[Option 1: Shaking his head, Versailles said pityingly, 'It's not your fault that you're not popular, it's just that I'm too good, but in fact, I don't want to be so good, but I can't help it, I'm born to be so good'. Reward: Nine-Tails Growth Value +10%]

[Option 2: Ignore Zhou Yuheng and turn around and leave. Reward: Illusion: Writing Wheel Eye

] [Option 3: Call Luo Qingyin and confess to your face.] Reward: Super Empty Shell]

appears as a choice.

These choices are more excessive than the other, and each is more ridiculous than the other, which really speaks to Bai Chen's heart.

First of all, the third choice is ruled out, he doesn't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend with Luo Qingyin.

The second choice is very good, but it does not conform to Bai Chen's idea that he doesn't want to be low-key.

Now, I can only choose the first one.

Bai Chen shook his head, and Versailles said pityingly

: "It's not your fault that you're not popular, it's just that I'm too good, but in fact, I don't want to be so good, but I can't help it, I'm born so good!"

[Choose successfully, get a reward: Nine-tails growth value +10%] Nine-tails

has grown again, and he already has the strength of the original work.

Bai Chen touched his stomach and looked at Zhou Yuheng's face several times, he was really satisfied.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhou Yuheng would be jealous of him, the reason is that Luo Qingyin is as beautiful as a fairy, has excellent talent, and is easy to gain the favor of men.

The problem is that a peerless beauty like Luo Qingyin stalks

him Bai Chen! Does it mean that he Bai Chen is even better, so Zhou Yuheng will be jealous of him! Bai

Chen was shocked, and found that his logic was really impeccable and flawless!

"It turns out that the really excellent person is me, why haven't I found it all along?"

Bai Chen shook his head and sighed that he had discovered it too late.

Seeing that Bai Chen was leaving, Wang Anping waved his hand, and several night watchman bodyguards were like close protection.

They must not let Bai Chen out of their sight again like they did during the day today.

Because the Jiangnan Night's Watch Branch was afraid!

No one would know what big things would happen to Bai Chen once he left their sight.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable!"

Zhou Yuheng gritted his teeth, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he was furious!

The angry Zhou Yuheng didn't notice that his eyes quietly changed.

A serpentine mark appeared in his eyes, and the whites of his eyes gradually glowed green.

Looking at Bai Chen's back in the distance, Zhou Yuheng took out a fishy sheep's eye from his arms.

In addition to emitting a fishy smell, this sheep's eyes also sew out strange and complex words in red.

"The sealing weapon of the Twilight Church!"

Luo Huayi, as Luo Qingyin's aunt, was also invited to the dinner, and when she saw the sheep's eyes, she immediately revealed the origin of this thing

! What! Zhou Yuheng turned out to be a believer in the Twilight Church!


was a little incredulous and angry when they saw this scene, because no one hated the cult!

For the sake of their so-called doomsday, the Twilight Church has done all kinds of evil in the Dragon Country, and has committed a lot of bloody crimes, which has long been the wrath of the heavens

and the people! When ordinary citizens meet the believers of the Twilight Church, not only is it not illegal to kill the believers, but they can also be officially commended and awarded a medal for righteousness and bravery!

"The ants of the Twilight Church, looking for death!" Xia

Sha's face sank, and suddenly a gust of wind swept the banquet, only to see Xia Sha's petite figure kill Zhou Yuheng.

"Overlord soul, liberation!" As

Xia Sha shouted angrily, the points on her body exuded blue spiritual power.

These blue spiritual powers, like wisdom, condensed into a huge humanoid spirit body in the air.

The humanoid spirit has a vague face, wears armor, and holds a huge Blue Dragon Glaive Knife.

The soul of the overlord seemed to have crossed from the battlefield, and the atmosphere of the dinner party became iron hooves in an instant, and the silence was solemn.

"Give your life to the great twilight!" Zhou

Yuheng screamed with blood in his eyes, almost madness, and then bit the sheep's eyes before Xia Sha's attack arrived.


As the sheep's eyes exploded in Zhou Yuheng's mouth, a strange sheep cry sounded in everyone's ears at the same time.

The sound seemed to be far and near, and it felt that there was no longer a gap between reality and illusion, and the two merged together.

