Chapter 364 The Magic King

Undoubtedly, the news brought by several people boosted the momentum of everyone present.

After all, they have just suffered a defeat, and their momentum is at a low ebb. The fighting momentum is very important.

If the imposing manner is strong, oneself can exert 200% of the strength, the imposing manner is poor, even if the strength is stronger, it will fail.

As mages, they all knew that although the soldiers of the Albarez Empire had an overwhelming advantage, the ones who could really decide the outcome were the Twelve Shields and the Black Mage Zeref.

The two Guardian Twelve Shields have been killed, so there are still ten Guardian Twelve Shields left.

Ishgar has hope of winning.

Northern Battlefield.

“The casualties here are too great.” Sting’s face was very heavy.

“There are too many enemies!” Lector also showed the same expression as Sting.

Even with the help of the Magic Council, the disparity in numbers is still too great.

“But they have to be stopped here,” Rogue said.

“Flo thinks so too.

“That monster-like guy is one of the Twelve Shields.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, he’s also the demon of the Book of Zeref.


The speaker is Minerva, the former eldest of the Sword-Bite Tiger, who was left homeless after Tartaros was destroyed.

The people of the sword-biting tiger have never given up their search, and Minerva is also a star-level figure in Fiore size.

In those years, the Tiger of Sword Biting was often invincible in the Great Demon Fight, and Minerva was one of them.

So when Minerva was on the street, someone told Sting the news.

Sting brought someone to find Minerva, brought Minerva back, and then brought Minerva to Fairy Tail to apologize.

People put their posture so low, so Fairy Tail naturally didn’t know what to do, and Su Yan actually didn’t care too much about Minerva.

Minerva’s body has been transformed by Tartaros, and naturally has a special sensitivity to the demons in the Book of Zeref.

“I never imagined that the demons of the Book of Zeref were so powerful.”

“No, he’s more powerful than the demons of the Book of Zeref in Tartaros, and this guy can use more spells.

Suddenly, a very interested woman’s voice sounded: “Shout? Is there another demon from the Book of Zeref?!”

“You are?!



The people who came were Erza who were in charge of supporting the northern battlefield. Of course, it was Mest who was still in charge of the teleportation. Mest was panting now, and was lying on the ground like a dead dog, panting heavily.

The one who just spoke was Mila. Mila gained a lot when she was in Tartaros. Over the past year, she has been digesting her gains in Tartaros, and her strength has been greatly improved.

Now that I heard that there is a demon from the Book of Zeref at the Twelve Shield level, she is even more interested.

Although Mira has been in the guild all the time as if she is the boss, but she still has that aggressive wildness in her bones, and she naturally wants to absorb things that can be made stronger by herself.

“Mr. Mest, are you all right?” Wendy asked concerned.

“No, it’s all right, it’s just that the magic power consumption is a little big, just take a rest.”

“Miss Erza, Miss Mila, and Mr. Gajeel, why are you all here?”

Erza said: “The first generation sensed that the battle was at a disadvantage here, and specially asked us to come to support.”

“The guild over there

“Don’t worry, there are still many people stationed in the guild, and as long as all the enemies who want to attack the guild are eliminated, the guild will naturally be safer.”

Eastern battlefield.

The four Holy Ten Great Wizards intercepted them in front of several people.

“From here on out, you won’t be allowed to pass.

“Humph!” Jackman began to pull up his gloves.

Britney glanced at the change, and seemed not interested in the upcoming battle at all, and the expression on his face was a little troublesome.

The Sorcerer King August raised his hand and said, “This time, Your Majesty is determined to win the heart of the fairy, let me see how Ishgar’s sorcerers have grown in strength over the years?”

Britney was stunned. He didn’t expect that the King of Magic, August, planned to take action himself.

Britney looked at Guila with compassionate eyes. She knew the strength of the grandfather, and the power was not comparable to others.

Although the magic power of these ten great magic guides is very strong, their total amount is not as strong as her, let alone August, the strongest magic king among their twelve shields.

“If you want to do it yourself, how honored they are.

Jackman heard that August was going to shoot himself, so he didn’t plan to shoot it. He hadn’t seen the magic king August shoot for a long time.

Wolfheim’s irritable temper had begun to flare up when he heard Jackman’s words: “We’re not just here to deal with you, all three of you here!

Wolfheim’s body quickly grew larger and turned into an orc’s stance, then quickly rushed in front of the three people, hitting them with one punch.


A magic shield covered the bodies of the three people, and the ground around the magic shield exploded, showing how powerful Wolfheim’s blow was.

“Orc magic, it’s really rough magic. It’s just that powerful magic power can produce such strength (Zhao’s), such magic has no value.” The King of Magic August said indifferently.

“What did you say?!

Wolfheim became very grumpy when he heard this.

The fist immediately attacked the shield continuously.

The Sorcerer August raised the magic wand in his hand.

The magic wand radiated golden light.

“Be careful!!” After Ma La saw it, she immediately released magic.

“Iron wall!!”

A wall stood in front of Wolfheim.

A beam of light shot out from the magic wand of the Sorcerer King August.


The iron wall was shattered, and Wolfheim was hit.


Wolfheim screamed and was knocked back, but fortunately there was Jura’s iron wall blocking it, otherwise the blow would definitely hurt a lot.

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