The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4125: This son can't help

Chapter 4125


The scene was completely immersed in silence.

Countless people are stunned and thoroughly open their mouths.

The face is an incredible look.

They are still discussing.

In the end, Xu Feng can survive several rounds.

I know, in a blink of an eye,

Xu Feng will easily kill Xia Yonghui.

"how is this possible?"

Zheng Junzhi suddenly stood up from the seat and screamed, his voice was full of anger.

In an instant, Zheng Junzhi’s words broke the calm of the whole scene, and everyone talked about it.

However, Liu Tang and nursery rhymes above the ring are completely forced at this moment.

They have just vowed to kill Xu Feng easily.

I know, in a blink of an eye.

Xu Feng is easy and will kill Xia Yonghui.

The two only felt the back cool.


The two snorted and fled toward the bottom of the ring.

Where is the desire to fight Xu Feng.

What is the five hundred Chinese spirits.

What is the reward of the North King Chen Xianlong.

What is a shit?

Life is gone.

What rewards are still given.


The tail of Xu Feng behind Xu Feng emerged. His speed was very fast. He grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and blocked the way of Liu Tang and the nursery rhyme. His eyes were filled with cold and cold intentions. He said: "You two betray the Purple Pavilion. The most hated thing in my life is the traitor. You should kill!"

Liu Tang was completely forced, and he knew that Xu Feng was so powerful. He came up to make fun of it.

The most collapsed inside is the nursery rhyme. When he thought of Jiang Hongling’s words, he also taunted Jiang Hongling.

Now, he finally understands how horrible and more desperate Jiang Hongling felt at the time.

The second-order gravity of Xu Feng’s body has constantly emerged, making Liu Tang and the nursery rhyme’s legs as heavy as lead.

The two stared at Xu Feng, saying: "Xu Feng, can't you kill us? We are all disciples of Zige, you kill us, the boss will not let you go..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng suddenly laughed and laughed in his eyes. He said: "Don't I kill you, will Zheng Junzhi let me go?"

Speaking of this, Xu Feng said coldly: "Zheng Junzhi has not let go of his brothers and sisters, how could he let me go?"

"When I left the Purple Pavilion, I said that all the people who betrayed the Purple Pavilion will be judged after all!"

"You can rest assured that your death is only the beginning. Next, it will be Xin Tianyin, I will let them die one by one."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of anger. He has a strong feeling of embarrassment for the cloud, the Ma Qingyu, who has never met, and the two old ancestors of the Purple Pavilion.

He is very clear that if it were not for him, Chen Batian could not destroy the Purple Pavilion with the strong.

At least, within a short time, Zige could not be completely destroyed by Chen Xianlong.

However, it is precisely the appearance of Xu Feng.

Leading Chen Xianlong to take the knife.

Although he Xu Feng joined the Purple Pavilion for a short time.

However, Zi Ge’s kindness to him will not be forgotten.

If it is a seven-foot man, even if he does not dare to take revenge, what is Xu Feng still alive?

Zheng Junzhi’s face was full of sorrows and said: “You will give up quickly...”

Zheng Junzhi is very clear that Xu Feng’s knife method has been forced to reach Liu Tang and nursery rhymes.

If the two don't hurry to admit defeat, they will really be killed by Xu Feng.

"We admit defeat..."

However, when Liu Tang and nursery rhymes said that they had conceded defeat, Xu Feng’s knife method became more fierce.

"If it is useful to admit defeat, will you use the radical method to provoke me to fight?"

On Xu Feng’s body, the killing is pervasive, the knife method becomes more sturdy, and the second-order knife is the same, with the second-order gravity.

At the same time, Xu Feng’s body of life is full of momentum, and it is completely exposed. Grasping the Aurora Magic Knife is like a **** of war.

"The owner... save us..."

Liu Tang and nursery rhymes are just the moment when they fight against Xu Feng. The two men squirt blood and face pale.

The momentum of Zheng Junzhi broke out, and the cultivation of the French environment became extremely powerful.

The moment he stepped out, the breath of Dong Yangji was not weaker than him.

"Zheng Gezhu, please also pay attention to yourself." Dongyang Ji's face is cold and fierce, and his eyes are flashing with anger. If Zheng Junzhi is allowed to scatter on the Dongyang event, what is the face of their Dongyang family?

The moment when Zheng Junzhi’s face changed greatly, the road of anger: “Dongyang’s owner, my disciple has already confessed. Is it necessary to fight a life and death? Is that your Dongyang family, why did you help Dongyang Nighthua?”

Zheng Junzhi's reaction ability is very fast, and he found it in an instant, and Dong Dongji rescued Dongyang Nighthua to attack Dongyangji.


However, just in the mouth of Zheng Junzhi and Dong Yangji.

Liu Tang’s eyes widened and his head rolled down from the neck.

It was Xu Feng, a knife fell.


Zheng Junzhi completely collapsed.

You must know that Zige Qizi is the biggest reliance of Zheng Junzhi.

The death of any one person is a huge blow to Zheng Junzhi.

In particular, the three people above the ring are the most trusted disciples of Zheng Junzhi.

"The owner... save me... I don't want to die..."

The nursery rhymes sent out a cry for help.

Dongyang Ji’s eyes flashed slightly and said: “Xu Feng, since the other party concedes defeat, please stop.”


The voice just fell, and the knife flashed.

The nursery eyes are wide-eyed, and all the faces are written in the color of remorse.

If they follow the words of Jiang Hongling, they will not die.

Xu Feng is really strong.

"Dongyang owner, you should remind me earlier, I am really sorry!" After Xu Feng killed three people, his look was light, and he collected the Aurora Magic Knife and could not see any mood fluctuations.

Zheng Junzhi was full of face cold, and Xu Feng, who was dying, couldn’t wait to rush up and swallow Xu Fengsheng.

Dongyang Ji is sorry to look at Zheng Junzhi, saying: "Zheng Gezhu, I am really sorry. Above the platform, the sword has no eyes, I have already said something to remind you. You can only blame, you disciples of Zige, it is too weak. What?"

"There have been a lot of wins, I think they are so powerful? Who can think of it, the strength depends on the battle, fighting two hundred and five."

"If I knew that they were so weak, I should stand in the ring to stop Xu Feng from killing them."

Dongyangji is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The responsibility is pushed to the three people too weak.

He has no time to stop it.


Zheng Junzhi snorted coldly, his face was gloomy, and he returned to the position just now.

"This Xu Feng is so horrible, so young, but such decisive and decisive, it is terrible."

"This child will either not provoke it. Once it is provoked, it must be put to death, not to endless."

"It's no wonder that Chen Xianlong, the killing order issued, the rewards are so rich. This Xu Feng's growth rate is too horrible."


Everyone looked at Xu Feng's back, and he was jealous and awe.

"I don't think this is a mess."

"Young, talented, decisive and decisive, strong personality. These days of arrogance, the future must be nine days of dragons, flying wings, the future is bright, not limited?"

Zhou Pengfei's eyes are staring at Xu Feng, and the depths of his eyes are full of appreciation.

(End of this chapter)

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