The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3555: Selfish and self-interested Julie

Chapter 3555 Self-interested Julie

"Liu Yuan, the time is ripe, I need blood!"

The middle-aged man in the red robe, in his eyes, filled with greed desires.

The breath on his body is the pinnacle of life.

"Congratulations to the master, He Xi master, will soon enter the life of the soul!"

Liu Yuan is excited.

He knows that once the people in front of you enter the life of the soul.

At that time, his Sen Luozong will also follow the rising tide.

"Hurry to prepare the blood of the warrior, Zhu family has no need to stay!"

The middle-aged man's words rang, and Liu nodded. "Master, you can rest assured that within three days, I will definitely prepare enough blood for you to let the master break through the soul."

"Yeah! Go get ready!"

The middle-aged man nodded.

"Hey, haven't you always wanted to marry the two girls of Zhujia as women?" Liu Yuan quickly found Liu Wei. He only had such a son as Liu Wei, and naturally he wanted to fulfill his wish.

Liu Yan heard the words, and some regrets said: "Father, it is a pity that Zhu Xi died in the mountains."

"Otherwise, the baby still prefers Zhu Xi. However, Julie is also good, I will not let go."

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "The time for Zhu Jia is not much. You bring some gifts, go to the Zhu family to personally kiss, and marry Julie!"

"This woman has a deep heart and is suitable for Dangdang. I should be aspirational, understand?"

Liu Yan heard his father, and even let himself go to Zhu Jia to marry Julie, it is extremely exciting.

"Thank you father!"

With a few people, Liu Yan went to the Zhu family.

Said to go to marry Julie, but he did not bring any gifts.

Instead, the empty feet went empty-handed.


"Don't you find a nephew?"

Zhu Lin’s face was desperate.

Since Yu Lao and Julie, there are several other people.

There are no Zhu Xi’s bodies and whereabouts.

Now it seems that I am afraid that my daughter, Zhu Xi, has already fallen into the hands of **** numbness. I don’t know if it is dead or alive.

"Master, I hope you don't forget your promise." The old eyes of the fish are shining.

He now only wants to get the fragrant fruit, which is used to break through the seven realms of life.

"Homeowner, the owner... Sen Luozong, the lord, with a few people came to see and said that it is to marry Missy."

at this time.

Zhu’s guards quickly reported to Zhu Lin.

Zhu Lin heard that both eyes are angry.

First, his little daughter did not know where to go.

In such a stall, Sen Luozong actually wants to marry his eldest daughter.

“Can I bring a bride price?”

Zhu Lin asked.

"Not seen!"

The guardian reported.

Zhu Lin was trembling and said: "It seems that Sen Luo Zong really thought that my Zhu family was bullied and wanted to marry my daughter, but there was no bride price. Is it because I want to be strong?"

Zhu Xi’s disappearance, this made Zhu Lin’s inner feelings violent, and now it is even more angry.

Julie’s heart is full of anger, and her heart says: “Father? Your mind, don’t I know? You are still eccentric, do you want your sister to marry Liu Shao’s lord?”

"Uncle Zhu, don't be so angry."

A little sneer sounded.

Liu Yan took a few people and even rushed to the Zhujia's parliament hall.

No one dares to block the willow.

"Liu Yan, you are so courageous, it looks like we are Zhu family, haven't you passed it yet?"

Zhu Lin is full of faces.

Liu Yan haha ​​smiled: "Uncle, in the future, the town of Liyang, sooner or later, we are Sen Luozong, as long as I become your son-in-law, later you Zhu family, and we Sen Luozong, why bother to see?"

"In this case, I am waiting for the pass, is it not very obvious? What does the uncle think?"

Liu Yu’s words are threats.

His meaning is obvious, that is, Liyang Town, after the Zhu family must be attached to Sen Luozong.

"Hey, you Sen Luozong is so deceiving, you want to marry my daughter, there is no courtesy, are you humiliating me?"

"Since you are Sen Luozong, even the basic sincerity is not there, you still want to marry my daughter."

"Take your people, get out of Zhu family!"

Zhu Lin reached out and pointed to the outside of the Zhujia Mansion, and issued an expulsion order against Liu Wei and others.

Liu Yan smiled even more happily, looking at Julie: "Lili, don't you want to marry me?"

"As long as you marry me, you will be the wife of the Sovereign in the future. In Lieyang Town, it must be one person below 10,000 people."

Zhu Lin glanced at Julie: "Lie, Sen Luozong is so bullying..."

I know, before I finished the words of Zhu Lin, Julie interrupted: "Father, I want to marry Liu Da Ge, I beg you to fulfill me. I don't care about Liu Da Ge's dowry. I don't care about his sincerity. I I want to marry him."


Zhu Lin looked at Julie, and her body trembled.

Today, Zhu Jia is really a faceless.

"Uncle, it’s not a good thing to fight."

Liu Yan is proud of his heart.

From the self-satisfaction to Zhu Li, directly holding Julie's hand, said: "Thank you for your uncle... No, don't you... Thank you, Father-in-law! My father told me to tell you, before sunset, go to Sen Luozong. In the future, this Liyang Town, only Sen Luozong, no Zhujia!"

"If you don't go, don't blame me, Sen Luozong, killing!"

Julie finally married Liu Yan, and her face was full of excitement.

"Home, what do we do?"

With Liu Wei and others leaving.

The Zhu family people have come round up and seek ways.

The old fisher said: "Master, first give me the fragrant fruit, I will break through to the seven-wheeled life, and I can help you Zhu."

Zhu Lin also has no way, only to pin his hopes on the old fish.

He felt that as long as the fish broke through to the seven-fold life, they would not be afraid of Sen Luozong.

"Fish old, I can give you the fragrant fruit, and I hope that the old fish promised, breaking through to the life of the seven-fold, must help us Zhu family, to tide over the difficulties!" Zhu Lin said.

"Master, I have been with you for so many years, can you still believe me?" The old man vowed.

Zhu Lin will give the fragrant fruit to the old fish.


In a blink of an eye.

The next day at sunset.

Zhu Lin’s face was anxious.

"Homeowners, things are not good, Sen Luozong elders, personally took Sen Luozong dozens of strong, rushed toward our Zhu family, it seems impulsive, afraid that the coming is not good."

Someone quickly came to Zhu Lin to report.

"In any case, I want to delay the time and try to make the old fishermen break through to the seven-fold life, and then fight with Sen Luozong."

Zhu Lin pinned all his hopes on the old fish.

"The owner...the owner...the little lady is back!"

Zhu Lin’s heart is helpless.

I did not expect that there was a good news.

"Hey, is she still alive?"

Zhu Lin heard the news and was full of excitement.

Immediately, his face changed greatly: "Hurry up with Miss Xiao to leave Liyang Town!"

Zhu Lin knows that Sen Luozong’s thoughts on the Zhu family must be inevitable.

It is good news that Zhu Xi is alive, but when he comes back, he is equal to self-investment.

(End of this chapter)

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