Apostle of the Mischief (1)

It was only a few years ago that Elgar noticed the avatar’s flaws.

Thinking that the avatar’s lifespan would still be long, she was greatly shaken.

If it was a normal magic tool, it could have been easily repaired, but the avatar was different.

One of the masterpieces of the Witchbeast War, it could not be fully interpreted even with the current generation of technology.

In the end, she gave up on continuing to use the avatar and began preparing for the time to return to the main body.

Her peculiar constitution and disease, Congenital Magical Deficiency, is an evil that was impossible to treat even in the era of the Witchbeast Wars.

However, there is no law that says that you must die just because treatment is impossible.

“If mana keeps leaking out, just fill it up. I thought so and developed the secret art of absorption. In the past, I also found records of using similar methods to prolong life.”

“ah… … .”

Chris let out an exclamation at Elgar’s confession.

I wondered why a magician of the level of the demon king would bother to develop something like a magic spell, but I never thought it was for him.

Elgar laughs as if satisfied with his reaction and continues the story.

Fortunately, it wasn’t that difficult to develop the secret magic of absorption.

Coincidentally, the avatar she was using had a similar function, so I just had to reproduce it.

Thanks to this, Elgar was able to complete the secret art in just five years.

The secret technique completed thanks to Chris’ cooperation, the magic accumulated in the avatar, and the army of the dead following only her.

The preparations for the resurrection were perfect beyond any doubt.

But at that time, the status windows of the players and the bust, Argal, were stepped on in her eyes.

The evil god who turned the entire continent into chaos in just three or four years was an opponent that even the demon king could not take lightly. While chasing him using the clues Chris gave her, she realized that the monster’s power was beyond her imagination.

If the evil god rises up in the gap immediately after his resurrection, will he be able to subdue it even later?

Elgar’s conclusion was negative.

Even if all goes well, she will need at least three years to get back to normal.

No one knows what the evil body will do with its hidden power.

Feeling threatened by him, Elgar decided to fight before his condition deteriorated.

It was a mistake brought on by arrogance that had accumulated over the decades.

Recalling the battle with the evil god, Elgar groaned in pain.

It was fortunate that he had left Gearick and the maidservant behind just in case.

As the king said before, the escort should be entrusted to the strongest and most reliable subordinates.

As always, the two attendants were to protect her main body.

No matter how hard he fought in the opponent’s stronghold, the demon king, who was in perfect condition, suffered a crushing defeat.

Chris bit his tongue at a story that didn’t quite make sense.

“I was defeated in the battle with the evil god and my avatar was taken away. He seemed to know a lot about my avatar. It’s probably because of my activities during the Demon Beast War.”

“ah… But why did the evil spirit use Elgar’s avatar to burn the South? If we had just gone straight to the sword grave and aimed at Elgar-sama’s main body, no one would have been able to stop it.”

Elgar laughed when Chris brought up a relatively old question.

It’s more self-help than ridicule for stupid questions.

“I guess that means I can’t even return to him now. Almost all of my avatars were ruined from the fight with the evil god. If you guys didn’t come out, would you have lasted for 2 months? It must have been because he had nowhere else to go that led him to the sword grave.”


It’s all broken anyway, so he thought he used it as he liked?

Noticing Chris’ question, she gives a supplementary explanation.

“He must have done that to publicize his power. Since I, who was the worst criminal on the continent, created an inferno by arbitrarily manipulating me, wouldn’t the people of the world tremble in fear of his name?”

“The king of singers was talking too hard.”

From noble mtl dot com

Most people mistake the culprit behind this incident as Elgar, but… The people the king contacted knew the real culprit.

The evil deity Argal is powerful enough to control the demon lord.

Those who noticed that fact cannot stay still forever.

I’ll be wary of the tragedy he caused at first, but… What would you do if later you were cornered and you couldn’t see a way to survive?

It was only then that Chris was able to understand the target of the evil god.

“The evil god used Elgar-sama to increase his own reputation.”

“yes. Trying to get rid of something like me now won’t help much. At least he seems to think so.”

Elgar’s eyes were quietly burning as he spoke self-deprecatingly.

Chris, who noticed the meaning, moistened his lips with his dry tongue.

The woman in front of him now reigned as a nightmare and a demon king for decades.

No matter how bad and difficult the situation is, you can’t be a great person who can’t stay silent.

The demon king who lost almost everything probably didn’t come all the way here just to lament his situation.

He waits impatiently, guessing her true purpose.

If she asked to give up all of Vector’s territories, would she be able to refuse it?

Even if he fell miserably, his name is the Demon King.

It should be easy to defeat Chris, who does not even reach the level of the sword king.

Once Chris is defeated, beating Illesis and Tyrone is a piece of cake.

Fortunately, Elgar offered a much lighter offer than he expected.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here and watch the situation… Of course, if you need a hand, I’ll lend a little help.”

“Ah, that’s about it… … .”

Seeing that Elgar’s avatar was heading to the grave of the sword, the evil god had already noticed her stronghold.

No matter how tightly guarded the Tomb of Swords may be, in the end it is an underground, abandoned city.

You’ve already got everything you can get there, so there’s nothing better if you stay stuck.

Therefore, Elgar decided to abandon the grave of the sword and find a new abode.

