The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4093: Six heirs

Chapter 4093, six heirs

Shen Haoyu had a smile on his face and looked at the place where Xu Feng was. He said: "Jie Shao, isn't we introducing us to introduce these two?"

"Yeah... it looks very raw, and I have to work together to do less things in the future!"

Another young man also followed the road.

Dongyang Jie laughed and said: "You must not misunderstand."

"Xu Feng is a friend I invited. My Dongyang Jieke is not qualified and will recruit him under his hand."

Dongyang Jie’s words sounded almost to give Xu Feng a big face.

However, some people think that Dongyang Jie is just a talk with Xu Feng.

Seeing Xu Feng sitting, not moving.

Suddenly felt that Xu Feng did not respect Dongyang Jie.

It was cold and cold: "It’s a big shelf, I don’t know, how is the strength!”

Dongyang Jiewen said, quickly interrupted, said: "Not rude. Xu brother is my friend. Moreover, I am telling the truth, Xu brother's talent, even if I am self-satisfied."

When Shen Haoyu heard the name of Xu Feng, he felt very familiar and suddenly remembered that there was no Xu Feng before Qingshan Bazi.

Up to now, Chen Xianlong is still in the entire Northern Territory, chasing Xu Feng everywhere!

"It turned out that it was the eighth son of Qingshan, and the five geniuses Xu Feng was really disrespectful." Shen Haoyu immediately said with aloud.

Relieve the tension in the scene.

After all, they all respect Dongyang Jie and are willing to do things for Dongyangjie.

However, Xu Feng is a genius of five talents. If he wants to rely on people, he will not be chased by Chen Xianlong everywhere.

"What? Five geniuses?"

"No wonder so arrogant."

The words that everyone just excited about have all eased.

“Everyone has a good exchange of ideas and exchanges for a tea party after three days, and can have a good performance.”

Dongyang Jie said to the crowd.

After that, I came to Xu Feng and apologized: "Xu brother, I am sorry."

Dongyang Jie is intended to make a relationship with Xu Feng, but I don’t want Xu Feng’s heart to be guilty because of the previous incident.

"Are you sorry?"

Xu Feng did not mind the road.

He naturally knows what it means to be Dongyang Jie.


"Yunzhi, what are you busy with this girl recently?"

On the face of the old ancestors of Dongyang, with a faint smile, look at the slim, Dongyang Yunzhi.

Feel the strong breath of Dongyang Yunzhi, and there are some regrets in my mind. "If this girl is a man, how good it is."

"Yunzhi met with his ancestors."

Dongyang Yunzhi came to the front of Dongyang's ancestors and looked very happy.

However, she did not understand.

What is the ancestor looking for?

You must know that after three days, it is the tea party of Dongyang Family.

At that time, she still wants to make a blockbuster at the tea party.

"Yunzhi, when your parents sacrificed for the family, in the twinkling of an eye, you are all slim and an adult."

Dongyang's ancestors looked at Dongyang Yunzhi. He still remembers that when Dongyang Yunzhi's parents died, she was only six years old. In a blink of an eye, Dongyang Yunzhi is already twenty-six years old, that is twenty years.

"In these years, thanks to the care of my ancestors, Yunzhi can grow up." Dongyang Yunzhi's eyes are deep, some sad. However, in my mind, I can’t recall the look of my parents.

When she was six years old, she didn't understand anything. She only knew that there were two bodies.

"Yunzhi, your talent and strength are very powerful. But after all, it is a daughter's house. I am going out, meet a young man, have a strong talent, strong willpower, good looks and good character. I want to go over Time, when he came to the Dongyang family, I will introduce you to you, how?"

Dongyang ancestors are also very worried about the marriage of Dongyang Yunzhi.

The young man in his mouth is Xu Feng.

However, the purpose of this Dongyang event is to give Dongyang Yunzhi a great deal.

Dongyang Yunzhi heard the words, and there was a figure in his mind. The corner of his mouth rose and said: "Thank you for your concern. I don't think you have to introduce it to me. I will fix it myself."


Dongyang's ancestors Zhang Dazui, some wrong.

Immediately said: "I asked you before, you don't have people you don't like yet? Now you are so sure, you can get it yourself?"

"Of course."

Dongyang Yunzhi smiled with a smile on his face.

"I don't think you will know each other when you know it. After all, Dongyang's ancestors naturally don't know. Xu Feng in his mouth is the person who Dongyang Yunzhi thinks is not bad.

"No, don't, or I will ignore you later!"

Dongyang Yunzhi waved his hand at Dongyang's ancestors.

"Old ancestors, if there is nothing else, I will go ahead, I will also prepare for the tea party."

Dongyang Yunzhi can't wait to leave.

"Well, you don't mess with this girl."

There are some concerns in the old shackles of Dongyang’s ancestors.


In a blink of an eye, three days, such as the white gap, blink of an eye.

The house of Dongyang family is vast and vast.

Above a square, surrounded by lotus pond water.

The scenery is pleasant.

Rows of chairs are located separately.

This is where Dongyang chooses to hold a tea party.

Xu Feng and Shi Yuxi followed Dongyang Jie and came to the row of seats on the left hand side.

I saw that on the table in front of the seat, there were various kinds of delicacies and spirits.

At the forefront, Dongyang is sitting there with a confident face on his face.

"Xu brother, you are sitting next to me."

Dong Yang Jie pointed to Xu Feng's position next to him.

Xu Feng is not polite, just sit down.

However, with the people of Dongyang Jie, there are always people who are not convinced.

"Hao Big Brother, Jie Shao is too good for this Xu Feng, is it too good?"

Someone looked at Shen Haoyu, not awkward.

"Xu Feng is a genius, Jie Shao is a friend with him. It is normal to be so courteous." Shen Haoyu laughed and didn't care.

He is very clear about his strength.

Don't look at Xu Feng. It seems that Dan Yuanjing is only three repairs.

However, Xu Feng’s feelings for him are unfathomable.

After Xu Feng sat down, he found out.

The competition of the Dongyang family is really fierce.

As Dongyang Jiegang arrived, it was followed by a group of people.

The headed youth, wearing a black robe, is quite inexplicably mysterious.

"Xu Xiong, he is the third heir of Dongyang Nighthua."

Dongyang Jie introduced Xu Feng.

In this way, Dongyang Yi, the fourth heir to the Dongyang family, also followed.

The fifth heir, Dong Yang, was angry.

However, Xu Feng’s mistake was that he was a little surprised when he saw the sixth heir.

He had guessed that the identity of Dongyang Yunzhi was not simple. He did not expect to be one of the six heirs of the Dongyang family.

Dongyang Yunzhi followed only three people, but everyone's breath was very strong.

Dongyang Yunzhi apparently also saw Xu Feng, with a smile on his face, and naughty squeezing his eyes on Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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