The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3818: Blessings!

Chapter 3818 is a blessing!

Meng Gang followed to come to a hall.

I saw the top of the ground, Meng Wei's round eyes, **** bodies.

And a few young monks who are kneeling on the ground.

Rolling is also rolling, and I dare not speak.

The atmosphere of the entire hall has become deadly silence.

They are very clear.

At this moment, Meng Gang, no one can provoke.

Otherwise, it is death.

Meng Gang seems to be ten years old at an instant, walking in the footsteps, obviously a little trembling.

Coming to Meng Wei's body, he squatted down and had a terrible smile on his face.

"Wei, for the father these years, I always feel that it is too strict for your brother, too harsh for your second brother. So, thinking for the father, since you like this, do whatever you want, then let you do whatever you want!" ”

"Just because you have a father, you have your big brother, and your second brother, you don't need to be strong at all, no one dares to provoke you."

In the voice of Meng Gang, it reveals bleakness.

He never thought that in the ancient city of Qingzhou, there are people who dare to kill Meng Wei.

For so many years, Meng Wei has almost started from birth.

It is already doing what you want.

When I was three years old, I started on the street and killed people in the street.

At the age of twelve, he began to **** four women.

Years passed.

Meng Wei has long developed a arrogant character.

However, Meng Gang did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

Just because he is still there.

Mengjia is strong, who dares to provoke Mengwei?


Meng Gang’s eyes burst into fierce light.

He reached out and slowly closed Meng Wei's eyes.

Who knows, Meng Wei actually lives and does not close his eyes.

"Wei, you must want to see you as a father, and give yourself revenge!"

Meng Gang’s voice, with a hot and spicy.

He stood up.

"Who is it? What happened?"

Meng Gang’s voice echoed in the hall.

Rolling up and trembled.

"Homeowner... things are like this..."

Immediately, Meng will turn things around and tell Meng Gang from start to finish.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Qiu family?"

Meng Gang’s voice became cold.

Immediately look to the side, the four youths kneeling on the ground.

"You go out with Weier, he is dead, what are you still alive?"

"Ah... the owner is forgiving..."

"The owner is forgiving..."

The four youths all changed their faces, and their faces were pale.

The people in the hall are all shaking.

"Father, give your family a courtship, I... don't want to die..."

A young man looked up and looked at a man in the hall.

Meng Gang stared at the rolling, said: "Send them on the road, so as to avoid Weier, bored on Huangquan Road!"

There is no way to bear it, but there is no way.

Stand up and walk up towards the four youths.


With the first young man, he was thrown away and slapped.

" me..."

The last young man, he climbed to the middle of a middle-aged man with despair in his eyes.

Meng Gang stared at the middle-aged man and said: "Meng Meng, you can do it yourself!"

Inside the entire hall.

No one dared to say anything.

They all know the character of Meng Gang.

Among the eyes, there is only fear.

"Dice, you damn..."

In the depths of the eyes, there is a touch of madness.

Raise the palm of his hand and move toward his son's head.

The young man has wide eyes.

He had thought that he would die in the hands of his biological father.

The inner heart of the obscurity is unwilling and angry.


The wrong thing is Meng Wei.

Why, their sons are to be buried.

"You can rest assured that a few of them will not die in white, I will avenge them by hand!"

In the eyes of Meng Gang, with killing.

"Qiu... If you dare not give up, then don't blame me... you're welcome!"

Meng Gang’s words were very low, but everyone could not help but fight a chill.


Qiu home!

A somewhat quaint hall.

Just above the main hall, there is a middle-aged man sitting.

A standard Chinese character face, the chin has a lot of scum left.

Qiu Jiajia, Qiu Housheng!

He listened to the words of Qiu Mansha.

Constantly thinking inside.

He is not only the father of Qiu Mansha, but also the owner of Qiu.

The life and death of the entire Qiu family are in his hands.

However, inside his mind.

But the four words of the three brothers emerged.

"Blessings and sorrows..."

Qiu Housheng did not understand what Qiu Cheng meant in the end.

I feel that the youth in front of us may be a blessing or a curse.

Everything is between the thoughts?

"Big brother, this little brother, so demeaning, we Qiu, can't ignore him."

"But now, the ancient city of Qingzhou, Mengjia strong, we Qiu family is difficult to compete."

Next to a middle-aged man, his demeanor, and Qiu Housheng, are somewhat similar.

It is the second uncle of Qiu Mansha.

Qiu Housheng glanced over the rest of the people.

"Do you all talk about this? How to deal with this matter?"

"In the character of Meng Gang, I will come to our Qiu family for a long time."

"At the time, we will not be handed over, and we must be hit."

"But we can pay people, obviously not righteous."

The words of Qiu Housheng made everyone silently nod.

Xu Feng’s heart was dark and shocking.

It is no wonder that this Qiu family is able to get out of the strong like Qiu Cheng.

Such a family, one day, will inevitably become stronger.

Because the people of Qiu Jia are very united.

"Homeowners, our ancestors of Qiu, have had ancestral training!"

"Where the people of Qiu's family must be safe and secure!"

"Do not do anything that is not righteous!"

"Today, this little brother."

"Because of my Qiu family, I can't ignore it."

A white-haired old man, he stepped forward and started.

"Two uncles... this thing, what do you think should be done?"

Qiu Housheng looked at the white-haired old man and asked.

"Mengjia is strong, but he does not dare to fight with our Qiu family. You know, Yan Qi, the old fox, can't wait for us both, and both lose!"

"Meng Gang has always been ambitious, and wants to call the Qingzhou ancient city unified as their home."

"As long as we are strong enough, he can't fight!"

The white-haired old man analyzed.

Qiu Housheng nodded.

"Well! If this is the case, then this is the case!"

Qiu Housheng is not a drag-and-drop person.

Directly said: "We Qiu, will inevitably guarantee the safety of the younger brother."

Qiu Houwen once again looked at Xu Feng.

Asked: "This little brother, dare to ask you before you can treat Shah, is it true or false?"

Everyone in the hall has a short breath.

They are all the elders of Qiu Mansha.

Watching this cute and kind girl grow up.

I did not expect that fate made people.

Qiu Mansha turned out to be fat.

You know, Qiu Mansha at the time was like Meng Yu.

They have all been seen by the elders of the **** knife door.

I want to be a disciple.

Even with the elders of the sword, there is no way.

Can the youth in front of me really solve it?

(End of this chapter)

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