She was too weak to wander around like she is now, and her notoriety had grown too high.

Even though Chris knew all of that, he couldn’t easily trust her.

In fact, I knew that if it was Elgar, he would try to recover his power by accumulating blood damages even out of pride.

Elgar, who read Chris’ mind, smiled lightly and shook his glass.

“It’s clear what you’re thinking. I’ve already challenged the god of the chest once and lost. So when I try again, I have to change my method a little.”

“I’m good.”

Chris nodded his head after calmly organizing his thoughts.

The evil god spread the player summoning spell, summoned countless aliens, and raised his name by using Elgar’s avatar.

It doesn’t make sense to suddenly go to sleep after you’ve spread your work this far.

From his point of view, it was clear that the bust would reveal its true colors sooner or later.

He and Elgar have maintained a trusting relationship for quite a long time.

In the near future, when the evil spirits rise up, having an ally like her will be very reassuring.

I don’t think I’m going to have an accident right now, so it’s right to accept the offer here.

Having obtained his permission, Elgar held out his right hand with a thin smile.

Chris’ weakly trembling hand grabs it and shakes it with difficulty.

I didn’t know the demon king for a day or two, but it took a really long time before I could shake hands.

It must have been that he had finally qualified to be her ally.

Chris continued the story of the bust before discussing small matters such as her undercover identity and where she lived.

She must have known a lot more than he did, having had the experience of chasing the traces of the Misogyny.

“But what will the evil spirit do next?”

“well… It seems to me that he doesn’t even need to move on his own. It’s his ruins and there were a lot of passengers when I was looking for an altar or something.”

“You said there were other people besides Elgar who chased evil spirits?”

When Chris was a little surprised, Elgar affirmed in a joyful voice.

“okay. They are the ones you know well. The Breton Empire, the prime minister there was very interested in mischief.”

Chris’ expression hardened as he obtained information he didn’t want to believe.

As if the witch was trying to comfort him, she filled the almost empty glass with wine herself.

* * *

The audience room at Breton Palace had a very large and heavy door.

The door, which could only be opened when several sturdy guards pushed it, enhanced the dignity of the queen and at the same time discouraged the audience.

However, the Prime Minister of the Empire did not like unnecessarily large doors.

Every time the guards in the audience room struggled to open the door, he, who valued efficiency and efficiency, kept getting angry.

It would have been better to install a narrower and lower door than usual so that the audience would bow their heads.

As now, when several people rushed through the cracks in the door, that thought became stronger.

The new officials who took the place of the old nobles were generally competent and diligent, but sometimes they forgot their subjects.

Obviously excited, they stop and bow their heads at the sight of the queen in the throne room and the prime minister beside him.

Although he was showing respect to the royal family, there was little sense of politeness.

Barbed voices pierced the Prime Minister as the Queen gave them permission to speak with a trembling expression.

“Prime Minister. What the hell is this!”

“You want to designate our Breton’s state religion as Argal? Don’t you know what a vile and dangerous god he is?”

“A chest is a chest for nothing. Please think more carefully before making a decision.”

In the hands of those who had entered the throne room, there were banners with the Holy Spirit engraved on them.

From noble mtl dot com

Made with the generous use of quality fabrics and dyes, it was specially ordered by the Prime Minister.

The prime minister looked at them and said with a slight frown.

“What are you guys doing right now? How dare you carry around Argal’s flag like a rag? If you act recklessly like that, you will be punished.”

Audience members became dumbfounded when they heard the Prime Minister’s joke.

The Prime Minister of the Great Breton Empire speaks like a priest who worships a god.

Even those who had put up with the prime minister’s eccentricities had a hard time accepting this.

With a lot of horns, they openly vomited the words they had accumulated so far.

“It is rude in front of Her Majesty the Queen! Are you really trying to hand the empire over to the evil spirits!”

“I sent them back to my hometown several times at an unbelievable amount of money, but they only waged bloody purges and wars of conquest. But now you’re going to worship the titular god? It must be that you have finally turned around.”

“your majesty! Punish the author’s arrogance to straighten the royal dignity!”

In order to return the players summoned to this world to Earth, a huge amount of manpower and resources are consumed.

Even if you go back like that, you will be summoned again in just a few days.

However, the prime minister visited Earth several times based on the empire’s mighty national power.

As a history professor at a prestigious university, he used his personal connections and status to return with blueprints for steam engines and trams.

It was fine until there.

Although the amount spent on the Prime Minister’s return exceeded the Empire’s annual budget, he achieved more than that.

The steamship he recreated made the rule of the colony smoother and gave him hegemony at sea.

When the factory made with the knowledge of the earth spewed out fertilizer, the yield per unit area of farmland dramatically increased, breaking the Malthusian trap.

Advancement into the continent, a long-cherished wish of our ancestors, has been accomplished, and young citizens have begun to receive systematic education. Efficient weaving machines spread, and the standard of clothing improved markedly, and beggars disappeared from the streets.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no place in the Breton Empire that has not been touched by the prime minister.

However, his methods were sometimes too radical and brutal.

No matter how competent and loyal you are, you are still just a player.

If you leave it as it is, you may end up with an irreversible accident.

The people gathered in the audience room did not stop their pleading voices, recalling his family background.

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