The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3688: I will go in and talk

Chapter 3688, I will go in and talk


With the two long swords, the collision of the dragonfly.

A broken metal sounds.

The long sword in the hands of the hand broke in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Biao stayed on the ground and did not give any chance to fight back.

Yan Cheng did not expect that Lin Biao’s long sword was so powerful that he would cut off his sword.

Immediately, I wanted to avoid the attack of Lin Biao’s long sword, and at the same time violently said: “What is your skill with the power of the sword?”

Yu Cheng is very clear, Lin Han’s cold rain sword far exceeds his expectations.

"I have the ability, are you more clear than me?"

Lin Biao was too lazy to be nonsense.

The long sword slammed out.

It has been continuously regressing.


In the place of the chest, a sword mark suddenly appeared.

Blood spurted from the mouth of the sputum.

"Stop... I admit defeat..."

Looking at Lin Biao, he did not rely on his own attack, and his face was full of anger.

He felt that if he could have a sword similar to Lin Biao's cold rain sword, he could also fight with Lin Biao.

Lin Biao is just the power of the cold rain sword.


Lin Biao's mouth slightly raised.

Since Yu Cheng just wanted to kill him.

He is naturally not polite.

The cold rain sword turned into a smash, and suddenly spurted out.

Accompanied by Lin Biao's strong sword.

Lin Biao's strength is not simple, it is completely rushing to kill.

When the face turned into a big change, I immediately yelled: "You give me a wait, this thing, I will not give up!"

Said, Yu Cheng roared: "Several elders, this person wants to kill me, hurry to save me!"

Although Yu Cheng knows, it is very shameful to ask for mercy.

However, it is still important to have a small life.

A few untitled elders around.

Also know the identity of Yucheng.

The other uncle also said hello.

At this moment, a few people rushed up and blocked them.

Looking at Lin Biao, said: "Since you have accepted the loss, you must not continue to shoot. Otherwise, it is a violation of the rules of no reading."

A few people also know that although no sect is so stipulated.

However, young geniuses like Lin Biao.

How can I be punished without a sermon?

Of course, Yu Cheng’s talent is not bad.

I saw a few people shot.

Lin Biao also knows that it is impossible to kill him.

Although he has always been, he is scribbling.

Now, there is no other way.

A few people in front of you, the strength is not weak.

"Since he admits to lose, does he say that this yard in front of me belongs to me?"

Lin Biao looked at a few unspoken elders and asked.

A few people nodded and said: "That is nature, this is the rule of no ancestry."

Lin Biao immediately smiled and looked at Yu Cheng: "I don't want to be too arrogant in the future. It is said that there are people outside the sky. Your talent is still average, but compared with me, the gap is not small."

Lin Biao’s words made many people sigh. It’s really that Lin’s talent is too strong, but it’s not too weak.

Lin Biao turned and came to Xu Feng's body and said, "Let's go, we live in this room."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "This is your room, two big men, huddled in one room, more unsightly."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Lin Biao was a glimpse, and immediately seemed to understand the meaning of Xu Feng.

"You also want to capture a separate room?" Lin Biao stared at Xu Feng, some doubts asked.

The people around them have also looked at Xu Feng, and they all feel that Xu Feng is too ignorant.

It’s too much to think about living in a room where you want to live in a room.

"This kid is afraid that he does not know the height of the sky, so repair and strength, but also want a room?"

Some people couldn't help but make doubts, and the voice was very loud. They were not avoided by Xu Feng.

"You don't understand it. Some people have big tail wolves and feel that they are very powerful."

"I am afraid that being beaten by people will not be a ghost, it will be very shameful."

"I estimate that he wants to take advantage of the talent of the young man just now and wants to do whatever he wants."

Everyone around you is a word, I speak.

The sound is still very big, I am afraid that Xu Feng can't hear.

Xu Feng is too lazy to care about this group of people with shallow knowledge.

He has already perceived it clearly.

In the middle of this room, the room on the left hand side.

Inside is a man who lives in the eighth highest peak.

This person is very strong, but pale.

Obviously, the body is very weak.

If he didn't meet Xu Feng, he would die soon.

Of course, even if you meet Xu Feng.

Also look at whether he has this blessing.

Let Xu Feng give him a cure.

Lin Biao said: "Xu Feng, although you are a soul teacher, you may not be able to deal with a powerful warrior, or be careful."

"In any case, this room is also very big. We live in half of the space, which is not bad."

Lin Biao thinks that Xu Feng is a soul teacher, but he is not a very powerful soul teacher. He is very stressed to deal with the strong souls of high-order life.

Since he and Xu Feng know one thing, it is impossible to watch Xu Feng go to death, or to take his own shame.

"Reassured, nothing!"

Xu Feng is facing the slow road of Lin Biao.

There is no confusion in words, and it seems calm.

Lin Biao was slightly addicted.

Inside the dark road: "But it, big deal, and violation of regulations, I also personally shot."

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the room on the left hand side.

"Is this guy crazy? I lived in that room, but it was a life-stricken peak!"

"It is said that this person is a well-known martial artist who is famous for Luo Ze. He is very strong and does not know how to join this time."

Looking at Xu Feng, heading for the room on the left hand side.

Many people at the scene could not help but talk.

For the strong guys in this room, many of them are clear.


Xu Feng naturally rings the door.

There was a mellow voice inside.

"What is it?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "I want your room, I think I can, go in and talk to you."

Xu Feng clearly heard that when he had just finished the first half of the sentence, the breathing inside was obviously accelerated.

Presumably, if it were not his second half of the sentence, I was afraid that it was the people inside, and had already gone.

"No need to talk, if you want a room, I can fight you."

Cai Wei’s voice is firm and he has a slap in the face.

Cai Wei is the leader of Luo Ze, a famous martial artist.

If it weren't for him, he was troubled by the strange toxins in his body.

He will not come without words.

The reason why he wants to join the Nothing is that he learned that the chief alchemist who has no chanting is the sixth-order elite alchemy teacher, and he is willing to help him solve the toxin.

"Haha, is it really a laugh? This kid thinks this is the place? Teahouse hotel, can you talk?"

"It’s really a dead man. If I want to be his, there is still a face tangled with nonsense."

I heard that Xu Feng wanted to talk to Cai Wei. Everyone was mocking and laughing.

"Sometimes, fighting is not the only way. Why not give yourself a choice?"

Xu Feng did not care at all, slowly said.

Even if he is fighting, he may not be the opponent of Cai Wei.

Cai Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

After a moment of hesitation, I finally came up to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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