waited for the words of the tree to be finished.

Higashino looks at Xu Feng: "Xu Gongzi, can I live in your yard?"

"My yard?"

Xu Feng did not expect that Dong Yezhen turned out to be the daughter of Higashino, and his look was a bit strange.

Higashino nodded: "Xu Gongzi, I first came to the blood knife door, life is not familiar, this will hide your true identity, I hope you don't see it."

"Just I know you, before you have a life-saving grace for me, can I live in your yard?"

Having said that, she looked forward to Xu Feng with an expectation: "I can wash your clothes for you, you can arrange the yard for you..."

Dong Yezhen thinks that Xu Feng is very good, and she is very reassured by Xu Feng.

She just came to the blood knife door, she knows Dongye Lili and her mother, will not let go.

Xu Feng is very good, followed by Xu Feng is also a good choice.

"Miss Yan, you still let the doorkeeper arrange a separate yard for you. I am going to go to the knife and think about it."

After Xu Feng finished, the words were absolutely.

Dong Ye's eyes sparkled with disappointment.

"Miss 萱萱, you can rest assured that our blood knife door is very safe, I will try to ensure your life is safe."

The tree has a knowledge of Xu Feng's character. Since he does not want to live with Dong Ye, he is not strong.

"okay then!"

Although Dong Yezhen is somewhat reluctant, he can only promise the words of the tree.

Ji’s life is ecstasy, and he said: “Xu Feng’s stupid thing, if he is with Dongye Lili, I still don’t know how to deal with him?”

"Now, he doesn't even give Dongye Lili any face. If I can capture the heart of Tono, I will definitely climb up in the future."

Ji was desperately staring at Dongye, and his heart was shocked.

He knows that a woman like Dong Yezhen is the woman that countless men dream of.

However, Hiroshi Higashino can help him go further. He is determined to capture the heart of Higashino Lili anyway.

"Xu Feng, are you ready to go to the knife to accept the punishment?"

Tree Thousand Blades said to Xu Feng.

"The door owner, always ready."

Xu Feng feels that it is also a good choice to go to the knife for a few days.

Then everyone dispersed.

The tree has a look at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, the knife is the place where the blood knife door buryes the knife."

"There has been a lot of swordsmanship in the blood knife door, and their knife power is also very powerful."

"After these strong people sat down, their knives were buried in the knives."

"Before you practiced the knife is very good, your knife was broken before, and now it is a good choice."

Having said that, he smiled and said: "You can also avoid Dongye Lili and wait for the three major powers to start talking about it."

"Thank you for the door."

Xu Feng knows that the tree has a thousand-blade move and braved the possibility of completely offending Dongye.

No matter how savage, Dongye Lili is the daughter of Dongye Wangsan, in the scope of the lock collar?

Xu Feng did not give face to Dongye Lili, but also wanted to kill Dongye Lili. Dongye looked at his face and would inevitably find him trouble.


Tree Thousand Blades said to Xu Feng: "The world of the sword is also very strong. You can not only find the right knife in it, but also cultivate it to the beginning of the three major powers."


"Miss Lily, can you speak in one step?"

Ji Wuzheng followed Dongye Lili out of the hall of the deliberation, and his face was full of charming smiles.

Dong Ye Lili looked at Ji’s life and said, “Who are you? Why should I take a step with you?”

Dong Ye Li Li was used to it, she looked at Ji’s lifeless appearance and immediately asked.

"I am called Ji Wuming, the master of the blood knife door. There is something to be said to Miss Lili."

Ji has no respect for Dongye Lili. When he speaks, his waist is bent to ninety degrees.

Dong Ye Lili was repeatedly offended by Xu Feng and the tree, and her heart was depressed.

Now looking at Ji’s lifeless attitude, I immediately smiled and said, “Let’s go, I’ll see, what do you have?”

Ji has no smile and said: "I have already prepared delicious food, waiting for Miss Lili to come!"

Ji’s lifeless voice is respectful.

"Your attitude is very good, this lady likes it very much."

Higashino Hiroshi reached out and took a picture of Ji’s lifeless shoulder.



Xu Feng entered the knife, as if it was a circle of knife.

He looked at a few tens of meters in a circle, and there were knives on the ground.

Those knives flashed with knives, fully indicating that they are unusual.

The lowest level of these knives are the third-order lower spirits.

"Moon-moon knife, the third-order Shangpin Lingbing!"

As Xu Feng approached a little, he saw a knife, like the shape of the moon.

He can feel the shaking of the moon knives, but unfortunately Xu Feng couldn't help but shake his head. The third-order Shangpinling did not have much effect on him.

He continued to walk inside the knife and felt the knifey feeling.

"Shocking the knife, the fourth-order under the spirit of the soldiers."

"Before the Lord's life, the knife was overwhelmed to kill eight opponents."

Xu Feng looked at the nameplate in front of the knife.

The spirit of the fourth-order downs is obviously more than the description of the third-order spirit.


The swaying of the screaming knife is obviously the feeling of Xu Feng, and I want to be the knife of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes were disappointing, and the breath of the knives was obviously not very suitable for him.

He continued to walk deep into the knife, and immediately felt that a burst of chills broke out.

Xu Feng's gaze, staring at a knife not far away.

Knife mans spread out, the knife is cold.

(End of this chapter)

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