Jonber wins (6)

The army of lions rushed to the five people who blocked the demon king.

The King’s Yin Gong and Illesis’ spell pulverize the translucent spiritual bodies.

Deciding to be faithful to his duty as a shield knight, Chris stood up in front of the sword king and raised his shield.

Soon after, seven flashes of light excitedly hit the top of the shield.

The Sword King, who was interrupted by Gearic every time he challenged the Demon King, threw a sword with an expression as if he was impressed by its robustness.

When Elgar, who captured the intangible energy, took up defense, the offensive weakened a little.

But even so, it only bought me a little time.

Considering Elgar’s transcendent magical power, simple wars of attrition were at a disadvantage.

It consumed her for six days, but if they hit each other amicably, this one will fall first.

According to Illesis’ calculations, this side needs to hit three units to be roughly balanced.

“Hey, Chris! protect me.”

Illesis, who swept away the army of the dead, asked Chris for help.

Enormous magical power was raging in her wand.

What is she who was supposed to take on a supporting role earlier?

Chris ran to her with considerable doubt.

Illesis, who was preparing some kind of spell, looked as if she would not be able to move even a single step. She, who can already skillfully use triple-casting, is like this.

Chris, who raised his shield, asked just in case.

“Are those four orders now?”

Illesis barely nods her head as she laboriously completes the spell.

Chris stood in front of her silently.

As if the Demon King felt something, he turned the offensive that had been focused on the Sword King towards her.

The fireballs that had driven the King of Fist before flew in without hesitation.

‘Strengthen the shield, the armor of the anti-demon!’

Illesis’ spell was activated while he endured using his secret skill.

She raised the staff she held in both hands and shouted in a voice as if vomiting blood.

“Thorns of atonement!”

The thorns that grew near the demon lord crushed the undead guards and clamped her body.

It was the demon king who hurriedly used a spell to burn them, but the thorns that were attacked became bigger and sharper.

The tree trunk, which even penetrated the defense spell, tore the white skin and drank the blood.

“Huh, huh?”

“What is this again? An order I haven’t seen before?”

At the moment when Chris, who put the shield of faith at the forefront, panicked, the sword king put in an additional blow.

The demon king, who suffered from the thorns, had to deal with it very well.

The somewhat tense war situation suddenly changes, and the allies’ one-sided offensive unfolds.

All sorts of spells hit Illesis’ thorns, but the trunks got tougher and tougher each time.

Only then did Illesis sigh and smiled slightly.

“You said earlier that you had an order prepared a long time ago. This is a spell designed to counter Elgar-sama. The more you receive Elgar-sama’s magical energy, the more it grows as nourishment.”

“Is that possible? No, since when did you prepare for this?”

As Chris knows, it usually takes a wizard at least several months to develop a spell.

What’s more, this is the highest rank spell that works even against Elgar in the world. In addition, it has as much power as the combined 4-fold casting.

No matter how rare a genius Illesis is, it is absolutely not possible for less than 3 months.

Illesis explained diligently in a very tired voice.

“It’s a spell specialized for Elgar, so if you use it on someone else, it won’t have half the effect. And development started when I first met Elgar. Did you think I would interact with the worst necromancer on the continent without any countermeasures?”

Chris, who really interacted without any countermeasures, looked at the demon king with a shy expression.

If the Demon King’s condition was normal, he wouldn’t have suffered so much from Illesis’ spell… Right now, she couldn’t come to her senses from the thorns and the sword king’s pincer attack.

‘Did we just hold out for nothing?’

Surprised by the spell’s performance, Chris began to feel a subtle sense of skepticism.

The Sword King’s sword attack cuts off the Demon King’s magical power, and the King and Tyrone keep the undead in check.

It will take some time, but if you keep going like this, you will definitely win.

But soon, a problem that popped out of the wrong place got them on their feet.


Illesis, who was holding the spell, groaned briefly at the vibration she felt from the ground.

Chris, who became her exclusive escort, widened his eyes when he saw the ghost knights appearing from behind.

Uncountable numbers of Undead were rushing in from around the rocky mountain where their battle was unfolding.

“What is this… Could it be that the disruption team has already suffered?”

