The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4014: Third-order killing

Chapter 4014, the third-order killing

Zixi ancestors are like this, standing at a distance of two or three meters from Xufeng.

Deep in the eyes, they are all terrified.

Looking at the blood knife in Xu Feng's hand, my heart is desperate.


The scene seems to be in a dead silence.

The next moment.

Along the back of Zixi's ancestors, the ground broke out with a screaming sound, and the madness cracked open.

Everyone saw this, and the blood of Zixi’s ancestors began to overflow.


The body of Zixi's ancestors, along the **** knives, began to crack open wherever he went.

The blood continually flows, so it falls heavily on the ground and dies completely.

However, many people suddenly discovered that the killing of Xu Feng became more and more horrible.

"After retreating!"

Zhuo Yunzhao snorted at the people behind him.

However, among Xu Feng’s eyes, they are **** knives.

The moment of turning around, the **** red eyes, as if it were a handle, can pierce the inner knife.

Xu Feng is holding a blood knife like this.

The breath of the body is getting more and more horrible.


Inside Xu Feng’s body, the interior of the Ding Ding.

The face of the mysterious woman has become extraordinarily ugly.


The mysterious woman is very clear about how terrible the blood knife is.

This knives, Mo said that the district is the peak of the soul of Xu Feng.

Even the entire spiritual gods, those who stand at the top.

No one can resist the counterattack of the blood knife.

However, the blood knife is really weird.

The power of this knife is too horrible.

As a result, many people, knowing that they use a blood knife to die, still have no hesitation.

Once, for this knife, Lingshen did not know how many top forces, blood and hurricanes, blood flow into the river, and countless deaths and injuries.


Xu Feng suddenly spit out a moment of words.

Grab the blood knife and move toward the crowds in the distance.

In particular, some of the eyelids, with awkward people, suddenly smashed out.

A knife smashed out, countless blood-colored knives, dozens of people with shackles, directly killed.

They were still thinking about what they were doing, and they were able to capture the blood knife in Xu Feng’s hand.

In a twinkling of an eye, he becomes the soul of the knife.


"Do you want to run?"

Xu Feng grabbed a blood knife and his eyes were red.

Above the arm, blood flows.

Those blood are swallowed up by blood knives.

A middle-aged man with a horrified face.

Looking at Xu Feng standing opposite, there is fear between the looks.

He did not expect that Xu Feng was so fast, he came to chase him.

"No... no... don't kill me..."

The middle-aged man was full of horror and his voice began to tremble.

However, the killing of Xu Feng’s eyes has become more intense.

"People who want to report to Chen Xianlong must die!"

Xu Feng is very clear.

Chen Xianlong has eyeliners throughout the Northern Territory.

Those who were killed by him.

It will take a long time to tell Chen Xianlong what happened in Zixi.

At that time, Xu Feng wants to avoid Chen Xianlong's pursuit, it is really difficult to go to heaven.


The middle-aged man is deep in the eyes and is amazed.

He did not understand why Xu Feng could see through people's minds.

"Mood? Do you feel your state of mind?"

With the rock-solid state of Xu Feng's body erupting, the blood-red knives, facing the middle-aged man opposite, slashed out.

Those who have realized the state of mind can see through the other party’s intentions from the warrior who does not understand the state of mind.

Whether it is goodwill or malicious.

The middle-aged man had not been able to make a scream and was killed by the knife.

The longer Xu Feng used the blood knife, the more serious it was to be countered.

His meridians are now almost torn apart.

However, in the mind, the killing of the enemy has become stronger.

If you don't feel the state of mind.

Rock solid.

He is very clear that he may have been countered by a blood knife.

And he is more aware of the current imperative.

It is necessary to completely cover up what happened in Zixi.

Therefore, these people who came to watch.

Either kill.

Either under house arrest.

As for those who are not good-willing and want to go to Chen Xianlong to receive the reward, of course, they are unrelenting.

The blood knife continues to pervade and kills more than a dozen people again.

Xu Feng’s body, the second-order peak killing the righteousness, the mad surge, has become more and more horrible.

"Damn, my second-order peak kills the righteousness, want to break through?" Xu Feng almost did not spurt.

If he breaks through to the third-order killing, he is naturally very happy.

However, now the blood knife is still countering him. If he breaks through the third-order killing, it is very likely that he will be completely controlled by the blood knife and become a machine that only knows killing.


Xu Feng was full of faces, and his rock-solid state of mind broke out.

Take out dozens of clear-hearted holy spirits and swallow them in your mouth.

"Building Ding!"

Xu Feng's crazy operation made the tripod.

I know, in this stall.

The blood knife is madly struggling, even if it is a fortune, there are some that can not control the blood knife.

"What kind of ghost is this knife?"

Xu Feng is very clear about the horror of the creation of Ding Ding, even the middle of the world, like the frost and the fire, is a fear for the creation of Ding.

Now, the blood knife is clearly controlled by the Ding Ding, but wants to break away from control and counteract Xu Feng.

"There is a knife in the district, and I want to counter me! Give it to me!"

Xu Feng burst into a bang, and the golden light on his body broke out instantly.

The magical rotation of the Ding Ding.

Bringing a horrible momentum, the blood knife that is about to be released, not directly, is directly invaded into the real estate.

Xu Feng only felt that the whole person was completely collapsed.


Blood spurted out of the mouth.

Just fall to the ground like this.


Zhuo Yunzhao snorted and a few people quickly came to Xu Feng, one by one, taking a breath.

Xu Feng’s body has long been soaked with blood and sweat.

Above the ground, there are traces of blood and water.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng's skin surface is a scar like a spider web.

Without any hesitation, Zhuo Yunzhao will leave one of his own, Tianlian Bath Huo Dan into Xu Feng's mouth.

The little leopard quickly squatted to Xu Feng's side, two eyes, and a large number of people with vigilance.

"Several of you, immediately grab all the witnesses, one can't miss it!"

Both Lu Yidan and Yin Xia Bing were seriously injured, and the Tianlian bath fire Dan still did not recover.

The person who Zhuo Yunzhao gave the order was Shi Sanshi IV, and the subordinates of the people.

Simply, the onlookers are almost killed by Xu Feng.

The remaining 20 people were also quickly arrested.

They are also not likely to be the opponents of Shi Sanshi.

"Can the owner still survive?"

Shimao stared at Xu Feng's body and looked worried.

Their injuries are already very serious.

However, Shen Feng's current physical condition.

It is a hundred times more serious than them.

“First return to the pharmacy!”

Zhuo Yunzhao's face is extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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