The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3804: Drink with me!

Chapter 3804, accompany me to drink!

"Little guy, you bothered my dreams!"

The old man, from the towering tree, turned around and fell in front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

The breath of the other party is unfathomable.

This person, I am afraid that it is stronger than the broken east stream I have seen before.

"Ah! I am sorry, senior!"

Xu Feng apologized to the old man.

The heart is a little anxious.

He had felt before that there was a lot of breath in the back.

"Predecessors, I still have things, just take a step!"

Xu Feng’s spiritual flow will continue to escape.

The old man stared at the wing of Xu Peng on the back of Xu Feng, faintly said: "Little guy, where did you get the 鲲 九 九 九 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When the old man mentioned that when Peng Peng was turned, Xu Feng’s heart was full of screams and his face was full of vigilance.

Is this old man wanting to **** his wing of Kunpeng? ,

You must know that Wu Peng’s nine-turn cultivation.

There must be a wing of Kuangpeng.

Seeing that Xu Feng was so vigilant, the old man almost did not vomit blood.

If you let those people know.

A little boy, still worried about stealing his treasure.

I am afraid that I will laugh at the big teeth!

"Don't worry, I don't have much interest in your wing of Kuangpeng. However, in some classics, I know the record of Kuang Peng's nine turns. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes. I was curious."

The old man himself is also very clear, but not every holy spirit is suitable for himself.

In particular, the sacred spirit of Kuangpeng’s nine turns, the emphasis is on the opportunity and fate.

In Xu Feng, I can play a big role and can practice very smoothly.

However, after he snatched it, he might not be able to cultivate the wings of Chengpeng. What is the point?


Xu Feng’s smile smiled.

However, there is still no vigilance in the heart.

"I see your kid's face is not very good, afraid that there is a **** disaster!"

The old man continued to say to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is in the heart of collapse.

As long as it is not a blind man, it can be seen naturally.

Xu Feng escaped in the rush.

Since the rush to escape, there is a **** disaster, is it normal?

"Predecessors, what else is there. If not, the younger generation is afraid to leave quickly."

Xu Feng does not think that the old man in front of him will help himself.

At that time, Luo Yuanming and others caught up.

He will be very dangerous.

"You little guy, good life is not interesting. The old man is also boring, has been for half a year, have not spoken to people, see you feel more cordial, can you talk, can't you?"

The old man pretended to look at Xu Feng with anger and asked.

Xu Feng said: "Predecessors, you said that I have blood and disaster, naturally someone is chasing me."

"If I am here to chat with you, I will still have a fish pond when I am there. This is not good."

Said, Xu Feng has to turn and leave.

"Mom, this kid is so deceitful!"

Chasing the dragon tyrants in the heart of the dark.

He is a strong man in the realm of the realm, and he can see that Xu Feng has a solid foundation and a strong talent.

Kuang Peng nine turns to such a speed of the Holy Spirit, powerful, can be successfully cultivated, but also requires a high degree of understanding.

In the past few years, the reason for chasing the dragon knives has been to find the youth genius.

It’s hard to meet Xu Feng. If you don’t have a good assessment, how can you let Xu Feng leave?

"Don't worry, as long as you drink with me, whoever kills you, I will kill anyone."

In the voice of chasing the dragon tyrant, it embodies the momentum of hegemony.

The old eyes are in this moment.

It seems to be a criss-crossing, horrible.


Xu Feng also wants to say something.

However, he was chased by the dragon tyrant, and he even had no time to react.

Just take Xu Feng directly, toward the depths of the jungle, only to hear the sound of the wind, the speed is too fast.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked. His wing of Zhai Peng, who cultivated to the third turn, did not reach this speed.


"What happened? The atmosphere is still here, how can all the breath disappear?"

Shang Qi and Luo Yuanming and others chased them up, and when Xu Feng met the chasing dragon, he had doubts on his face.

"It seems that the kid already knows, we want to catch him." Luo Yuanming's face is gloomy.

Shang Qi wants to arrest Xu Feng, and Luo Yuanming wants Xu Feng's inheritance.

"I didn't expect that kid to be so cunning!"

Shang Qi’s heart is killing.

Since Xu Feng fled directly, he must have known it.

His relationship with the E Mozu.

Otherwise, it is impossible to escape like this.

"This area of ​​the jungle is not small. If you continue to chase it, you may not be able to catch it. I will immediately issue a killing order!"

Shang Qi is very clear that he is chasing Xu Feng alone. It doesn't have much effect. It is better to launch the whole strongman of Luo Ze, and help him to chase Xu Feng.

Luo Yuanming blinked: "The Sovereign, you should know my request."

"The elders are assured, I am not interested in the inheritance of Luo Ze."

Shang Qi replied.


B twenty-eight faces are gloomy.

"It was lost!"

B. 280,000 did not expect that he would catch up with Xu Feng.

But suddenly disappeared.


The top of a mountain.

Green mountains and green waters, beautiful scenery.

Chasing the dragon tyrant with Xu Feng, came to the top of the mountain.

Looking around, they are all lush forests.

Inside, there are quite a few monsters.

"Little guy, I saved your life, how do you repay me?" Chalong Dragon knife smiled and looked at Xu Feng, asked.

Xu Feng almost didn't spit, this old thing is really shameless.

If it is not blocked by the other party, he can escape alone.

Luo Yuanming and Shang Qi could not catch up with him.

Now, instead, he still owes the other person a life-saving grace.

“Is the seniors not looking for someone to drink?”

Xu Feng asked the chasing dragon.

"Ha ha ha..."

Chasing the dragon knives to take out a wine gourd, immediately toward the mouth, licking the wine.

Immediately, he threw the gourd toward Xu Feng: "Hurry, drink, my wine, the entire Northern Territory, few people are qualified to drink."

Xu Feng smells a rich wine scent from the hip flask.

He also knows a little about wine.

There is no doubt that the wine of the old man is very precious.

Xu Feng is immediately welcome.

Grabbing the jug, pouring a large mouth into the mouth.

As the wine enters the belly.

Xu Feng only felt that the blood of the whole body seemed to be flowing wildly, and the body was like burning.

"Good wine!"

After Xu Feng drank the drink, he felt his body, and the eight classics of the classics were comfortable, and the spiritual operation became smooth.

Chasing the dragon knives thought that Xu Feng’s cultivation was at most two drinks.

I know, Xu Feng is still so mouthful.

"Ah! Don't drink!"

Chasing the dragon tyrant against Xu Feng, screaming, rushed to grab the jug.

(End of this chapter)

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