The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3875: Jianxiao Xiaolongshan

Chapter 3875 Jian Yu Xiao Longshan

"What? Can't this yard be chosen?"

Xu Feng asked in the opposite direction.

Beside the Qu Yuming look, there is a deep expression of experience.

He opened his mouth against Xu Feng and said, "Nothing, wait for you tomorrow, you know, why is this?"

Under the leadership of Dong Dongliu, Xu Feng selected the courtyard.

It is already in the evening.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged.

Take out the bamboo slips that the cloud gave him.

Keep looking at the bamboo slips.

Did not find any clues.

Above the bamboo slips, it is filled with smooth luster.

The soul power of Xu Feng is diffused, and he is constantly exploring the bamboo slips. He wants to check it out.

However, the exploration of the soul power is like a sinking sea, and there is no such thing as any.

Xu Feng’s hands and the constant flow of spiritual power found that the bamboo slips were indestructible.

No matter how his power increased, there was no change in the bamboo slips, and there was no effect at all.

“So hard?”

Xu Feng frowned, no wonder that the East and the clouds were broken, and there was no such thing as a bamboo slip.

"Do you want to try the heavens and the earth?"

Xu Feng was slightly indulged, and the fire in the hand appeared. He did not dare to use other heavens and earth fires. He was afraid that the bamboo slips could not bear it. When the bamboo slips were burned down, he could not reply to the cloud.


The fire of the raging fire is constantly burning, filled with the flames of the majestic, and the bamboo slips are in the flame, there is no movement.

"Can't the fire in heaven and earth be burned?"

Xu Feng was completely shocked.

You must know that although the fire is only the best in the world.

However, the power is not to be underestimated.

Now, no fire can be burned by the fire.

He didn't think he would be surprised.

Collapse the fire of the Luo Luo, Xu Feng did not continue to use the flame.

"Purple konjac!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate, only to see his twin eyes, the strange dawn appeared, forming a strong momentum.

In an instant, the dawn turned toward the bamboo slip and went straight through.


Xu Feng stared at the bamboo slips and saw the bamboo slips on it. It seemed to be a small strip of dragonfly, constantly swimming.

The little donkeys became densely packed, and finally they gathered together, and the little ones started to work again.

"What is this ghost thing?"

Xu Feng is a bit shocked.

In the end, the whole person seems to be caught in a terrible forbidden land.

The light in the eyes gradually darkened.

The constant peristalsis of those runes is a certain horrible law.

The dawn of Xu Feng gradually became a little scarlet, and the violent suffocation of the whole person emerged.

"Fantasy? That's a knife... a **** red knife..."

Inside Xu Feng’s mind, a picture of bleeding red appears.

Blood stains the red earth.

I saw a **** red knife.

Just keep going out horizontally.

Wherever Knife went, it was death.

"No... continue this way, I will be enchanted..."

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep, with awe.

Although the whole person is completely integrated into the illusion.

However, Xu Feng's inner thoughts are extremely clear.

"No... can't go on like this..."

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, there is a glimmer of light.


As his mind moved, the luster of the purple konjac gradually dimmed.

Xu Feng was sweating under the rain.

The whole person is like a complete collapse.

More terrible than a big battle.

His hands are constantly shaking.


Bamboo slips fell directly on the ground.

Xu Feng suddenly stepped back a few steps.

"What are the sly runes on this bamboo slip, why are they so horrible?"

Xu Feng’s heart was shocked, dragging his tired body, and he came to the bed.

Night, it is extremely quiet.

Xu Feng went to sleep like this.

He has been sleeping for a long time, not so deep.


Far away from the horizon.

A shimmer, just appeared.

I saw a young man in a gray shirt.

His face is firm, two eyebrows, the whole person's look, some dignified.

Inside the hand, holding a sword.

He came to the front of the bamboo forest, deep in his eyes, and the sword light flashed.

For years, he has to be slightly brighter in genius.

I began to practice swordsmanship.

For him, no one is more interesting than swordsmanship.


The entire green hills are still very quiet.

It came from the ear, only the sound of the mountains and the sound of birds.

However, when the young man grasped the sword, he began to wave.


With the long sword of the youth, began to dance.

The swordsmanship of the road, in all directions, constantly shot out.

It can be seen that the swordsmanship of the youth is not very complicated.

Yes, at the time of his swordsmanship.

In the bamboo forest in front of him, the leaves of the pieces began to fall down.

The bamboo forest sends out the sound of the sword and the constant sound of the bamboo forest.

The sound spreads far away.


Xu Feng opened his eyes and didn't expect to sleep so hard.

The groaning sound from the ear is particularly harsh.

"What is this sound?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, he was surprised.

Immediately, stand up and take a deep breath.

Just outside the courtyard, where the sound came.

Not much time.

Just came outside the bamboo forest.

The youth who practiced swordsmanship heard footsteps in their ears.

Suddenly turned his head and his eyes fell on Xu Feng.

With deep excitement in his eyes, he said: "If you are here, let me learn from you and learn the swordsmanship..."


When Xu Feng was hesitant, a sword and a crisscross, he was already attacking himself.

However, the other party obviously only wants to learn the swordsmanship, and the spiritual power of the body does not flow.


Xu Feng physically moved to avoid the sword attack of the youth.

The aurora magic knife appeared in the hand, and greeted the other side of the sword.

"Ha ha ha... it’s good..."

This young man is not someone else. It is the seventh disciple of Castle Peak, Xiao Longshan.

Before Xu Feng came, he was a younger brother.

This guy is a cultivator.

For the cultivation of swordsmanship, it is almost obsessed.

Every morning, the sky is just slightly bright.

It is inevitable to practice swordsmanship.

In the past, Qu Yuming also felt that the environment was good.

I want to live here.

I know.

Just dawn, Xiao Longshan began to practice swordsmanship.

Noisy you can't sleep at all.

Finally, if you get up.

Xiao Longshan must be entangled in your swordsmanship.


In the end, Qu Yuming could not bear it.

Just be able to avoid this and choose another yard.


The sword is constantly colliding, one knife is very strong, and one sword method is also very second, bringing a strong momentum.

The sword and the sword are pervasive. Among the bamboo forests around, a bamboo plant is cut into a pile of pieces by the knife and the sword.

"Ha ha ha... really good..."

Xiao Longshan made a big laugh, and the sword became more fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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