The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3991: Hit the big

Chapter 3991 is striking

"To meet the predecessors, the younger generation is indeed not the people of Hedong Village, passing by."

Xu Feng did not humble and looked at each other, and his eyes were full of horror.

According to the description of Lao Litou in Hedong Village.

I am afraid not far away, looking like a man of middle-aged Confucianism.

Years old are more than a thousand years old.

The strength can be imagined, how terrible it is.

"Oh... I don’t think that the courage is quite big, and the life of the soul is ten years old. The old man has been there for hundreds of years and has not seen it."

How to repair Luohe East, just a glance, you can see the secret of Xu Feng cultivation.

Xu Feng is not unexpected. He believes that he can go the way. Presumably, there are also many warriors who have passed.

Luo Hedong has lived like a monster for thousands of years. It is not a big deal to know such a thing.

"Look at this, I am going to make a deal with you." Luo Hedong said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he didn't understand what Luohe East wanted to do, and smiled: "Don't ask the seniors what to do? But it's fine!"

"With your strength and cultivation, you can help Hedong Village. When you come to the North Coast, I owe you personal feelings. When you meet difficulties, you can report my name, how?"

The slow road of Luohe East.

Originally, Luo Hedong felt that Xu Feng might refuse.

I know, Xu Feng is indifferent, laughing: "The younger generations are doing their best to help Hedong Village to lift the crisis."

"And, the seniors stay in the village of Hedong Village, and the younger generation can make further improvements."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and said it was very happy, even if it was Luohe East, it was a bit stunned.

After all, he has been clarified for thousands of years. I feel that most of the warriors are unprofitable.

Heluohe East is even more powerful, and now it is meaningless to open Xu Feng, which is a short check.

"If that's the case, then thank you!"

Luohe East is holding a fist to Xu Feng.

"I hope you can come to the North Coast and believe that we will meet again when we get there."

Luo Hedong is very clear, such a young genius as Xu Feng, since there is the strongest way to go.

Then, the promised things will inevitably go all out.

Unless Xu Feng can't do it.

However, since Xu Feng can't do it.

Then he does not have much meaning to continue to entangle.

"Look at you!"

The old Li head pointed to the riverside of Hedong Village, and there was a worrying color on his face.

"Not good, people from the Purple Cream are coming."

"The lord of the Purple Frost sect came to bring people personally."

"Our Hedong Village is afraid that it will be escaping."


Many people in Hedong Village have expressed exclamations and despair in their eyes.

The strength of the purple frost is very strong, and the sovereign is the strongest of the five peaks of Dan Yuanjing.

There are dozens of warriors in the Dan Yuanjing under the hand, and they came to Zishuangzong so much.

Presumably, for the purple spirit, it is bound to win.

"Everyone in Hedong Village listens, if you don't hand over the purple spirit beads, don't blame me, pull up your Hedong Village, and then uproot it. When the time is broken, it is the day when Hedong Village is bloody."

As the lord of the Purple Frost, Jiang Huai, when he learned that Hedong Village had a purple spirit, he was greedy.

If you can get a purple spirit, you can at least break through the seven elements of Dan Yuanjing.

Then, the strength of the Purple Frost will be even higher.

"The people in Hedong Village, have you not heard the words of the Sovereign? Have you not rushed out to meet?"

"As long as you donate the purple spirit beads, after the Hedong Village belongs to the purple frost, no one will dare to find you trouble."

"Yes, the Sovereign Master is so great, maybe you will pick a few beautiful women in your Hedong Village to do his little trick."

Many people in Zishuangzong have screamed at Hedong Village.

It’s just too deceiving.

Not only must we take away the purple spirit beads of Hedong Village, but also want to **** women.


"What do we do now? We are not the opponent of the Purple Frost, and there is an accident in the formation."

"If you bring people who will let the Purple Frost Zong know that our regime of Hedong Village has lost most of its role, I am afraid they will not hesitate to come in."

Several people have looked at Lao Li’s head with panic on his face.

"It's not good, let's hand over the purple spirit beads!"

Someone started to suggest, hand over the purple spirit beads.

"Yes, hand over the purple spirit beads, we may not have to die yet."

Some people also followed.

"Hey! You want to hand over the purple spirit beads, when will you let the purple frost be slaughtered?"

"In these years, what is the virtue of the purple frost, you don't know, eat people do not spit bones."

Some people next to it obviously did not agree to surrender to the Purple Frost.

Just when everyone is in a hurry.

Lao Li head looked at Xu Feng and said: "Please also ask the little brother to preside over the overall situation. How should we deal with it?"

Everyone looked at Xu Feng, although Luo Hedong wanted Xu Feng to save Hedong Village, but they thought Xu Feng looked too young, how could it be strong?

"Since they want to enter Hedong Village, open the array and let them come in!"

"At that time, shutting down the dog, isn't it wonderful?" Xu Feng said faintly.

As if to say that the clouds are light and windy, it seems that everything is under his control.

"You said it is light, put them in, how to close the door to fight the dog? Isn't it going to fight with them?" A man pointed at Xu Feng and said: "I think you are afraid that we will die."

Xu Feng looked at the other's face, his mouth raised, and smiled: "I finally understand why you Hedong Village, out of such a strong, but not willing to come back to bring you stronger."

"People like you are really not qualified to become stronger."

The middle-aged man was said by Xu Feng, and suddenly he was so angry that he said: "You don't think that the ancestors let you save us. You can really save us, you can only be bigger, you can be the opponent of the purple frost lord. That is the fifth peak of Dan Yuanjing."


However, Xu Feng suddenly stepped out, raised his palm, and the slap of the slap fell on the other's face, the teeth gave the other party a few drops, and the fan's head was faint.

"If you dare to say more, I will kill you now!" Xu Feng double deep, killing emerged.

The middle-aged man who had fallen to the ground and wanted to get up and screamed at Xu Feng suddenly became scared and pale.

It is really among the two peaks of Xu Feng. The embarrassment that erupted is too horrible.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of emotions. It’s really a poor person. There must be hateful things.

In Hedong Village, there are always some people who are weak and incompetent. But for generations to enjoy the benefits of such a paradise such as Hedong Village. They are poor, but they are hateful.

This is the inferiority of human beings.

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the village entrance of Hedong Village.

Lao Li’s head is next to the people in Hedong Village.

"We followed this little brother, even if it is dead, we must stand and die."

"Never be able to shame the ancestors."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you die."


(End of this chapter)

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