The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3815: Rolling out

Chapter 3815 is rolling out

Meng Wei looked at Qiu Mansha, and there was a burst of light in his eyes.

You know, Qiu Mansha is the goddess of his heart.

In the past, Qiu Mansha was high.

The talent is very strong, he does not dare to be arrogant.

However, now the entire Qingzhou ancient city.

I know that Qiu Mansha is a waste.

He is coveted by Qiu Mansha.

"Meng Wei, I am not familiar with you, I hope you will respect some, do not call such intimacy."

Qiu Mansha’s voice was cold, and she did not have the slightest affection for Meng Wei.

Meng Wei in front of you, in the ancient city of Qingzhou, no evil.

It is a full-fledged younger brother.

If you don't take advantage of the status of the family, you don't know how many times you die.

"Mansa? You don't know my heart. I like you very much. If you are willing to be my woman, then in this ancient city of Qingzhou, whoever dares to say a bad word, I will kill the whole family."

Meng Wei’s voice is overbearing and embarrassing.

Even if they don’t agree, they will kill the whole family.

Qiu Mansha’s face is unpleasant, saying: “Meng Wei, please don’t bother me to yell with me and my friends.”

He does not mean that.

Meng Wei’s eyes suddenly fell on Xu Feng.

Among the eyes, there is a fierce light.

Seeing Xu Feng wearing is very ordinary, can not help but with disdain in his eyes.

"Mansa? Don't you tell me, the handsome Mrs. Qiu Jiaqian, actually look at the country?"

Meng Wei said, his eyes were sharply staring at Xu Feng.

I saw Xu Feng taking care of himself.

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, I am with Xu Gongzi, it is a good friend relationship."

Qiu Mansha said, Meng Wei, said.

"Hey! I want to see, who are you, seeing this less coming, still eating so fragrant?"

Meng Wei suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the plate on the table, and headed toward Xu Feng's head.

Meng Xuan burst into a burst and said: "Meng Wei, don't be too much!"

Unfortunately, the plate in the hands of Meng Wei has already gone out to Xu Feng.

"It seems that you are really tired?"

When Xu Feng suddenly raised his head, the horrible fierce light broke out in his eyes. In an instant, he grabbed the arm that Meng Wei was about to fall, and the power on his hands broke out.

"Ah! It hurts!"

I haven't waited for Meng Wei's plate, squatting on Xu Feng's head, Meng Wei's arm, and making a squeaky voice.

The plate was accompanied by vegetables, and they all fell to the ground. When they slammed, they attracted a lot of people.

However, Meng Wei’s arm has been crushed by Xu Feng directly, and his entire face is white.

"Kid... you dare to hurt me... Do you know who I am?" Meng Wei was full of faces, and the whole body was twisted, trying to avoid the pain from his arm.

Xu Feng’s face was calm and said: “I am not interested in who you are, only know that you are disturbing my Yaxing.”

"My temper is very bad. If it is a person who provokes me, I will kill."

Xu Feng said that it was very calm, but it made many people stunned.

"Who is this girl? Is it that he does not know that he has hurt Mengwei, he can't live in Qingzhou Ancient City."

"The so-called peony flower is dead, and the ghost is also romantic. It seems that he and Qiu’s daughter have a very good relationship."

Meng Wei’s face is full of jealousy and killing: “I advise you to let me go immediately, then squat on the ground and apologize to me, otherwise you will not know how to die.”

Xu Feng’s eyes burst into a hot spot, looking at Meng Xuan not far away: “Meng Xuan, is he insulting your sister, causing your sister to die, and then killing your family?”

Xu Feng was originally in Qingzhou Ancient City and did not want to cause trouble.

However, there are always people who don’t open their eyes and find trouble with him.

A cruel man like Meng Wei.

Xu Feng really can't stand it.

In particular, Xu Feng’s sacred order.

Actually released the task.

That is to kill Meng Wei in front of you, you can get 10,000 good and evil values.

It is conceivable that the Mengwei in front of me is abhorrent.

You must know that the demon who killed a peak of life and soul is only 5,000 to 10,000 good and evil.

"Little brother, it is him!"

Yi Xuan bit his teeth.

Immediately, Xu Feng slowly asked: "Since it is him, do you dare to kill him?"


The entire Allure Restaurant is a sigh of relief.

Kill Meng Wei.

They think Xu Feng is afraid of being crazy.

Is this young man not afraid of revenge from his family?

"Ha ha ha..."

Meng Wei’s cheeks lingered, and Meng Xuan’s death: “You, the untouchables, your family is a squatter. Where do you come to kill me? Do you dare to kill me? Do you dare to kill me?”

Meng Wei screamed at Meng Xuan, and his words were arrogant and overbearing.


I saw Xu Feng directly grabbing Meng Wei’s head and slamming the leftovers on the ground.


Everyone's body was trembled, only to see Meng Wei's head, all flesh and blood.

"Your enemies are in front of you. If you dare to kill him, you will shoot!" Xu Feng sighed at Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan's eyes are red, his arms are shaking, toward Mengwei, step by step.

It seems that every step is like a year, so long.

Meng Xuan came to Meng Wei.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

Above the palm, it condenses into a violent storm.

"Since there is hatred, why not report it?"

Xu Feng sighed at Meng Xuan.

"Meng Wei, you kill more than a dozen people in my family, killing my sister, today is your death."


Meng Xuan suddenly closed his eyes, palms toward Meng Wei's body, it is necessary to suppress it.

"Who dares to hurt my family?" I saw the entrance to the second floor of the Allure Restaurant, a middle-aged man with anger.

The rolling is the strongest of the Mongolian family. Just when someone receives a letter, they rush toward it.

Unexpectedly, in the ancient city of Qingzhou, there are people who dare to shoot Meng Wei.

Meng Wei looked up and covered his face with blood.

The whole person looks very miserable.

He heard the sound of rolling, he was relieved.

"Rom... I killed him..."

"I want him to die like death... I will slowly torture him to death..."

Meng Wei’s heart is humiliating.

He had thought about it in the ancient city of Qingzhou.

Others dare to do this to him.

You know, his eldest brother is Mengyu, but he is an inner disciple of the knife.

Meng Wei stumbled and climbed up.

With a face full of bitterness, I looked at Xu Feng.

Go out in the place where you are rolling.

"I am a person, I don't like it very much, others threaten me!"

Xu Feng’s voice just fell.

I saw a **** red knife.

Without any hesitation, he turned to Meng Wei’s back and slammed it out.

"You dare! Vertical!"

Unexpectedly, he came here, and Xu Feng dared to start with Meng Wei.

The spiritual power of the body surging, and suddenly shot toward Xu Feng.


Unfortunately, Xu Feng's speed is very fast, and the strength is not weak.

Meng Wei's speed is too slow, he did not expect, Xu Feng really dared to kill him.


The Aurora Magic Knife stood in the back of Meng Wei.

The knife is torn apart.

Meng Wei has wide eyes.

The body fell and turned into two halves.

Blood completely dyed the Red City Restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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