The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3759: It’s too easy to kill you.

Chapter 3759 is too easy to kill you.

"Kill your brother? Why don't you dare to walk in the light? Do you not know that I am a person who likes to be a man."

Xu Feng stood there, calm and calm, and did not see any panic.

Song Mao’s eyes fell on Jiang Yingying’s body and immediately said: “It’s so calm and calm, I feel that someone is giving you a head.”

Song Hu thinks that Xu Feng dares to be so calm, but there is Jiang Yingying around him.

"Oh, do you think so?"

Xu Feng’s face was smiling and faint.

He really doesn't understand why Song Song wants to think so?

Didn't he see it.

Jiang Yingying and others looked at his eyes.

It’s like watching a dead person.

"Song Tiger, you can rest assured that if you want to die, I will never stop."

Jiang Yingying also made a statement to remind Song Hu.

However, Song Hu does not seem to understand the meaning of Jiang Yingying.

I feel that Jiang Yingying wants to do it with him.

There was an angry color on his face, saying: "Jiang Yingying, are you still going to stop me?"

Song Hu thinks that Jiang Yingying said that he sent to death, and only Jiang Yingying has such strength.

Jiang Yingying was a little worried and asked: "When did I say that I want to stop you?"

"You can't stop me? Who can kill me at the scene?" Song Hu couldn't wait to ask.

I am afraid that Jiang Yingying will shoot.

Jiang Yingying shook her head helplessly and looked at Xu Feng: "Ignorance is not terrible, terrible is ignorance and still not knowing."

Xu Feng took a few steps and went to the empty space in front of him. The cold road said: "It is too easy to kill you. If you want to find death, I am too lazy to do it."

Xu Feng wants to test his own strength. It is enough to kill Gu Heng and others before.

If you fight with Songhu, it is basically not much challenging, and it is easy to kill each other.

This Songhu really wants to find a way out, and participated in the tea party in Qiushuitan.

Xu Feng also saw the method of Song Hu, and the cultivation is only general, and the realm of the law is not high.

Even if Xu Feng did not break through to the peak of his life, he faced Song Hu, but he could not kill the other, but he would not be afraid.

Song Hu wants to kill him, it is almost an idiot to dream.

Songhu heard the words, his hands clenched, his fingers were about to be embedded in the flesh and blood.

The eyes are round and glaring, staring at Xu Feng, and the eyebrows are crazy killings.

The people around him are the disciples of Hao Yuanmen, and they are also the younger brothers he received.

Now, Xu Feng is so in front of so many people, so ignoring him and angering him.

"Hahaha... This kid really doesn't know how to live and die. He dares to ignore Song's brother. He is afraid that he will live impatiently."

A few of the Haoyuanmen youths who followed the Songhu, some people smiled with sarcasm.

"Yes, Song Song brother is a strong soul in the soul of the soul. It is a core disciple in our Haoyuanmen. What kind of thing is this kid, I have never heard of it, and I want to fight against Song brother?"

"It’s really not self-sufficient. When Song Song’s brother is afraid that he will be bombarded, he will die nine days away.”

A few people, you say a word, I am constantly scorning Xu Feng, saying that the Songhu is more powerful.

Nie Hong said faintly: "Sister Jiang, I feel that it will take a long time, some people will cry for mercy."


Jiang Yingying nodded with the same feeling, especially looking at the opposite side, Hao Yuanmen that group of crazy and low Xu Feng.

"We will look at it well, who will cry for mercy." Several young people across the street, facing Nie Hong's angry way.

The Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hands of Xu Feng, looking at the opposite Songhu, a faint saying: "No more nonsense, fight and fight, why twist and pinch, like a woman!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body surged, and the momentum of the peak of life was erupted, and the spiritual power of the body surging.

"I thought that this guy is awesome. I dare to be a peak in my life. I know that when I use the Song brother, I can solve it."

A young man with a seven-pointed peak in his life, feels that Xu Feng is only a peak of his life, and suddenly he opens his mouth.

Song Hu looked awkward and said: "You kill my brother, the next is your death."

When Song Hu’s physical strength surged, the ups and downs of his body emerged, only the first-order peak.

However, the singularity of the Songhu is the first-class peak of the wind, making his palms become somewhat floating.

"It is your privilege to be able to die under my master's rule." Song Hu stared at Xu Feng, and his spiritual power flowed toward Xu Feng's attack. It was a flying shock.

The young people of Haoyuanmen are also full of awe, and they feel that the flying tiger's flying shock is very powerful.

"It's really boring!"

Xu Feng felt the attack from the pine tiger and couldn't help but shake his head. The strength of this guy is not as good as Zhan Yugang.

However, Zhan Yugang could not resist his aurora killing knife, let alone the tiger in front of him.

"The Promise!"

The aurora smashing knife method was displayed, and an endless knives were smashed out in an instant.

The knife method has become extremely horrible, and the moment of a knife.

Song Hu just started to smug on his face and suddenly disappeared.

Instead, it is dignified.


Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Song Hu, and the moment when the dead words blurted out, Knife Mang had already attacked.

The Aurora Magic Knife is the sixth-order superb spirit, and it is like a knife to be smashed out, as if the sky was torn.


Just one thing, the pine tiger suddenly went backwards, a blood mark appeared on the chest, and his face was awkward.

"Do you feel the true meaning of the second-order knife?"

Songhu exclaimed.

Unfortunately, it was Xu Feng’s knife that greeted him.

Xu Feng even, too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"Tear the knife!"

The second move of the Aurora killing knife method came out.

Song and Tiger eyes suddenly contracted, and a sense of crisis rushed into the heart.

"Not good... dangerous..."

Song Hu feels very clear that this knife is really too strong.

Unfortunately, I haven't waited for the tiger to escape.

The Aurora Magic Knife has already hit.


Song Huo spouted blood, flew out, and slammed on the ground, but his chest was completely torn.

He widened his eyes and only took a few breaths of time on the ground, and he did not move at all.

The people of Haoyuanmen who followed the Songhu were all dull and quirky.

They were still bragging about the moment before, and Song Hu killed Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, a moment of effort.

Songhu has been killed by Xu Feng.


Several people's faces have become blue and white for a while.

Nie Hong smiled and said: "Who are you crying for mercy now?"

"We...we are us..."

A few young people in Haoyuanmen were looking at Xu Feng with fear.

"It is too strong!"

They are shocked inside.

I am afraid that it is Zhu Bo, and there may not be such a talent as Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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