The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3499: Daci Shengquan

Chapter 3499 Daci Shengquan

Listen to the other's narrative.

Xu Feng can only shake his head with helplessness.

When I thought of my past life, was it used by Ling Bingrong?

In the end, it is useless.

Ling Bingrong wants to kill himself.


For those who are closest to you, they will be unprepared.

It turns out that this old man is the old owner of the Bliss Villa.

His pro-disciple is the owner of today's Bliss Villa, the so-called bliss ghost Buddha.

It was this person who designed to frame him, which led him to die in the mysterious secrets, no one cares.

Moreover, before Xu Feng displayed the Great Sadness in the winter cold peak, he was clearly perceived by the old Zhuang.

Therefore, it can be said that Lao Zhuang rescued Xu Feng’s life.

"I can't think of Ming Xuan collar, you can have such a arrogant son of heaven, with your talent, in time, even if it is the entire northern kingdom, you can't bind you. I really look forward to your growth."

The old owner of the bliss mountain village, he looked at Xu Feng, could not help but sigh.

The double life wheel awakens a completely different talent.

How terrible this is.

“Premier praises!”

Xu Feng is not proud and proud. He knows better than anyone that he has a long way to go.

Ming Xuan Ling is only an eighth-order force. He can't even deal with a seventh-order power.

On the way to growth, there may be countless thorns and bumps.

What Xu Feng has to do is to constantly step on.

"Little guy, I can feel the great sorrow of your cultivation, and have already cultivated to the middle level, and the boxing talent is really good."

"Since you can meet me, it is also you and I have a fate, can you help me recover from your injuries?"

The old owner of the Bliss Mountain Villa saw only the inside of his palm, gradually condensing a golden thing, like a stone.

Only Xu Feng's eyes flashed, he is very clear, this is the legendary treasure, relic.

Those who can condense the relics are all compassionate and compassionate, and will gather the relics in the body.

Of course, the more people who are rehabilitated, the more resolute the relics will be.

"Predecessors, is this your life's painstaking efforts?" Xu Feng looked at the relics handed over by the old man, and the twins were flashing with horror.

The old owner of the Bliss Villa said faintly: "It is my chance to help you recover from your injury."

"I hope that after you leave the mysterious secrets, you will help kill the singer and ghost animals in the future."

For so many years, he is resentful in his heart.

He raised the blissful ghost Buddha.

Treat yourself as your own son.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the bliss ghost Buddha turned out to be like this to him.

"Predecessors can rest assured that if I can kill this person, it will not be soft." Xu Feng said coldly.

His consciousness is in the altar of heaven and earth, and he has found the task of killing the blissful ghost Buddha.

This blissful ghost Buddha is extremely wicked, killing each other and being able to get three hundred points of good and evil.

Xu Feng now has two hundred and seventy good and evil values. He can already exchange some good spiritual materials and treasures on the altar of heaven and earth.

"Well! Then I will thank you first!"

After the old Zhuangzhu finished, the relics handed over to Xu Feng.

"With your talent, after refining this relic, the injury can be completely restored."

Although the old Zhuangzhu died, he still knew what happened outside the winter cold peak.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng took over the relic, he is very clear.

His injury is very serious this time.

If it is not a treasure like a relic, he wants to recover in a short time, which is almost impossible.

"My thoughts have not been supported for a long time, then I will pass on Daci Shengquan to you!"

The old Zhuang master's words in the bliss mountain village sounded, even if Xu Feng was shocked, he did not expect the other party, there is a big compassion.

Daci Shengquan and Dabei Shengquan are the fifth-order best holy spirits, but once the two holy spirits are combined.

The power will be upgraded to the sixth-order Holy Spirit, which is infinitely mysterious.

Seeing Xu Feng was a little surprised.

Lao Zhuang smiled and said: "Don't be surprised. I was also a coincidence that I got a big compassion."

"Unfortunately, I was looking for a great compassion for the rest of my life. I didn't expect your luck to be so good."

With some days of pride, as the world continues to grow, the heaven and earth air transport will become more reinforced.

Luck is naturally against the sky.

“Thank you for your success!”

Xu Feng clenched his fists in his hands and was deeply embarrassed to the old Zhuang.

He is very clear.

The opposite old man did not tell him, he did not know that the other side had a big compassion.

With his current cultivation, if he can cultivate a sixth-order holy spirit, it is also a good killer.

I saw the palm of the old Zhuang master lifted up, a golden seal, coming toward Xu Feng’s mind.

"Daci Shengquan!"

Xu Feng perceives the cultivation method of Daci Shengquan, and has the same effect as Dabeishengquan.

The heart is even more excited. If his injury has not recovered, he can't wait to hurry and practice.

Then combine the two fists, he would like to see, in the end, the power of the sixth-order Holy Spirit, how big.

You must know that the entire Ming Xuan collar has no power and possesses the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

The strong man like Tono Miyoshi is definitely eager for the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

"Little guy, don't forget my hatred, practice!"

The old Zhuang owners of the Bleed Mountain Villa are kindly smiling.

Seeing your own relics, and the great mercy of the holy punch.

All of them got their wish to find belonging.

The old masters are also satisfied.


The body of the old Zhuang owner gradually turned into a crush.

Dissipated between heaven and earth.

Xu Feng is deeply envious of the place where the old Zhuang owner disappears.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng is a person who knows how to report.

No hesitation.

Xu Feng sat cross-legged and gave the old relics to his relics.

As Chenghua Ding began to refine the relics, the pure spiritual power, moving toward Xu Feng's singularity, constantly flowing away.

It is worthy of the Buddha's treasure to the relic, the injury of Xu Feng, the recovery is extremely fast.

On top of his head, the double-life wheel is also spinning, especially the awakening of the growth talent.

Xu Feng's body recovery speed, even if it is a mysterious woman, feels a little shocked.

"It's a metamorphosis!"

that's it.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and his breath began to climb.

"The life of the four peaks!"

Feeling that the cultivation is the peak of the four rounds of life, Xu Feng is filled with emotion.

It is worthy of being a Buddha's relic, if you can get the relics of the top Buddhas.

I don’t know how amazing it will be after refining.

The mysterious woman said coldly: "If you are the relics of the top Buddhas, I am afraid that you have not had time to refine them. You will be saved by the people of Buddhism."

(End of this chapter)

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