I expected that it wouldn’t last long since the core forces in charge of each defense were all gone, but… Anyway, this was too bad.

Chris desperately protected Illesis, who was unable to move due to maintaining the spell.

Every time the magic sword sprayed sword light, several undead fell, but the enemy’s procession was endless.

It was only natural that the guys who had been scattered in three directions returned at once.

‘Half-moon strike, runaway flash, cut moonlight!’

Chris began to use all the skills he had learned so far, and there were minor scars on his body.

Ordinary soldiers would have saved themselves at the point of cutting down about 5, but Elgar’s undead were different. Guys who don’t know the fear of death viciously run into Chris’s body to make a scratch.

Illesis, who had been struggling to keep the spell under Chris’ protection, looked at it and cried.

“Hey, Chris… … .”

“Don’t loosen it! If you solve that now, we will all die!”

Chris groaned as he pulled out the dagger stuck in his back.

Having mastered the skills of a shield knight, he was originally able to deal with ten hands with one hand, but… The story is a little different when there is a lump of baggage called Illesis.

The Origin Epic, Shield of Faith, which has the effect of protecting allies, cannot be used properly due to the penalty of the god-hater class.

At least it would be much easier if I could just move to a more remote place, but that doesn’t work either.

It was Chris who used to defeat the enemies by consuming the life force of the status window, but this time, the Sword King and his party were cornered.

Even though Tyron, who held the phoenix’s magic bow, fired it in all directions, the army of lions did not cease. First of all, that method is very inefficient.

The sword king, who had been knocking the demon king’s thick protective spell without rest, looked sideways at Illesis and Chris, then gnashed his teeth and stepped back.

“The other side has used up most of its mana. If you deal with these guys, you won’t be able to summon any more. I leave the rest up to you.”

“The Sword King?”

As the Sword King straightened the blade of sorrow, a large mass of magical power appeared in the air.

The glowing sphere soon turned into dozens of swords, aiming in all directions with a terrifying metal sound.

Feeling the power compressed to the limit, Chris instinctively trembled.

Elgar, who had been laughing badly since the counterattack began, erased his smile and strengthened his defensive spells.

The Sword King, who squeezed out all the mana in his body, exploded dozens of swords in all directions.

The forces rushing in with such momentum that they would completely cover the rocky mountain could not resist and disappeared as if they were being erased from the world.

Chris hurriedly got into the gap between the Sword King and Illesis, but the magical blades deftly missed them and devastated the whole area.

Even compared to the breath that Calicia showed earlier, her power never gave way.

Considering that even delicate control is possible, the overall performance is higher than that of the breath.

Although the power was dispersed while erasing the undead, the demon king was never safe this time.

The blade that pierced the defense spell blew off more than half of her left arm, and her right leg was also disfigured.

However, despite his achievements, Chris was not comfortable singing joy.

The Sword King, who fired the blades of light, collapsed as if fainting and could not get up.

The King of Singers, who was barely standing in his place, supported him when he fainted, and quickly moved away from the King of Demons.

“I’ve almost used up all my mana. I’ll evacuate the Sword King and come back.”


Chris, who had no choice but to allow escape, faced the demon king with a devastated heart.

Thanks to the Sword King’s efforts, Illesis’ spell didn’t stop, but his attack severely damaged the thorn tree that bound the demon king, so the restraining force was weakened. If the demon king’s arms and legs were intact, that level would have easily escaped. Now, between her and the demon king, only he was left.

At least Tyrone, who has fallen to the side, is also half-exhausted from firing the phoenix’s magic bow, which consumes a lot of mana.

The demon king approaches the two even while bleeding from the thorns clinging to his whole body.

“chris… … .”

“Even if I die, don’t solve it.”

Illesis’ spell was still being activated, so the Demon King’s magical power and vitality were constantly being consumed at this moment.

All that remains is to prevent her from touching Illesis.

The other side is already full-on.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with himself except that his vitality is consumed a little.

But despite this, Chris’s limbs were shaking shallowly.

Elgar, whose restraints had loosened, cast a spell at him.

Even if he attacked, he was aiming for the caster, not the tree trunk, which was more strongly clamped.

