The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3678: Active home

Chapter 3678 Active home visit

Yu Jian was killed by Xu Feng.

He didn't want to understand when he died.

Why Xu Feng’s strength is so strong.

Many Lu family people are desperate.

At the same time, they have regrets.

Some of them still know.

Xu Feng has a life-saving grace for their old family.

And Lu Fengfeng, the daughter of Lu’s family, is also a friend.

Now, I didn't expect it.

Lu Hao and Lu Hong were so confused that they secretly wanted to collude with the city government and wanted to kill Xu Feng.

Not only did not kill Xu Feng, but they were all killed by Xu Feng.

They are clear.

It is not the behavior of Lu Hao and Lu Hong.

Perhaps, they Lu may be the first family in Yunfeng City.

Today, all of this has nothing to do with their Lu family.

Just because they are the strongest of the Lu family, they are all dead and wounded.

Even if it is the power of the city's government, it is completely overwhelmed.

Xu Feng did not have much emotion for killing Qi Jian.

With his current life, the perfection of his career and his strength.

Unless you are the eighth peak of the soul, you are qualified to fight with him.

If other life-threatening souls are heavy and heavy, the face of Xu Feng is almost a dead end.

Lu Fengfeng came to the scene and looked at the numerous bodies on the ground, with deep sadness in his eyes.

"Father... grandfather..."

Looking at the bodies of Lu Hao and Lu Hong, Lu Fengfeng’s eyes are all tears flowing.

Only Xu Feng was calm and his face was cold.

He does not believe it.

What Lu Hao and Lu Hong did.

Lu Fengfeng does not know.


Lu Fengfeng made a miserable snoring, his eyes falling on Xu Feng, with doubts.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You still have to ask me why? Don't you think it is ridiculous?"

"Your father and grandfather, not only do not know the Entu newspaper, but want to trap me to death, can I spare them?"

In Xu Feng’s words, they are all cold and killing.

"Since you know this thing, your life is saved by me, are you committing suicide? Or am I doing it?"

Xu Feng will not pity the jade.

Before, he would not help Lu Fengfeng.

I don't know, Lu Fengfeng's end, how bad it is.

The other party still wants to frame him.

Such a ungrateful person.

Xu Feng does not want to keep her life and continue to add to her.

Lu Fengfeng looked at Xu Feng with a pleading: "Xu Gongzi, don't kill me... I know it is wrong..."

Lu Fengfeng’s eyes are hot and hot, and he said: “When I personally went to report to the elders of Haoyuanmen, he was able to avenge his grandfather and father.”

"Do you think that's possible?"

Xu Feng asked.

The spiritual power of the body surged and it was attacked by Lu Fengfeng.

Lu Fengfeng felt the rush of the air and the retrogression.

I want to avoid the fist that Xu Feng has hit.

Unfortunately, the strength of Lu Fengfeng may be Xu Feng’s opponent.

Just three punches, Lu Fengfeng will be completely killed.

There is no meaning of pity and jade.


The people on the scene have become silent.

They didn't think that Xu Feng looked so young, but he was able to kill and decisively. It was simply not easy.

"Since I don't know how to be grateful, I still want to go down the stone, that is to die." Xu Feng killed Lu Hong and others, without any mercy.

Even if Lu Fengfeng is a woman like this, Xu Feng did not take a look at it and killed the other side.

"Lu Hong and Lu Hao want to kill me, but they are killed by me. I hope that you will take the lead."

"Don't be ungrateful!"

Xu Feng is facing the Lu family who is still alive, with a warning.

Put the storage rings of Lu Hao and Lu Hong together.

Xu Feng took a step and walked outside the Lujia Mansion.

Xu Feng just left Lu Jiafu.

The entire Lu family is completely boiling.

"What do you say? Lu Hao and Lu Hong are both killed by a young man." Yunfeng City has two major families, Lu Jia and Meng Jia.

The Meng family’s main Meng Meng’s face became a little dignified.

He is very clear about the strength of Lu Hao.

"Homeowners, not only Lu Hao and Lu Hong were killed, it is said that even Yu Jian is also killed."

The person reporting the news immediately said.

Meng Hao was stunned again.

"I don't think that Jian Jian is so unlucky, doing evil, and finally it is a retribution, and it is good to die!"

Meng Hao is very clear that the father and son in Yunfeng City can be described as doing whatever they want, killing innocent things, often happening.

Today, Yu Jian and his son are killed, plus the death of Lu Jialu and Lu Hong.

This means that the entire Yunfeng City has become the site of their Meng family.

"Homeowner...owner, there is a young man outside to see you!"

"He said that he gave the Meng family a big chance and wanted to come to you for a little reward."

Just when Meng Hao was excited.

The guards of the Meng family came to report in front of Meng Hao.

"Who is such a big voice, afraid that he is impatient?"

Meng Hao is full of anger.

Who, dare to be outside the Meng Family House, is so arrogant.

"Slow? Want to come to see me, is it a young man?"

What Meng Meng suddenly thought of, immediately asked.

"Home, how do you know?"

The guards were a little surprised.

The heart was secretly glad that he did not look down on Xu Feng and angered each other.

“Hurry! Please prepare food and drink.”

Meng Yu’s heart was vaguely guessed.

I am afraid that people who want to see themselves are the young geniuses of other populations who kill and fight Lu Yan.

"Go and invite him!"

Meng Hao said to the guards.

Yes, outside the Mengjiafu, the young man who wants to meet Meng Xi is the Xu Feng who came out of Lujiafu.

Xu Feng destroyed the city's capital, Jian Jian, and destroyed many of the strong men of the Lu family.

It is a chance to give Meng Jia a big day.

In the future, Meng’s status in Yunfeng City will inevitably rise.

"This son, our family has a request!"

The guard came to the front of the gate and opened the door.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said: “It seems that this Meng Meng is also a bit of a force.”

Receiving Xu Feng at this time is tantamount to offending the big brother Yan Xi.


Xu Feng followed the guard and came to the courtyard of Meng Yu.

Meng Hao stared at Xu Feng, and his heart was shocked.

He really can't imagine such a young youth.

Can kill so many strong people.

Meng Hao came out to meet Xu Feng.

"I don't know how this son is called?"

Meng Hao asked Xu Feng.

"Do not change the name, do not change the name, Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng’s voice was determined.

Meng Hao respected Xu Feng and said: "I don't know if Xu Gongzi came to our Meng family. What happened?"

Meng Yu pretended to ask.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "No need to know why!"

"I have destroyed the Lu family and destroyed the city government. After that, Yunfeng City is the world of your Meng family. Shouldn't you give me some compensation?"

Xu Feng’s voice is firm.

Meng Meng stared at Xu Feng and asked: "What kind of reward does Xu Gongzi want, but if I can do it, I will never postpone it."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "My request is not high, give me some soul crystal cultivation!"

The soul crystal that Xu Feng obtained before is also consumed.

It's time to add soul crystal!

(End of this chapter)

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