The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4123: Zheng Junzhi

Chapter 4123 Zheng Junzhi of the gas collapse

"I didn't get it wrong? Is this Xu Feng crazy?"

"He wants to challenge the seven sons of the Purple Pavilion. Isn't that looking for death?"

"It’s so crazy, I really don’t know how to be tall.”

"I think this Xu Feng will definitely suffer. After all, it is so arrogant, but it has to pay a price."


Many people on the scene, knowing that Xu Feng wants to challenge the seven sons of Zige, are full of mistakes.

They think that Xu Feng is too arrogant and arrogant, and he is very likely to suffer big losses. He doesn't know how to die.

However, some people think that they are very clever and smiled: "You are really a fool, you don't want to think about it, but the Purple Pavilion is a top-level force. Isn't the Purple Pavilion not to face? How can you really challenge Xu Feng?"

"What's more, Xu Feng's move can be described as one stone and two birds. You think about it, he can't be Xia Yonghui's opponent. If Zige really sent someone to deal with Xu Feng, wouldn't it be perfect?"

"At that time, Xu Feng directly confessed to the loss. Others will also say that the Purple Pavilion is more bully and less successful."

When I heard the words of analysis, many people suddenly realized.

Xu Feng is deliberately bluffing.

However, it is a pity that Zige may not accept his request.

However, many people think that it is impossible for Zige to arrange for many people to challenge Xu Feng.

The depths of Zheng Junzhi’s eyes are filled with killing intentions, and his eyes indicate Liu Tang and Dong Wei.

If there are these two people going to the ring, when they join forces with Xia Yonghui, it is difficult for Xu Feng to die.

As for Laihe Mountain and Zheng Haitao, it is naturally impossible to challenge Xu Feng.

After all, the repairs of Laihe Mountain and Zheng Haitao are very strong.

They can't pull their faces.

Of course, what Zheng Junzhi wants at this moment is to kill Xu Feng.

As for the face, you can't eat it.

Liu Tang took the lead to say: "Xu Feng, since you have made such a request, if our Zige seven sons embraced, others would think that we are bullying less. However, if we do not meet your requirements, it seems that we are purple, not adult beauty. ""

Liu Tang’s words are really shameless and give the best.

With a smile on his face, he said: "I am a gentleman of Liu Tang. Naturally, I want adult beauty. Since you are so arrogant and want to challenge the seven sons of Zige, then see if you have any skills?"

No one expected that the Purple Pavilion actually arranged Liu Tang and walked toward the ring.

Immediately behind Liu Tang, Dong Wei.

Seeing Liu Tang and Dong Wei appear in the ring.

Jiang Hongling frowned slightly, he was thinking, in the end, do you want to shoot?

However, thinking of the scene that he was defeated by Xu Feng in Dongyang City, he still completely suppressed his inner desires.

Just now, the person who analyzed the Zige in the long story, at this moment, looked at Liu Tang and Dong Wei, who stood on the ring, only felt the burning pain in the cheeks.

The sixth-order top-level force of Zige Hall has actually made such a shameless behavior.

The man only felt the heart, like eating a general uncomfortable. He also stood up and said good things to Zige. He felt that Xu Feng was pretending to be arrogant, but he was looking for himself.

"Zhou Pengfei, you just said that the Purple Pavilion is a big force. Can you send people to fight with Xu Feng?"

A man next to him looked at Zhou Pengfei, his face full of sarcasm.

As it turns out, the people of Zige are really shameless.

Zhou Pengfei was beaten by the fruit of the red fruit. He was annoyed in an instant. Looking at the direction of the Purple Pavilion, he immediately yelled: "Do you have a purple face? Do you think that you can't send people to fight? It’s really a matter of the wind to come to Zige, and Bilian is not going to."

Zhou Pengfei's character, this is so great, he is the elder of the tiger's door, immediately screaming.

Everyone in Humen’s door has turned their eyes.

Zhou Pengfei is the elder of Humenmen, and his strength is strong.

Yes, this only mouth is really abhorrent.

However, I think it is normal to think about it. Zhou Pengfei is the one who even dares the hard-hitting person.

Some time ago, Wei Qiu led the tiger to the door, wanting to surrender Chen Xianlong, wouldn’t it be screamed by Zhou Pengfei on the spot?

Zhou Pengfei’s reputation in Humenmen is very high. The most important thing is that Zhou Pengfei’s strength is very strong.

Don't underestimate Zhou Pengfei. This person is one of the few strong players in Humenmen. It is a five-point peak in the realm of law.

Zhou Pengfei’s words rang, and countless people whispered and talked about Zige.

Zheng Junzhi’s face is iron and blue, and his face is full of anger, but his cultivation is not strong enough.

Before the Dongyang ancestors he could not afford, Zhou Pengfei at the moment, he is also not the opponent of the other side.

Immediately, the road said: "Zhou Pengfei, we have nothing to do with the purple pavilion. Not to mention, Xu Feng offered to challenge. So ignore the people of our Purple Pavilion, you should pay for his arrogance. cost."

Zheng Junzhi said the righteous words.

Push all responsibility to Xu Feng.

Said to be the result of Xu Feng's benevolence.

Zhou Pengfei can't buy it, but disdain: "I see you Zige sooner or later, the name of the world, will be destroyed in the hands of your turtle son. I want to be the original Zige, Ma Qingxuan, Yunzizi, Qin Lie, etc., can also be regarded as a generation of people Can be framed by your despicable villain, your turtle son is really rubbish, but also to find an excuse, I am really shameful for you..."

Zhou Pengfei’s words are literally ambiguous, making Zheng Junzhi’s cheeks stunned.

"The elders of Zhou, the internal affairs of the people's Zige, have nothing to do with us..." Zhou Pengfei, a gray-haired old man, is also the elder of Humenmen. He is very clear that Hu Yumen and Zige have already returned to Chen Xianlong. It’s too stiff, and it’s not easy to deal with later.

Who knows, his words have not been finished, he was interrupted by Zhou Pengfei: "You shut me up... I swear that Zige will not be a shameful thing. This turtle son, in a blink of an eye, is simply Hit my face. I licked him a few words and stunned?"


Central of the crowd.

Qiu Cheng’s face was full of surprise.

He and Xu Feng had a fate when they were in Qingzhou Ancient City.

He knew at the time that Xu Feng would definitely be a dragon for nine days.

I did not expect it, how long it took.

Xu Feng’s cultivation was promoted to the triple peak of Dan Yuanjing.

These cultivation talents are simply unbelievable.

However, the depths of his eyes are also shining.

He used to be the heir to Humen, but he was framed by Wei Qiu.

He wanted to use the grand meeting of the Dongyang family to show the truth of the matter.

At the same time, he wants to recapture everything that belongs to him Qiu Cheng.


Although Xia Yonghui was reluctant, he and Liu Tang and Tong Tong, together, killed Xu Feng.

However, I also know that the two men boarded the ring, also to kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s strength cannot be underestimated.

Zheng Junzhi arranged for the two to be shot, in order to kill Xu Feng without fail.

Compared with killing Xu Feng, the face is worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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