The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3709: Is it easy to activate the light curtain?

Chapter 3709 is easy to activate the light curtain?

I almost didn't bleed.

Xu Feng’s words are so harsh.

He couldn't help but sing Song Cheng, and his eyes were angry.

It is Ming Cheng who told him.

Want to open the light curtain, it is difficult to climb the sky.

Song Cheng did not dare to look at the eyes of Yu Cheng.

The whole no-sentence, can independently stimulate the light curtain, and only the master brother Dai Hongyan.

As a result, Yu Cheng even thought that he could not activate the light curtain.

I knew that activation of the light curtain was so simple.

He should not give Xu Feng the opportunity to perform first.

Everyone is stunned.

No one thought of it.

Xu Feng is only the life of the wheel.

So easy, activate the light curtain.

"Is it rumored before that the activation of the light curtain is very difficult, and it is a rumor that was deliberately transmitted."

"It seems that some people don't want us to activate the light curtain, deliberately exaggerating the anti-phasing effect of the light curtain."

"The life of the wheel is not afraid to fight back, we are so desperate, are you afraid of countering?"

Seeing Xu Feng easily activates the light curtain, everyone can't help but hesitate, with doubts inside.

Some people even think that it is very difficult to activate the light curtain before the rumors, that is, deliberate rumors.

"I think it may be a high-level ignorant. I am afraid that everyone will activate the light curtain and gain the core sacred skills of the sacred mind. The rumors that are deliberately spread make people feel a sense of fear."

Some people directly concluded that it is a high-level way of thinking.

Xu Feng activated the light curtain.

I feel that it is as warm as the whole person, very comfortable.

It seems to be all comfortable.

Outside the spiritual club.

The old man was dumbfounded.

"No accident, we have no sorrows to come to the treasure. This kid, afraid of being a peerless genius."

The old man is very clear that it is very difficult to activate the light curtain.

It’s not those who don’t know what the so-called people say.

Activating the light curtain is simple.

Xu Feng only saw the surroundings and was confused everywhere.

"Oh, it’s weird!"

Xu Feng found that it is a seven-step force.

This light curtain is a bit strange.

Xu Feng found that there were many apertures floating above the head.

Each aperture emits a different scent.

"These apertures are actually the Holy Spirit?"

Xu Feng's face is full of shock.

These apertures vary according to the breath.

The Holy Spirit in it is also completely different.

It is conceivable that the Holy Spirit that is so selected must be the most suitable for himself.

Just when Xu Feng was attracted by the light curtain.

Outside, Song Cheng was full of gloom.

He whispered to Yu Cheng and said: "Hey brother, he seems to be attracted by the light curtain, and now interrupts his words, maybe he will be backed by the light curtain, and he will die and die."

When he heard the words of Song Cheng, his face suddenly appeared stern, and his face was proud.

Lin Biao and others did not expect that they would be so mean and shameless.

Actually, I want to interrupt Xu Feng’s feelings about the Holy Spirit.

"Give me to die!"

When he became an imposing force, he was able to repair the six peaks of his life. When he went to the attack of Xu Fengzhen, he did not stay at all.

The distance is so close, many people are making exclamations.

Lin Biao burst into a burst.

"you wanna die!"

If Xu Feng is disturbed, no one knows what will happen.

After all, there has never been such a thing before.

However, Yu Cheng is too close to Xu Feng.

No one can stop it.

Just when you are full of faces, your eyes are full of pride.

A horrible pressure, toward his body, suddenly oppressed.

"Get out of me!"

"If you come back to the spiritual club in the future, the old man will kill you!"

The old voice sounded through the entire spiritual hall.

Countless people are shocked.

I only heard a screaming sound.

Knocking his legs suddenly slammed on the ground, his eyes became blood red.


The old man did not expect that there was such a despicable and shameless person in the absence of the sect.

If he is not in the other person, he is a younger generation. He really wants to do it directly and kill this child.

Song Cheng and others, all of them are soft legs, hear the moment of the rolling word, relieved.

Crazy to escape outside the spiritual club.

Where did you dare to make trouble?

The heart is resentful and unwilling.

He does not understand why he is such a genius.

Will receive such treatment.

Quickly got up and fled outside the spiritual club.

The inner hatred of Xu Feng is even stronger.


Xu Feng did not know everything that happened outside.

At the moment, his whole person's consciousness.

Immerse yourself in the surrounding aperture.


With an aperture, he flew toward Xu Feng.

In Xu Feng’s mind, there is one more knife.

"Good tyrants."

This knife method Xu Feng did not feel strange, he was an upgraded version of the small three thousand Thunder knife that was enlightened on the second floor of the Lingji Pavilion.

Nowadays, the knife in the mind is the sixth-order supernatural spirit, and the power is even stronger than the aurora slashing method that Xu Feng practiced before.

Three thousand Thunderknife, as the name suggests.

A knife smashed out, as if it were a knife that was condensed by three thousand lightning.

It is like a huge sword knife array.


However, the cultivation of three thousand Thunderblades is extremely difficult.

Of course, if cultivation is successful.

The knife method of this three thousand Thunder knife is the real killing knife method.

The horror of the knife method, even Xu Feng is extremely much expected.

As the light curtain disappears.

Xu Feng returned from the light curtain.

His eyes swept around and his face was smiling.

"Hey, what about the flies?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but ask.

It was very difficult to activate the light curtain just now.

However, Xu Feng found out.

Activating the light curtain is simply too simple.

Lin Biao told Xu Feng about the previous things.

Xu Feng’s face became gloomy and said: “Don’t give me a chance, or I will kill this person!”

Xu Feng’s words rang and everyone was wrong.

Obviously, they don't understand the courage of Xu Feng.

Say the words to kill.

He is only the life of the wheel of the peak, **** the six peaks of the soul?

Lin Biao smiled and said: "I don't have to give you a chance, I will kill him when I look for opportunities."

Lin Biao is also abhorrent to Yu Cheng.

Immediately, he looked at the light curtain.

"Next, I will try and see if I can activate the light curtain."

The breath of Lin Biao moved toward the light curtain.

Everyone held their breath.

Lin Biao activated the light curtain, obviously, not as simple as Xu Feng.

His face is constantly changing.

Xu Feng is not in a hurry.

So quietly waiting for Lin Biao's feelings.

Outside the spiritual club.

The old man’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The faces are all smiling.

"I don't think I have no thoughts. It is really gratifying to have two geniuses at a time."

The old man is very clear that Lin Biao can be so long and has not suffered any rebellion.

It is enough to show that Lin Biao has begun to feel the spiritual skills and choose the right kind of holy spirit.

Everyone looked at Lin Biao and activated the light curtain again, all of them were dumbfounded.

They couldn't help but wonder: "Is it really easy to activate the light curtain?"

(End of this chapter)

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