The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3859: Four deans

Chapter 3859, Four Deans

"See the seniors!"

Xu Feng is very clear that the person opposite is absolutely strong.

Because, from the other side.

He felt the kind of condescending momentum.

The sword devil looked at Xu Feng and nodded.

There is appreciation between the gods.

"Not bad!"

The knife demon looked at Xu Feng and smiled. "I think you are very curious. Who am I?"

Xu Feng heard the words, did not deny, nodded directly: "Dare to ask the title of seniors."

In the eyes of the sword and the magic, it seems that with a touch of sly, smiled and said: "When I used to, my name, resounded throughout the North Shore."

"I am known as a knife!"

Xu Feng heard that the body is a shock.

Can be called a knife magic, enough to see each other's knife realm, in the end what the horror to.

Once, he had seen the dean of the Kyushu College and the horror of the three swords.

However, at that time, there were no knives and no inheritance to Xu Feng.

He wants Xu Feng to go out of his own path.

Martial arts practice.

If you can't get out of your own path.

I will practice according to my predecessors for the rest of my life.

Then, in the future, you will not be able to break through the predecessors.

"I wanted to wait for a descendant here, I didn't expect to wait for your peerless arrogance."

"My inner heart can't bear it. If my inheritance is handed over to you, you may be able to carry it forward in the future."

"Unfortunately, it limits the growth of a peerless genius. My heart is flawed."

The voice of the sword is very sincere. He is also telling the truth. He does not want Xu Feng to follow his path and go.

The reason why he is called the sword magic is precisely because his knife method is too magical.

Although he has never indiscriminately killed innocent people, he is never merciless in the face of the Mozu, but his state of mind is not perfect.

It is destined that he will never be a true peerless powerhouse.

"You release the sin of your knife."

The sword devil said to Xu Feng.

Since it is capable of breaking out such a powerful knife.

Then, it is inevitable to realize the true meaning of the knife.

Xu Feng did not hesitate, and released the second-order knife of his body.

The knives of the swordsman's eyes slammed.

There are horror between the gods.

Immediately, I laughed: "I didn't expect that after I died, I could meet a genius like you."

"You will continue to use the knife method, I will continue to look at it." The sword demon is very excited and excited, said to Xu Feng.

"From the very beginning of your cultivation, to the knives you are practicing now."

The knife and the devil want to understand Xu Feng's perception of the knife method, can be considered, how to teach Xu Feng, pointing Xu Feng.

Only to play the biggest role for Xu Feng.

"Thousand-blade dragons break!"

"Fantasy knife!"

"Three feet!"

Seeing that Xu Feng displayed a three-knife rule, the eyes of the knife and the magical eyes were suddenly contracted.

Because this knife is familiar to him, but his old friend, the practice of the knife.

However, the knife and the magic did not interrupt Xu Feng's knife, but pressed the inner doubts.

"Three thousand Thunderknife!"

"Aurora kills the knife!"

Xu Feng's knives are constantly being displayed, and the lost voids are all turbulent.

After all the knives were applied, Xu Feng took a deep breath and collected the Aurora Magic Knife.

"The natural knife is strong."

The sword demon looked at Xu Feng's full-scale knife and couldn't help but sigh.

"Right, where are you three feet, where do you come from?"

The knife devil looked at Xu Feng and asked.

Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, this is a three-knife, but the dean of Kyushu College, Lie San knife passed on to him.

He did not expect that the knife magic actually knows that it is three feet. ,

"You kid is very principled, presumably this is a three-knife, from the dean of Kyushu College, is it a three-knife?"

The knife devil asked Xu Feng.

"You can safely say that the guy with the three knives, I am with him."

"His three-knife, I can easily display."

Said, the knife and the arm swip.

It turned out to be a three-pronged knife.

However, the three-knife ruler is displayed in the hands of the sword.

Power, it’s just a matter of difference.

"I am very curious, where do you come from?"

The knife and the devil asked Xu Feng.

Although the three-knife is only a fifth-order upper-class spirit.

However, Lie Sandao is really true love for this knife.

At that time, the most favorite of the three knives was the knife.

He believes that the three knives will not be easily taught.

Immediately, Xu Feng will tell himself about the knife in the cave house.

After the knife and the demon, the look between the gods and the anger, said: "It is a pity that I can't think of the Qingyang dynasty to become this look."

"The guy who is a three-knife is also stubborn. If he was willing to leave the Qingyang Dynasty, how could he die?"

"Just, this guy is also a dead brain. He left it for Kyushu College."

"In his words, even if it is higher and stronger, what is the use?"

"For him, when the dean of Kyushu College is very good, it is good to be a teacher who can be taught by the profession."

The knife can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Immediately, I said, "I don't want to mislead you. I will give you the greatest help. I will pass on my understanding of the knife method. As for the various knives I practice, and the Holy Spirit, I am with you. Not much benefit."

"The real martial art, only if you walk out, is your own way. Otherwise, it is the way of others."

Xu Feng found that the meaning of the knife and the three swords are exactly the same.

"You feel it slowly!"

The knife magic immediately began to convey his own understanding of the knife method to Xu Feng.

As for the various holy spirits of the knife method.

Xu Feng did not get it.

Moreover, the knife and the magic do not want Xu Feng, continue to follow his path.

What he wants is Xu Feng, who surpasses himself.

Become a real powerhouse.

I don't want to have an enhanced version of the sword on the North Shore.

Xu Feng only felt inside her mind.

It seems to have experienced centuries of precipitation.

After a while, it is impossible to digest.

How can a strong man like the knife and the sword, his feelings about the knife, how can it be unusual?


Purple Pavilion.

Passing the mountain outside.

With a middle-aged man in a light gray robes.

It looks gentle and elegant.

His face gives a sense of modesty.

He is the dean of the Zige Ziyan Academy, Zheng Junzhi.


Xin Tianyin and Zhao Li and others are respectful to Zheng Junzhi's respectful manner.

Zheng Junzhi asked: "Who found the five geniuses?"

The faces of Xin Tianyin and Zhao Li are not very good-looking.

However, Xin Tianyin still said: "Wang Tianyuan."


Zheng Junzhi does not have much emotional change.

However, he said: "Since it is a genius, it should naturally belong to our Purple Temple. After all, Wangtianyuan has no ability to cultivate."

However, it was another figure and then appeared.

A red-haired man.

Very burly.

(Recently, there is a spray in the book review area, which involves attacking me personally. You really don't understand why I am banned from you? I have insulted my family three times and five times. The most important thing is that I don't understand where you are coming from. Eligibility to insult me. You see my hard work, the novels that come out every day and night, but there is not a little fan value. You are a reader who doesn’t spend money reading books. Since you look at piracy, why come to me? Excuse me, where are you from? Qualifications? My food and clothing parents are those who spend money to read my books. If you don’t spend a penny, read books in vain, you still insult my family. I don’t seal you, what are I? Finally, thank those For more than two years, I have been supporting a large number of genuine readers. As for the pirated readers, I have spurred me to insult my family. I wish you all the words of insults will be added to you! Finally, thank you again for those who support me! )

(End of this chapter)

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