The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4074: The power of sword consolidation

Chapter 4074, The Power of Sword Consolidation

"Hey! You two dare to under the eyes of Dongyang City, killing innocent, rape! ** Female, if Dongyang Yunzhi does not kill you, is it not the word Dongyang."

On the beautiful face of Dongyang Yunzhi, they are all reluctant to get rid of evil, holding a long sword.

This sword is also very beautiful. With the power of Jianguang, it is definitely a good sword.

Even Xu Feng’s Aurora Magic Knife is far from the other’s sword.


The middle-aged man on the left hand has deep eyes, with a hot color, but on the surface is pretending to be very fearful.

"As long as you let us go, we can promise to follow you..." The man fled quickly as he spoke.


Just when the man used the escape to attract Dongyang Yunzhi’s attention, the other man who escaped from the Dan Yuanjing’s nine-fold man suddenly displayed a powerful spirit of the Holy Spirit, and smashed it to Dongyang Yunzhi, directly killing a returning carbine. .

"I have already guarded you two insidious villains!"

Dongyang Yunzhi screamed and grabbed a long sword, stabbed it out with a sword, and was not squandered by the attack. Instead, it was calm and calm.


Liu Dayan's eyes are all condensed, and the sixth-order Holy Spirit technique he displayed is instantly cracked by the sword of Dongyang Yunzhi.


Seeing that Dongyang Yunzhi is like a cowhide candy, you can’t beat it, and you can’t beat it.

The depths of both of them are hot and hot, and they have a look at each other. "Dongyang Yunzhi, you have the ability to chase us..."

Said, the two turned, in the direction of the left hand, quickly fled.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all confined. Is that direction the direction of the valley where Lu Hongkang and Wu Yan are involved with the ghosts?

Xu Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at the horizon in the distance. Hongxia has not disappeared.

That is to say, last night, the warrior who practiced the bloodthirsty gods and demons from the ghosts did not completely go back.

"Liu Jia Shuangyan, I will kill you today!"

Dongyang Yunzhi did not hesitate and chased them out.

However, just chasing it out, not far away.

Dongyang Yunzhi's face became a bit ugly.

Because she clearly felt that there were at least three figures that came together.

However, the breath of those figures is not very weak.

"Take her who she is, kill first!"

The depths of Liu Dayan's eyes are filled with fierce light, and the killing has become extremely terrifying.

As the two stayed in the body, the next three moments appeared.

"Oh... a beautiful chick, it looks like our luck is good." A man with a ghost hand, repaired as the Eight Diagrams of Dan Yuanjing, staring at the eyes of Dongyang Yunzhi, are desires.

"Three, we teamed up together, captured this woman, everyone shared, how?"

Liu Dayan looked at the three people who appeared, and the depths of their eyes were deep taboos.

Liu Eryan also has a dignified face.

Although it is a skin with the tiger, it has to be done.

Xu Feng is not far away, his eyes are slightly picked up, if he expected it to be good.

The Liujia Shuangyan in Dongyang Yunzhikou is bound to be recruited by the ghosts.

It seems that the two did not agree to join the ghost hand to help the practice of bloodthirsty magic.

"So great!"

An older veteran of the ghost hand, repaired as the Dan Yuanjing nine, the old face, are also smiling.

"Hey! Let's take it together, Miss Ben kills it!"

Dongyang Yunzhi's face is firm and grasps the body of the long sword. The five-fold cultivation of Dan Yuanjing is an explosion, and the spiritual power of the whole body is surging. In the immediate moment, the second-order sword is erupted, accompanied by There is also the first-order peak of the water.


Dongyang Yunzhi did not even retreat, holding a long sword, so a sword floated out.

The moment when the swordsman stretched a few feet, the formation was all a fierce light, and the void was torn.

The constant impact of the swordsmanship brings with them strong fluctuations, endless swords, and criss-cross.

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested. This Dongyang Yunzhi is probably a disciple of the Dongyang family. Such talents are at least four geniuses. From the strength of the swordsmanship, I am afraid that it is close to five geniuses.

Inside the dark road: "If I play against this Dongyang Yunzhi, I am afraid that it may not be the opponent of the other side."


Five people attacked Dongyang Yunzhi at the same time, but they were also injured by Dongyang Yunzhi's sword.

Dongyang Yunzhi's second-order sword and the first-order peak of the water, make her swordsmanship more intense and soft.

"Turning the clouds and refining the sword!"

As the battle continued, Dongyang Yunzhi’s swordsmanship was powerful. Whether it is Liujia Shuangyan, or the three of the ghosts, it is a treacherous generation. They dragged Dongyang Yunzhi, which is completely consuming Dongyang Yunzhi.

Dongyang Yunzhi apparently also felt the intentions of five people, and suddenly displayed the most powerful holy spirit skills.

The moment when a sword smashed out, it turned into dozens of swordsmanships, like the softness of water, so slowly extended out.


The sword light shone.

The sword of Dongyang Yunzhi, a person who suddenly killed the ghost hand.


However, Liu Jiashuang Yan has seized this opportunity to display the strongest spiritual skills and slammed into the left and right sides of Dongyang Yunzhi.

Dongyang Yunzhi's face is cold, she only has a sword, she can't take care of both sides, and she will inevitably be injured.

"I want you to die!"

However, Dongyang Yunzhi grabbed the sword in his hand and did not hesitate to choose the direction of Liu Dayan.

It is her strongest swordsmanship, and the third move in the "Covering the Clouds and Swords" is "Clouds and Clouds are Geometry."


Liu Dayan was full of faces, and the whole person madly avoided the sword of Dongyang Yunzhi.

However, Liu Eryan, who is acquainted with him, looks at his own palms and wants to bombard the back of Dongyang Yunzhi. Even Dongyang Yunzhi will not be dead.


However, just in the midst of this millennium, a figure is not far away, holding a knife that emits blood, and heading for Liu Eryan’s palms.


Liu Dayan made a miserable snoring. The sword of Dongyang Yunzhi, from the place of his shoulder, fell down, and his left hand was directly cut off, and the place of the chest was blurred by the flesh and blood.

However, Liu Eryan wanted to sneak into the air, but Xu Feng, who was suddenly killed, only half of the blood of the palm of his hand.

At the same time, both of them made a miserable snoring.

Dongyang Yunzhi turned around and just saw Xu Feng’s face, his mouth slightly raised, his face with a smile, and said: “Thank you!”

"you are welcome!"

Before Xu Feng was influenced by the ancestors of Dongyang, he naturally couldn’t look at the core children of Dongyang’s family. He was besieged and injured and ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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