The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3779: Break through

Chapter 3779 breaks open

"I don't want to say anything, do you really think that it is so easy to break my sixth-order best holy spirit?"

Dai Hongyan heard Xu Feng’s words and felt that the other party was really vocal, and dared to be so arrogant.

He wears Hongyan, and he can become the chief disciple of Nothing. He can lead the way in Luo Ze, but it is not by mouth.

Strength is respect!

Strength is the king!

"That's a try to know."

Holding the Aurora Magic Knife, the spiritual power of Xu Feng is flowing wildly.

This time, he suddenly slammed and smashed out.

"Tear the knife!"

The second move of the Aurora killing knife method, the knife mandock became extremely strong, as if the void was also torn.

In an instant, a knife smashed out like this, and went out to Dai Hongyan's purple turtle.

Dai Hongyan stood there, and the purple water on his body continued to emerge. Around his body, the flow of water in the same circle, constantly stirring, became extremely powerful.

The momentum above the purple tortoise guards is also climbing in a straight line.

Dai Hongyan stepped out one step and attacked Xu Feng.

I don’t care about Xu Feng’s knife.

In his opinion.

Xu Feng’s knife method is impossible, tearing his purple turtle guard.


The impact of Knife Mang is above the purple tortoise's ankle, and the explosion is the sound of metal collision.

A burst of knives, constantly spreading out toward the surrounding, while the purple turtle guards, there is no trace of tears.

Xu Feng's tearing knives couldn't even be on the red turtle's purple tortoise guard, leaving even a trace of it.


Xu Feng's eyes are shrinking, and the red turtle's purple tortoise guard is so strong.

Xu Feng naturally does not know that Dai Hongyan's purple tortoise and his purple water are almost 100% fit.

This led to the fact that when he displayed the purple tortoise guards, the horror of the purple waters was fully revealed.

"Oh... I said that you can't break my purple turtle guard, but you don't believe it. What do you fight with me?"

After that, Dai Hongyan’s palm has been shot toward Xu Feng, a palm of his hand.

Xu Feng's eyes contracted, and they continued to retreat, but they were still palms and bombarded on their shoulders.

The shoulders were squeaky, and the bones seemed to be smashed by the palms.


Xu Feng spurted out a blood, his face became incomparably ugly.

"Kid, don't be self-sufficient, you still have to be self-aware!"

Dai Hongyan said sarcastically.

If he does not have some strength.

How is it possible to become the chief disciple of Nothing?

All of this is in the expectation of Xu Feng.

"The battle is not over yet? I may not really lose to you."

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body poured out, and the knife light above the Aurora Magic Knife continued to condense the impact.

His eyes were firm and the blood in his mouth was stretched out by his arm.

"Come back!"

Another knife, the real aurora killing knife is the most powerful knife, and the most violent knife.

The slashing of swords and swords is constantly criss-crossing, and the formation is the ultimate knife, which is endless.


Dai Hongyan’s eyes are deep, sparkling with coldness.

"I said that you can't break my holy spirit skills, you can't break open, why not do it yourself?"

The purple tortoise guards keep running, and the body is full of momentum. He wants to take the opportunity to kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife, naturally can not break his purple turtle guard, he can counterattack Xu Feng again.

It will not give Xu Feng any chance to live.

"Come back!"

Xu Feng burst into a bang, as if he was not afraid of death.

Grabbing the Aurora Magic Knife, the knife is surging.

In the body of Dai Hongyan, I went out again.

Many people couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

"Does this guy want to die?"

"Everyone can see that Dai Hongyan is waiting for him to die."

"The next attack by Dai Hongyan is bound to be fatal!"

Seeing Xu Feng, dare to shoot, want to break the purple turtle guardian wearing red rock, some people can not help but regret.


The Aurora Magic Knife hits the red turtle's purple tortoise's ankle, and it bursts out again.

The purple tortoise guard is still flowing with purple light, which is extremely horrible, and does not give Xu Feng a chance.

"I want to break my purple turtle guard, you are really dreaming, give me to die!"

This time, Dai Hongyan’s hands have become more horrible, and both palms are facing Xu Feng and they are shot at the same time.

The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are crazy and hot.

No back.

"Whoever said that you can't break your purple turtle guard, it's a joke!"

Xu Feng’s voice just fell.

The momentum of the body rises and rises, filled with violent spiritual power, madly gathered.

I saw him with one hand, clutching the Aurora Magic Knife, and above the blade, forming a horrible knife.

"Is this guy crazy? He doesn't care about Dai Hongyan's attack, he wants to lose both sides?"

"It’s too idiotic. How can it be both hurts? It’s hard to think that he’s a bland knife that can break the purple turtle guardian Dai Hongyan?”

Seeing that Xu Feng was so crazy, many people secretly shook their heads and felt that Xu Feng was too impulsive.

The wind smiled and said: "It seems that I don't need to shoot at all, he will be killed by Dai Hongyan."

Dai Hongyan was full of faces and said: "If you want to lose both, you don't look at it. Are you qualified?"

Dai Hongyan felt that his purple turtle guards were not broken by Xu Feng at all.


Dai Hongyan’s hands bombarded the shoulders of Xu Feng’s sides, and the sound of bones shattered.

However, along with the squeaky voice, there was a squeaky voice that looked very strange.

Also accompanied by knives, it seems to be tearing the body of the body, everyone will see blood mad.


Dai Hongyan’s eyes are wide, his face is full of horror and fear, and his look is unwilling and angry.


Dai Hongyan’s abdomen is a horrible crack, and blood continually flows from the abdomen.


The exclamation sounded, and Dai Hongyan went crazy.

Xu Feng was also shocked to fly out.

Heavy squatting on the ground, shoulders on both sides, has completely lost consciousness.

There are huge pits above the ground, and cracks are everywhere.

Dai Hongyan's face is pale, and there is no intention to have any care.

Crazy to take the medicinal herbs and swallow them in the mouth.

However, the knife wound in his abdomen is terrible.

"You give me a wait... I will want you to die... no place to be buried..."

Dai Hongyan still dares to stay here.

The points on him are enough for Mu Tianqing and others to desperately want to kill him.

"Dai Hongyan, don't rush to run, your points are left behind." Sure enough, Mu Tianqing has taken the lead and shot toward Dai Hongyan.

Since Xu Feng and Dai Hongyan, both lose.

Mu Tianqing and the wind and other people, can not be polite.

"You wait!"

Dai Hongyan’s crazy escape, a strange charm appeared in his hand, suddenly crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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