Everyone present at the banquet was drowsy and fell asleep involuntarily.

"Oh no, this is a group sleep...... Xia

Sha's eyelids became extremely heavy, and her sleepiness made her unable to continue to output spiritual power, causing the Overlord's Soul to show signs of collapse!"

"Xia Sha, the female overlord of the Firmament University, although she is famous, you can't stop my Demon Snake's plan."

Zhou Yuheng seemed to be a different person at this moment, his skin was covered with scales, and his voice was hoarse.

His serpentine vertical eyes were full of disdain and mockery for Shasha.

"You underestimate me too much, Overlord Arrow!" Xia

Sha endured her sleepiness and stretched out her hand to point at Zhou Yuheng, or the Demon Snake.

The huge overlord soul pulled his hands together, manifested a longbow, and aimed at Zhou Yuheng.

A massive amount of spiritual power formed an arrow in an instant, shooting towards the demon snake.

Within a second of its shot, the arrow was in front of the snake's face.

And Xia Sha couldn't resist the sleepiness anymore, and her consciousness sank into the darkness unwillingly.

The arrows were fast, but the demon snake had the confidence to avoid

them! But between the lightning and flint

, the demon snake found a fatal problem! His feet couldn't move

! The demon snake looked down in surprise, but found that his feet were frozen by a layer of

white frost! "This!?" The demon snake followed the trail of the white frost and saw Luo Qingyin not far away

! He understood! This is Luo Qingyin's handiwork


Suddenly, the anger in the Demon Snake's eyes skyrocketed, but he didn't have time to vent his anger, because the Overlord's Arrow had arrived

! Boom!

The Demon Snake's feet couldn't

move, and he was directly pierced through the abdomen by the arrow.

"Damn, these two women have to die too!"

the demon snake scolded angrily, ignoring the wound.

As long as you can kill the god-level awakened, even if you give up this puppet and part of your soul, you won't lose anything.

"There's no time, give priority to killing the god-level awakened Bai Chen!" The

demon snake shattered the ice and leaned towards Bai Chen, the killing intent in his eyes blazing like fire.

"Come, Storm Greatsword!" the

demon snake flicked his wrist, and a thick blue sword appeared in his palm.

This is Zhou Yuheng's talent, the Storm Sword of A-level Sequence 68

! When the demon snake is possessed, it can use the talent of the possessed!

The terrifying coercion is like a raging wind, whistling and enveloping Bai Chen.

"Die!" The

demon snake seemed to be able to foresee, and the beautiful picture of Bai Chen's body in a different place next.

As soon as he thought of this, the joy in the Demon Snake's heart was like a volcanic eruption, and it was difficult to suppress it!

Suddenly, a layer of pure golden aura ignited on Bai Chen's body, and the golden light reflected the surprise in the Demon Snake's eyes.

"What is this?" the

demon snake trembled in his heart, and his gaze met Bai Chen's writing wheel eyes.

He could clearly see the banter and ridicule in Bai Chen's eyes!

"This is impossible, even Xia Sha in the Four Realms can't resist it, and get the props blessed by my lord!" The

demon snake felt that the three views were destroyed, and shouted incredibly.

And what's going on

with Bai Chen's eyes?Why is there a magatama

in his eyes!Could it be that Bai Chen has other talents?

【Option 1: Stand sideways, stretch out his hand and point with one finger and say, 'Because we are two Kamen Riders in one, Sa, let's count your sins!'. Reward: Armed Color Domineering Strength +10%]

[Option 2: Kneel on the ground and beg for mercy and surrender, begging Zhou Yuheng for mercy. Reward: Six Style Mastery +10%]

It seems that there are two choices, but in fact, there is only one!

"Because we are two Kamen Riders in one, Sa, let's count your sins!" Bai

Chen stood sideways, stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhou Yuheng, his tone proud.

If there were no Nine-Tails, Bai Chen would have fallen into a deep sleep and be slaughtered.

But the demon snake doesn't know the characteristics of the human pillar force, whether it is illusion or hypnosis, all of them are ineffective against the human pillar force!

Even if the demon snake uses props to hypnotize Bai Chen, the nine tails in Bai Chen's body can wake him up in the next second!

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