Chapter 3474

Xu Feng stared at the Purple Dragon Blood Mountain above the map, no accidents.

This so-called Purple Dragon Blood Mountain is bound to be in the mysterious secrets.

Xu Feng recorded the map in his mind.

He knows this palace.

As the sacred order is merged by itself.

I am afraid that it is about to disappear.

Xu Feng sinks his heart and feels the inside of the heavens and the earth. His previous task of killing Li Pinghe has been completed.

He received thirty good and evil values.

"This heaven and earth is really mysterious!"

Xu Feng felt the side of the sacred order, and his heart was shocked.

Such a mysterious means.

I don't know how powerful the founder of the Holy Gate is.

Only then can we create such a magical existence.

The mysterious woman yelled at Xu Feng: "You really think that the holy gate is created by one person!"

"The most powerful holy gate is naturally created by one person, but the people of the Holy Gate are all over the world."

"The information above the Holy Order is collected by the people of the Holy Gate and then sent to the Holy Order."

"Only, the entire Holy Gate, except for a very small number of sacred orders, is not eligible for a sacred order."

The mysterious woman thinks that Xu Feng is too awesome for the holy gate.

She can't convince Xu Feng later.

The holy gate is indeed very powerful.

But it is not necessarily, it is really invincible.

Xu Feng heard the tone of the mysterious woman and asked: "Isn't it, do you know the existence of the Holy Gate?"

The mysterious woman heard the words and rolled her eyes. "The holy door is not very magical, don't be too shocked."

"In the mainland of the Spirit, there are not a few forces that are stronger than the Holy Gate."

The mysterious woman said this and suddenly stopped.

"You know too much, it's not a good thing."

"If you can stand on the North Coast within three to five years, maybe I will tell you more."

"Otherwise, telling you now is equivalent to giving you a burden, without any benefit."

The mysterious woman is very clear.

A remote place like the North Coast.

Even Xu Feng can be the strongest on the North Coast.

In the Lingshen continent, it is just a small flaw.

If Xu Feng knew that the North Coast was only the entire spiritual **** continent, it was abandoned by countless powerful people, a barren land.

I am afraid that it will be more depressed!

Xu Feng knows the character of the mysterious woman.

The other party can say so much.

It is already a very rare thing.

However, Xu Feng secretly hesitated.

He heard it from the words of the mysterious woman.

The other side seems to have some opinions on the holy gate.


"Four elders, the owner asked me to inform you that in the mysterious secrets, you have to kill a person."

Among the mysterious secrets, outside the huge palace, a bald head, long is fierce.

There is a string of beads in the hand, and the mouth is constantly chanting: "Amitabha, kind and kind!"

The man in front of him looked at the bald man in front of him, and he was afraid in the depths of his eyes.

This bald man is one of the four elders of the Mingle Mountain Villa, named Zhenming Xuan Ling.

There are four elders in the Bliss Mountain Villa, all of which are the top and strong of the Ming Xuan collar. The swords of the great elders are swords.

It is said that the person who saw his sword has become the soul of his sword, so he is called the Tibetan sword.

The two elders Tibetan Buddhism, it is said that before killing, they must say a lot of truth to overtake each other.

As soon as he finished a bunch of truths, the other party knew that he was about to die because the Tibetan Buddha was going to shoot.

The three elders grieve, this person is a woman, life is extremely miserable, the newborn mother died of dystocia, and his father immediately committed suicide.

However, she was taken away by a group of horse thieves, but she became a plaything of these horse thieves.

Later, under the woman's enlightenment, it was horrible to kill the horse thieves, one by one, and to grieve.

The bald head in front of me is the four elders, but it is the third-order soul master.

He was abandoned by his biological parents. After he became an adult, killing his father and his mother, as well as his biological parents, can be described as against the sky.

The air was heard, the voice was calm, and staring at the palace not far away, said: "I know, to kill Xu Feng!"

The faces of men are all surprised, saying: "Four elders, how do you know?"

The faint confession said: "It's very simple. Many people want to kill him! He naturally wants to kill a lot of people."

"And, some people are not his opponents. If you don't try to find death, you must look for help."

"In addition, I also want to meet this young man, kill him and get Ziyue Xianlin."

Between the empty words, they are all confident.

In his opinion, killing Xu Feng, hand to come.

"Since the four elders already know, I will not delay the elders of the four elders."

The man turned and left.


Hide the air.

The man stopped and didn't know why.

Everyone is a person at the Bliss Villa.

Men look at the emptiness, but they are all afraid.

"You haven't told me yet, who is going to kill him?"

Asked about the empty space.

The man smiled and said: "Four elders, the one who wants to kill him is the grandson who leads the grandson!"

Above the face of the emptiness, it is slightly distorted: "This kid is really a troublemaker."

"The first is the lock collar, the North King's ride is fast, and then the old power is the leader of the Sun."

Speaking to himself, the hidden eyes are slightly raised: "It seems that the mysterious secrets will become more and more lively."

"After all, there is at least three months away from the mysterious secrets!"

"go away!"

The swaying of the hand, the man turned and left, like an escape.

"The atmosphere of this palace has become unstable, and I am afraid that it will soon disappear!"

The emptiness is waiting outside the palace. As long as the palace disappears, Xu Feng and others inside will inevitably come out.



Xu Feng did not continue to walk inside the palace.

As he kills and kills, and there are no winds, there are Li Pinghe and others.

He was squatting everywhere in the palace, and there was no good for it. It was better to sit cross-legged and practice in situ.

During this time, he continued to fight, it is also time to organize the battle experience.

His own self-cultivation of the Holy Spirit, the birth and death of the world, and the need to continue to integrate, can become stronger.

When Xu Feng opened his eyes and the palace was constantly shaking, the spiritual power continued to gather around.

Xu Feng's eyes sparkled, and his cultivation was upgraded to the mid-term peak of his life.

As the training becomes stronger and stronger, Xu Feng wants to improve the cultivation, it is not so easy.

With regrets inside, Xu Feng felt the frosty fire in the frosty mountain river map.

The violent breath filled the air, Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, but unfortunately he can't integrate the frosty fire now.

Otherwise, once the ice cream is merged, his cultivation will certainly go further.

Of course, the frosty demon fire is a medium-class fire, and you can't rush for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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