The arm holding the shield keeps moaning and demands that you run away immediately.

Chris tried to ignore it and deflected the flying stone spear with his shield.

The price of ignoring the advice of reason was by no means light.

‘Strengthening the shield, striking the shield.’

The first spell made his legs shake, and the second spell broke his posture.

The third removes the shield and the fourth shakes off the longsword.

Then both shoulders screamed and the half-bent knee was shattered.

Illesis in the back closes her eyes tightly and maintains the spell as he ordered.

“Ugh… The shield of conviction, the red of the Vampire King… Whoops!”

As always, the vitality of the status window did not betray the owner.

As he summoned the fallen Origin Epic again, he again received Elgar’s attack with his whole body. Feeling a sense of crisis, remorse, and despair, he knelt down for the second time.

Tyrone’s sniping from the side gives him a chance to recover, albeit for a short time.


The demon king, groaning at the tougher-than-expected life force, chose a very easy solution.

As she did to Kwon-wang, she continued to attack until the opponent couldn’t get up. How was it possible to fire such an attack with so little mana? Fortunately, it was that he did not use the flame-type spells he had used on Fist. If it did, it might have melted right away without a bird to hold on to.

Receiving the relentless onslaught, Chris’ life force plummeted rapidly.

Unable to withstand the destructive sound coming from the front, Illesis sheds hot tears with tightly closed eyes.

“bar… The roar of the shield!”

The counterattack that was activated in pain exhausted its power before it even touched the body of the demon king.

Noticing that her opponent’s vitality had run out, she managed to hit the lifted shield and knock it to the ground.

Ruthless stone spears rush again to Chris, who is having a hard time lifting a finger.

Chris, who had been pierced through the heart right in front of her, fell to the floor feeling his vision blur.

“Cool… … .”

“no! chris!”

Illesis, who opened her closed eyes, was more worried about the fallen man than the demon king who slowly approached past Chris. The demon king was approaching her with uncomfortable limbs.

Tyrone, who had finally exhausted his mana, was running hurriedly, but he was so exhausted that he was much slower than the demon king.

The Demon King, who is ruled by the Evil God, raised a staff studded with ruby, confident in his victory.

She concocts a conversion spell to tear Ilesis to shreds.

Since there are no more threatening factors left anyway, I devote myself to releasing more than half of the defensive spells I have been maintaining.

However, the order was not completed.

A red blade protruding from behind pierced the defense spell and pierced the demon king’s chest.

The demonic sword ravenous for her blood moves horizontally and creates a large sword.

Illesis, who was trembling all over, opened her eyes wide when she saw the person responsible for the surprise attack.

“chris? how… … .”

“I don’t know either.”

Chris replied with a confused expression while hacking at the demon king’s body.

He had been pierced through the heart, exhausting all his life force earlier.

Since he hadn’t acquired the Epic class with the power of immortality, it should have died from excessive blood loss.



Chris, who withdrew from the devil’s counterattack, was able to properly examine his condition.

The demonic sword in his hand is trembling while emitting a magical bloody color.

“Ah, thanks to you.”

The clot of clotted blood, which was strangely hard, blocked the wound in the heart and suppressed the bleeding.

Blood throughout the body circulated endlessly according to the guidance of the magic sword, supplying oxygen to the extremities of the body.

Broken bones and torn muscles were not recovered, but thanks to the magic sword replacing the function of the heart, there was no need to die from excessive blood loss.

Chris felt like he wanted to kiss his sword.

I never thought I could use my ability to manipulate blood like this.

All in all, I lived because my heart was pierced.

If it wasn’t the heart, but the lungs and brain, this guy couldn’t help it either.

“Kreur… … .”

The demon king, who was surprised by him, howled more ferociously than ever.

But Chris wasn’t afraid.

The wound inflicted earlier cannot be taken lightly, even by the demon king.

She is already using three types of spells to extend her own life.

“Elesis, hold on a little longer. Shield of Faith!”

Illesis, too, squeezed out the remaining magical energy and managed to keep the spell that bound her.

After summoning and equipping the Origin Epic, Chris started fighting the wounded beast.

Illesis nodded heavily and watched his fight.

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