The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3807: Leading everyone

Chapter 3807 attracts everyone

Once, on the purple pavilion.

One person appeared, and a sword swept a sixth-order force.

Make that sixth-order power directly destroyed.

At the time, this incident shocked the entire Northern Territory.

Then everyone knows.

Although there are only a few people in Castle Peak.

However, these people are able to match any sixth-order forces.

Xu Feng is very clear inside, I am afraid that the door of the knife is not good.

However, since Xu Feng has reluctantly promised to chase the dragon.

At that time, you can only take one step at a time.

Anyway, as long as the time is right, if you don’t have a life-threatening door, you can’t do it.

Presumably, when chasing the dragon tyrants, I can’t blame Xu Feng.

"Little guy, for a long time, the old man still doesn't know your name?" Chalong Longbao asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng also rolled his eyes, is this old guy really the elder of the sword?

The important position of the main door of the knives is directly handed over to the person of one side, and even the name of the other party is not known. This is also a fighter in the miracle.

"The younger Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said to the chasing dragon.


Chasing the dragon tyrants nodded.

Since he has determined that Xu Feng is the door of the knife door, he will not change easily.

If Xu Feng has this ability, he can naturally be competent.

"If you want to take the embers of the Emeralds, you can do nothing," is there any way?"

Chasing the dragon tyrant asked Xu Feng.

After all, Xu Feng is also familiar with Luo Zeling.

Xu Feng’s heart has long thought of everything, and immediately said: “Predecessors, it’s not difficult to get rid of the E-Men.”

"According to my guess, the sect of the ancestors must have become the servant of the sect."

"And, these people, I want to find my whereabouts. By the time, as long as I let go of the news, tell them that they want Roize's inheritance, they can come to a place, and they will definitely come."

"At that time, the predecessors can kill them all."

Xu Feng said to the chasing dragon.

His plan, the logic is very clear.

The chasing dragon knife asked with interest: "You are sure, will they really come?"

Xu Feng said: "Predecessors, those few people who are willing to become the servants of the E-Men are inevitably greedy. Since they know the inheritance of Luo Ze, and the strength of the younger generation is not strong, they have no reason not to come. ""

The inner chasing of the dragon chasing knife is secretly gratifying. It seems that he chose Xu Feng as the doorkeeper of the knife door, and he did not look at the wrong person.

Xu Feng’s mind is meticulous and bold.

More importantly, this kid is decisive.

With his side, he dared to put his life and death in his hands.

You know, Xu Feng’s plan is really good.

However, once he does not go.

Xu Feng is not able to escape from the wings, a dead end.

"In this case, it is not too late, we have to go to pick places and then bring them."

Chasing the dragon knives urged Xu Feng.

Hurry and solve the problem here.

Xu Feng can go to the knife door.

However, chasing dragons can also solve that problem.

Xu Feng and chasing the dragon tyrants, came to the ancient city of Aoki.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The heart is dark and condensed.

Sure enough, Shang Qi and others have not left.

"Predecessors, I know a good place."

Xu Feng took the chasing dragon knife and went outside the autumn water altar.

I saw that Xu Feng swayed into the autumn water altar.


Xu Feng found a few people and gave them some benefits.

I started spreading the news.

"Do you know? In the Aoki Sanctuary, Xu Feng, who passed the biography of Luo Ze, went back to the autumn water altar."

"I don't know how he will return to the autumn waters. Don't you know that the three forces are looking for him?"

"No! Now, go back to the autumn water altar, isn't it a dead end? Where did you hear the news?"

"Don't worry, my news is true. Someone saw Xu Feng and entered the autumn waters."


The entire ancient city of Aoki, a short half-day time.

The news that Xu Feng appeared in the autumn water altar, almost all spread.

On Shang Qi’s body, the violent momentum emerged.

There is a cold kill in the eyes.

"The stinky boy dared to come back, and the next step was his death."

Shang Qi did not expect.

Xu Feng was actually in the Aoki Sanctuary, not following his instructions.

Not only did it not ruin the seal, but it prevented the culprits of breaking the seal.

If it wasn't for B28, if he wanted to keep him, he would be killed.

This time, Xu Feng dared to return to the autumn waters from the net, which is a dead end.

B twenty-eight appeared in front of Shang Qi.

"What do you know about Xu Feng?"

B.28 asked Shang Qi.

Shang Qi nodded and said: "He told the devil to make an adult, I am going to arrest him personally."

E nodded at 28 o'clock and said: "The kid is very cunning, why come back suddenly, you have to be careful."

"With my experience in dealing with him, the kid will not come back for no reason, and he must be dependent."

B28 slightly frowned, and he knew Xu Feng very well.

After all, in Xu Feng’s hand, he ate twice.

He did not dare to sneak Xu Feng.

"The devil makes the adults feel relieved. If I can't surrender a rabbit in the district, this uninhibited lord has already changed."

Shang Qi does not believe that the life of Xu Feng District can still be impossible.

B.28 said: "You can rest assured that I will arrange the doorkeeper of Haoyuanmen and also assist you."


Shang Qi was surprised in his heart. He did not expect the door of Hao Yuanmen to be the servant of B.

However, I think Shang Qi also feels relieved. After all, Hu Yan’s cultivation is the same as that of him. He was stuck in the Dan Yuanjing triple, and the temptation to break through the realm is too big.


"Hey! That kid is still dare to appear. Since you have the inheritance of the ancestors, don't blame the old man."

Luo Yuanming thought of Xu Feng, that is, gas does not hit a place.

Originally thought that Xu Feng is only a soul teacher, you can easily control.

I know, Xu Feng is not simple.

Can also see through his plans.

For the inheritance of Luo Ze, he is bound to win.


Xu Feng stood in the middle of the autumn water altar, and the depths of both eyes were dignified. He had already felt that the powerful momentum of the two sides came toward the autumn water altar.

These people have a strong atmosphere, at least a high-order life, and Dan Yuanyuan's strong, a large number.

Although the heart is dignified, Xu Feng knows that this is what he has to do.

Since the benefits of Luo Ze have been obtained, it is impossible to look at Luo Ze’s collar, which is guarded by life, and finally become the base of the E-devil.

If that is the case, Luo Zezhen is not dead in vain.

This is also the reason why Xu Feng is willing to promise to chase the dragon knives and to succeed the knives.

(End of this chapter)

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