The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3792: Blood knife is out, it is necessary to kill

Chapter 3792, the blood knife is out, the necessary killing

"I really thought that we are the best in our lives, are we vegetarian?"

Among the seventy-two eyes of B, with anger.

He did not expect.

The three sons who have been repaired in the realm of the district, dare to take the initiative to him.

It is simply a dead end.

B seventy-two body surged.

Strong magical condensation.

When his palms flew, a dark wave of magical spirits slammed into the knives of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes have suddenly shriveled, and he has since broken through to the trilogy of life.

Exercising the Aurora and killing knife method, the power is very powerful, almost no life and soul nine existence, able to withstand his knife.

However, at the moment.

His knife method was swept straight out by the wave of magic that was displayed in B.

"Good boy, the strength is really extraordinary, but the repair is still worse than some heat."

Among the seventy-two pairs of scorpions, they were also surprised.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng's knives can withstand his previous spiritual attack.

This made him somewhat surprised.

"Tear the knife!"

Xu Feng is very clear, absolutely can not delay the time, even if it is a breath.

Because no one knows.

When will the seal break open?

Must fight against time.


Xu Feng did not hesitate, and the knives continued to sweep out, as if the blood red Aurora killed the knife.

Every knife goes out, it is like a wave of air and waves, and the knife is shot everywhere, and the knife is strong.

"A good knife method, the power is also very strong, but unfortunately you meet me." The voice of the seventy-two is extremely arrogant.

The depths of Xu Feng's eyes are filled with the color of sorrow, and the spiritual power of the whole body is surging.

The second-order peak kills the righteousness!

Second-order gravity is righteous!

The second-order knife is righteous!

Three kinds of second-order esoteric meanings emerge at the same time, and the formation is a wave of terror, criss-crossing.

The knives of the knives smashed out, tearing the voids out of the cracks, and the waves tumbling toward the surroundings.

"The powerful and powerful force of the righteousness, how could this kid be able to realize such profound esoteric?"

For the Emei people, the power of the righteousness is very mysterious.

B. Seventy-two, even if it is the life of the soul, the nine peaks exist.

At this moment, there are also some fears of Xu Feng's three second-order esoteric meanings.


The constant surge of magical powers brings about the waves of heaven and earth.

B seventy-two, although taboo Xu Feng's righteous power.

But it will not retreat.

He is very clear, as long as he delays the time for Yi Xuan, it will be fine.

"B. Fifty-four, hurry up, we both stopped this kid, his strength is not simple."

B. Seventy-two felt the body of Xu Feng, the golden light accompanied by the breath of blood red, horrible.

Listening to the Bifty-four, not far away, you must know that the strength of B-50 is still above him.

"I thought you could deal with it alone. I didn't expect you to ask me to take it?"

B. Fifty-four shakes his head, the magic of his body is stirring, and a long sword appears in his hand.

The long sword dances, the sword light flashes the cold mans, bringing the violent swords, and criss-crossing.

The two men shot at the same time, and the knife stalking toward Xu Feng has already been greeted.

"The soul of the soul!"

Xu Feng body, the golden light has become more and more powerful, he has successfully cultivated the soul of the soul.

At this moment, the power of the soul of the soul erupted, bringing a strong momentum. When the Aurora magic knife waved, it sounded like a whistling voice.


Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng continued to display the knife method, even if it was a three thousand Thunder knife, it has already been applied, but it only caused a little skin trauma to E54 and B72, and it was not fatal at all.

However, Xu Feng’s heart is getting more and more flustered, and he feels very clear.

Deep in the cold palace, the space becomes more and more unstable.

Most likely.

There is where the seal is.

However, someone is bound to destroy the seal.

"What a damn!"

Xu Feng does not want to continue to delay.

B.54 and B72 are incomprehensible.

They know that killing Xu Feng is not an easy task.

Suddenly and Xu Feng slowly restrained, it is completely time consuming.

"Kid, as long as the Lord breaks the seal, it will be your death."

E. Fifty-four, said with a proud face.

In the heart of Xu Feng, there is a ripple.

"Xu Shidi, I will help you!"

Ling Hong also rushed to the palace, and he shot at the opposite side of the seventy-two.

"Be careful!"

Xu Feng reminded Ling Hong.

After all, the opposite side of the seventy-two, but the life of the soul is repaired.

"I don't care!"

B. 72 did not go all out, and immediately went all out, and the magic was insane.

The formation was a violent shock, and the suppression of Ling Hongjun went out, and the wave continued to surge.


Just for a little while, Ling Hong was shocked and flew out, and blood spouted from his mouth.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and mad.

The space deep in the palace has become more and more unstable.

"Ling brother, hurry... don't be here..."

Among the two peaks of Xu Feng, they became blood red.

The killing atmosphere of the whole body has become even more terrifying.

The horrible killing of the righteousness seems to be condensed into substance.

"Xu Shidi..."

Ling Hong’s eyes widened and he stood up and his mouth was full of blood.

However, I feel Xu Feng.

The violent momentum, his heart is fear.


Xu Feng's eyes suddenly became blood red, and looked back at some sluggish Ling Hong, and burst into a burst.

Ling Hong was scared by Xu Feng's momentum, and his heart was full of fear.

"Xu Shidi, you must be careful!"

Ling Hong turned and walked toward the palace when he came, and immediately quit.

"Since you want to stop me, I will let you know that it is a price to stop me!"

Xu Feng is very clear, if it continues to delay, I am afraid that the seal will be broken.

Because, he just felt it.

The sound of space breaking.

You must know that Xu Feng is aware of the first-order space.

For the fluctuation of space.

Naturally sensitive.


The blood knife appeared in the hands of Xu Feng, the blood red knife mans, seems to break through the sky.

The opposite of the seventy-two and the fifty-four, are wide-eyed.

The blood knife has already rushed toward them.


Where did they think that there was such a horrible knife in Xu Feng’s hand.

Staring at the blood knife, they felt that the whole body meridians were shaking.

It seems that the blood must be drained in an instant.


Seeing the knives of Xu Feng, accompanied by blood red knives.

They are fully resisted.


The **** knife is invincible.

Will kill seventy-two and four fifty-four, one knife.

You must know the horror of the blood knife.

Xu Feng has already experienced it.

What's more, Xu Feng has now broken through to the three souls of life.

With a blood knife, the strength becomes stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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