The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3978: Life and soul

Chapter 3978, the soul of the soul is perfect

"It's ridiculous that you really think of yourself as a genius!"

Lu Chi's body moved, his body's spiritual power surged, and suddenly, his hands turned to the place where Xu Feng was, turned into a claw, and took out with a broken voice.

His cultivation is a life-threatening genius, and he is a genius disciple in the top of Yun Chiling.

Therefore, he thought that Xu Feng was only a disciple of Hongcheng. He knew that the most powerful Hongcheng was Hong En.

However, Hong En and Lu Chi have seen it. Since the young man opposite is not Hong En, then he will only die.

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled and he saw his claws coming, his brows picking up, and his spiritual power came along.

"The soul of the soul is nine peaks!"

Xu Feng’s repairs came to an instant, and the opposite Lu Chi was shocked. His face was full of horror and his eyes wide open.

"how is this possible?"

His heart is full of horror, to know that the entire Hongcheng, the most powerful Hong En, is only a life-threatening nine.

The young people on the opposite side seem to be making their age younger. How could it be that the life of the soul is repaired?

"Who is you? You are not a disciple of Hongcheng?" Lu Chi suddenly asked, his heart was full of fear, his body was halfway, but he found that Xu Feng had already attacked him, his fist burst into a strong gas. wave.

"Who told you that I am a Hongcheng disciple?"

Xu Feng’s unstoppable fist, so he rushed out to Luchi.

"Hey! What about the ninth peak of the soul?"

Looking at Xu Feng’s fist, Lu Chi can only cheer himself up, angry.


Lu Chi showed the Holy Spirit skills and resisted the fists of Xu Feng. How can he know Xu Feng’s fists? The power is too strong.

Suddenly, just a punch was crushed by real bones, and he was squatting on the ground.

Xu Feng will make the micro-spirit income into the inside of the Ding, prepare to gather more micro-spirits, and then prepare to improve.

When I came to Lu Chi, Xu Feng said faintly: "Who is this kind of waste, who gives you the courage to provoke me?"


Lu Chi was stimulated by Xu Feng, and it was a blood spout.

Xu Feng puts Lu Chi's storage ring away and knows that the other party is about to die. He is too lazy to continue to move hands, but walks toward the front. His goal is to collect miniature spiritual veins and prepare to improve his cultivation to the soul.

If Xu Feng's cultivation is done, it can be upgraded to the great soul of the life, even if it is facing the seven elements of Dan Yuanjing, it is completely capable of fighting, and may even kill each other.


Hong Hai entered the small secret of Hongcheng with an excited smile on his face.

I know, a breath, coming over to his side.

"Oh! I can't think of my luck so good. Just entering the small secret of Hongcheng, I will meet your waste..."

Not far from a young man, from Yun Chiling, he saw the moment of Hong Hai, his face full of smiles.

You must know that before they entered the small secret of Hongcheng, they received the order of Lin Dao.

If anyone can kill Hong Hai and others, you can get a lot of rewards.


Hong Hai immediately screamed, and immediately the spiritual flow of his body, said: "Hey... Big Brother, how come you, hurry to kill me..."

The young man was said by Hong Hai, and he thought that Hong Hai was talking about Hong En and Xu Feng.

To know that the strength of these two people is very strong, they are not opponents, immediately turned around with a vigilant sweep around.

However, just when he looked back and saw nothing, a spiritual force flowed, Hong Hai had escaped like a cannonball. He could clearly know how many pounds he had, or he didn’t know how to die. .

Thirty-six counts, go for the count.

"You are so! People!"

When the youth felt the flow of spiritual power, they discovered that Hong Hai had already moved in the distance and fled for a few tens of meters.

It is completely desperate to escape, and does not give him the opportunity and time to catch up.

When Hong Hai escaped, he panted and stabilized his body. He was sweating all over his body.

He slammed his chest and said: "It’s really awkward, I was almost solved by the guy."

"You can't let them know my identity. I have to hide my identity." Hong Hai took out a mask from the storage ring, which is quite interesting.

The mask is covered with a small array of methods that can completely cover up his original face.

If the warrior wants to find out who he is, it is difficult to detect it.

Hong Hai put on the mask and was relieved a little.


"You dare to kill me, we will not be willing to give up, and you will die very badly."

A youth in Yunchiling, the corners of his mouth are traces of blood, staring at Xu Feng.

He managed to find a few micro-spirits, but was snatched by Xu Feng, who suddenly came out.

This is already the third person Xu Feng has robbed today. He found himself searching for Yun Chiling's disciple and robbing the other party's micro-spirit, which is much more efficient than himself. It is much higher.

"Do you think it is useful to threaten me? Should you have two miniature threads on your body?"

Xu Feng did not wait for the other party to answer, grabbed the storage ring, as he guessed, two miniature spirits.

"Thank you for the gift, I will send you on the road!"

Xu Feng palms toward the other's chest and squats out.

The disciples of Yun Chiling are completely messy.

Who is Xu Feng who is completely met, who will kill him.

It is impossible to say at all.

If you have a disciple with a micro-spirit, you can still be a little better.

Otherwise, they are all hanged.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Feng has obtained twenty-three micro-spirits.

"It’s really a lot of people, and the ancients don’t bully me!”

Xu Feng’s smile on his face.

If he is looking for a miniature pulse, even if it is his speed and strength, it is a good result to be able to collect ten micro-spirits.

"Then go to the place you just discovered and practice."

Xu Feng turned around, and the spiritual power of his body flowed to the edge of a stream in a short time.

The scenery here is beautiful, and the level of spiritual power is much stronger than other places.

You know, Xu Feng is here, but I have obtained four miniature threads.

Immediately, take out a few polylites.

Arrange some simple magic arrays.

Xu Feng sat cross-legged, taking a deep breath and adjusting the breath of the whole body to the best condition.

"I still don't believe that I can't break through to the soul of the soul!" Xu Feng's heart with expectations, his own double soul, when the breakthrough to the Great Consummation, will bring much change.

You must know that the soul, growth and death of his double life soul are the top talents.

If you can combine the two attributes of growth and death into his life, so that his attack has two attributes, it is a great improvement for his strength.

As soon as the creation of the Ding was up, Xu Feng began to use the micro-spirit of the refinery and transformation, transforming into a pure spiritual power, moving toward his body, crazy, and forming a violent wave.

(End of this chapter)

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