The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3842: Legal strongman

Chapter 3842, The Law of Heaven

"The deputy leader, is it too elder to still understand, how much have you paid for the knife door for so many years?"

"The doorkeepers have disappeared for nearly a hundred years. Are you the best candidate for the door of the gods?"

Hearing the words of Tian Shanhai, several elders, suddenly said indignantly.

They think that Tian Shanhai is very likely to be the owner.

Otherwise, why should they follow Tianshanhai?

Tian Shanhai heard the words, his face was a bit gloomy.

He is very clear inside.

The elders in front of me are following themselves.

That is to say, he became the door of the knife.


Today, the chasing dragon knife directly makes people the door.

This means that these people are very likely.

Twilight in an instant.

After all, the chasing dragon knife is very strong at the knife door.

Even if it is him, there is no qualification and strength, contrary to the meaning of chasing the dragon.

"I am in a hurry, do you think, how to deal with it?"

Tian Shanhai looked at everyone and asked.

"The deputy head, there is a trick under the squad."

I saw a man with a gray hair, his eyes slightly picked up, and his voice was a bit gloomy.

"What strategy?"

Tian Shanhai asked the other person.

"Half road killing!"

The man made a gesture of cutting his throat directly, and his eyes were all hot.


Tianshan Hai suddenly frowned.

The character of chasing dragons is very strong.

If the dragon chasing knife is known, they will kill the heirs selected by the other party halfway, fearing that they will be dismissed for investigation.

"Does the deputy master not fear the elders?"

The man followed.

"You should understand the character of the elders."

Tian Shanhai said.

"The deputy, you are too simple."

"You don't want to think about it. As long as we kill the kid halfway, who knows that we killed it?"

"Even if the elders are too old, he doesn't know?"

"At that time, the people we are here are all grasshoppers on the ropes. Who will tell the elders?"

Having said that, the man said: "Even if the elders really know, they can't kill us all? Do you want to run the sword?"

The meaning of the man is very obvious. The crowds on the scene add up, almost half of the mainstay of the sword.

After chasing the dragon tyrants, even if they really guessed that they were killing Xu Feng, in the end, they must choose not to know.

Tian Shanhai heard the words, nodded and looked at the crowd. He said: "How do you feel about the elders' prophecy?"

"Well, I agree!"

"I agree with it too!"

"Only the first step is strong. If you let the Shitong guy know, I am afraid it won't make us easy to succeed."

Everyone has opened their mouths.

Tian Shanhai did not hesitate, saying: "Since the elders of the propaganda have put forward their opinions, then please ask the elders to personally intercept the kid."

Xuanjie heard the words and said: "Thank you for the trust of the deputy doorkeeper. I can worry about the deputy leader. I can do what I can."


Tian Shanhai nodded and said: "You can rest assured that when I become the doorkeeper, I will definitely give you the benefits according to the merits."

"I am waiting for the door!"

Everyone knows well that the name of Tian Shanhai has become the door owner.

Tian Shanhai accepted it frankly.

I don’t think that this is a sin.

"Slow! Declare elders, don't forget, there are still things."

Just when Xuanjie is ready to turn around.

The depths of the mountains and the mountains are twinkling with chills.

"Door, please give instructions?"

Xuanjie respectful way.

I don't understand, there is still something in Tianshanhai.

"Zhou knows that this person is as timid as a mouse, plus he has been to the ancient city of Qingzhou. If it is too late for the elders to check up, he is probably more confessing than anyone else. At that time, I am not arguing."

The words of Tian Shanhai sounded, and many people were deep in their eyes.

Tianshanhai is really hot.

You know, I know all these years.

It is not unreasonable to do anything to Tian Shanhai.

Unexpectedly, Tian Shanhai really said that he would kill.

Xuanjie nodded and said: "The door is considered thoughtful and subordinated."

"Do it clean."

Tianshan Haitang Road.


Zhou Zhixuan thought that his letter to Tianshan would be a great achievement.

Back in the door of the knife, I don’t know how Tianshanhai will reward myself.

Thinking of this, my heart is excited.

Above the road, the speed is very fast.

I can't wait, I will arrive at the knife door immediately.

Good to find Tianshanhai, invite meritorious rewards.

"Master, you made great contributions this time. If you don't have a day, you will become an elder."

Zhan Yu said to Zhou Zhiyi, with a compliment.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhou Zhiyi seems extremely happy.

Above the Jiejie, it can be said that the speed is extremely fast.

You must know that he has to solve a few people like Zhou Zhiyi.

"Oh... Master, look at it, isn't that the elder of Xuanjie?"

"I am afraid that he was ordered by the deputy doorkeeper to come to meet Master."

"Master made great achievements, this time it is really amazing."

Several disciples of Zhou Zhijun are facing the compliment of him.

Xuan Jie also saw a few people like Zhou Zhiyi.

The heart is a condensation.

These guys are very fast.

Immediately, a few people, such as Zhou Zhiyi, came here.

"Is the elder, the deputy doorkeeper let you come?"

Zhou Zhisheng asked excitedly.

Xuanjie was a little wrong and realized it in an instant.

They know very much about their insatiable personality. They are very clear.

"Yes, the deputy doorkeeper asked me to come and ask you to borrow one thing."

Xuan Jie said to Zhou Zhisheng.

"The deputy head is really polite. He wants my treasure. He just needs to say it to me. It’s a knives, I know it, I don’t frown."

Zhou Zhiqi patted his chest and swears.

Xuanjie said: "Since you have such loyalty, it is really commendable. On the way I came, I still don't know how to talk to you?"

Zhou Zhisheng said: "I don't know what the deputy owner wants to borrow me? Please tell the elders."

"Lend your head."

Xuanjie slowly said.


Zhou Zhi’s eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.

"Declaring elders, don't be kidding, the younger brother is small."

Go back to God and say.

Xuanjie shook his head and said: "Zhou Zhiyi, you made a great contribution. Let the deputy master know Xu Feng's existence in advance, arrange for me to kill and kill him."

"Yes, when the elders are too late to trace, you will find your body, so... you must die..."

The violent momentum of Xuanjie spread.

"Do not……"

Zhou Zhiyi’s spiritual power surged, and the whole person leaned behind him and fled quickly.

He is very clear that he is not an opponent of Xuanjie, but the other party is a strong legal person.


Xuanjie sighed and the spirit of his body stirred up and rushed out toward Zhou Zhiyu.

In just a short period of more than a dozen breaths, Zhou Zhiyi fell to the ground, and his eyes were unwilling.


Zhan Hao and others, where did you think that this would be the case.

They are all crazy to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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