The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 137 I Want Your Daughter, Can You?

The sky in Kuwang Town was covered with dark clouds, with lightning and thunder, a scene of a thunderous sky.

At this time, in the back of a certain shrine, in front of a neatly tidy stone monument, Himejima Akina had mixed feelings in her heart.

The pouring rain poured down on her body, soaking the white witch clothes she was wearing, ignoring the cold feeling caused by the rain dripping onto her skin/skin, she slowly picked up the shovel beside her.

This stele, or rather this tombstone, was her mother's tomb, excavated by her father, whom she hated.

The purpose of her trip was to excavate the mother's skeleton under the tomb.

However, Akeno Himejima waved the shovel and dropped the first shovel, digging up a small pile of soil.

High in the sky, the dark clouds suddenly formed a spiral shape, and at the center of the spiral, a terrifying thunder light with a thickness of 10 meters suddenly fell.

When Leiguang quickly approached Himejima Akino who was unprepared, to be precise, he didn't want to be prepared, when he was about to bombard her, he turned abruptly and smashed into the open space beside him.

Afterwards, jet-black feathers filled the entire sky.


The sound of wings flapping resounded in the sky above the shrine, and a figure carrying five pairs of fallen wings flew above Himejima Akeno.

This is a sturdy middle-aged male fallen angel with black inch hair, a beard on his face, brown skin all over his body, and an old-fashioned and serious face. He looked at Himejima Akino sharply.

One of the fallen angel's cadres, in charge of the power of thunder, attacked the most powerful fallen angel---Baiqiu, appeared here.

Baiqiu's expression was extremely gloomy at this time. He squinted his eyes slightly, and held a 3-meter long wooden warehouse of thunder light tightly on his thick arm, and vaguely aimed at Himejima Akeno.

Watching Himejima Akina's digging action, Baiqiu picked up the wooden warehouse of thunder light several times, but put it down abruptly, and then he yelled angrily.

"Do you know what you're doing? Akeno! That's your mother's tomb!!!"

Himejima Akina's body trembled a little, and she clenched the wooden shovel in her hand slightly, and said solemnly. "I know what I'm doing, don't worry about it..."

Baiqiu's tan complexion was instantly red with anger, and he shouted angrily. "Reverse girl! Damn inverse girl! Stop me!!

Baiqiu cursed, but he didn't dare to take a step, and he didn't dare to blast out the wooden warehouse of lightning strikes in his hand, for fear of irritating Himejima Akina and damaging the grave of his deceased wife.

Ten years ago, because Bai Qiu left home for a short time when he was dealing with a task, only his wife Himejima Shuri and 6-year-old Himejima Akino were left at home. They originally thought it was just a regular task as usual.

However, they didn't know that this was a conspiracy and trap planned by the dead enemy. When Baiqiu went out on the front foot, the dead enemy on the back foot brought the old antique from the Himejima Zhu Li family who opposed the two to the door, and forcibly stood in front of Himejima Akeno. Kill her mother.

It was on this day that Akeno Himejima began to hate Baiqiu. In her conception, Baiqiu, who is known as the leader of the Fallen Angels, would not be able to return to the rescue, causing his wife to be forced to death by the enemy?

And at that time, the one who forced Himejima Akina's mother to death was her own family, one of the four major exorcism families, the Himejima family, who forced her to die in the name of an exorcist who had intercourse with a fallen angel without authorization.

Therefore, even if Baiqiu arrived at the last moment when Himejima Akeno was about to die and successfully killed the mortal enemy, Himejima Akeno still had a grudge in his heart.

She began to hate her own blood, doubting whether her birth was correct, and if it were not for her birth, her mother would not have died tragically at the hands of her relatives.

In the following ten years, the father and daughter entered a state of cold war, and even Himejima Akino deliberately reincarnated into a demon in order to shed the blood of the fallen angel inherited from his father.

And Baiqiu has also constantly regretted his inability to protect his wife for ten years, and felt guilt for Himejima Akeno who was traumatized.

But now, seeing Himejima Zhu Li's well-preserved body in a special magic circle being carried out of the excavated coffin by Himejima Akina, Baiqiu couldn't hold his breath.

The Fallen Wing behind him shuddered violently, his body turned into a light of lightning, and suddenly appeared beside Himejima Akeno, stretched out his arms, and was about to snatch the body.

"If you dare to take it, I will commit suicide." Jijima Zhu Nai cast a cold glance at Baiqiu and said in a cold voice.

Baiqiu's body froze, his outstretched arms stuck in the air, but he didn't dare to move a step.

Himejima Akeno hugged her mother's body with a sad face, used her magic power to block the rainwater dripping on the body, and walked away slowly.

Baiqiu clenched his hands into fists, holding back his anger, and then sighed helplessly. "At least let my husband know, what are you doing with Zhu Li's remains?"

Himejima Akira's raised left foot got stuck in the air, and then slowly fell, standing in front of Baiqiu, and after a while, he said softly. "....resurrection!"

Baiqiu's pupils shrank. As a fallen angel's cadre, he naturally didn't think about resurrecting his deceased wife. After his efforts, he also found clues, holding the god-killing tool that can reverse life and death - the successor of the Holy Grail of the Netherworld.

But it was also from the successor that he learned the cruel truth. A person who has been dead for ten years cannot be resurrected. It is precisely because of this that Baiqiu reluctantly gave up on resurrecting his deceased wife.

Even the Divine Destruction Tool that can resurrect the Son of Jesus can't be resurrected, so what's the point of other alternative resurrections such as the Lich's turn? Female.

But what did he hear now? Akeno Himejima said to resurrect the mother?

Baiqiu's expression changed greatly, and he roared. "Are you crazy, do you want to use the ability of reincarnation to revive Zhu Li? It's just an alien that can't even be regarded as an undead!!!"

Himejima Akeno's face darkened, his eyes flickered, and he said softly. "Yu said that if there is a corpse, it can be resurrected, there is no need for him to lie to me... no need!!!

"Yu? That demon king from another world? I heard about him from Azazel.

Baiqiu said calmly.

"However, even the Holy Grail of the Netherworld, which can resurrect the Holy Son Jesus, can't resurrect Zhu Li, even if that Demon King is comparable to the Infinite Dragon God? The rules of the world are not so easy to break!"

Hearing this, Akeno Himejima's face turned gloomy, and the hand holding the corpse trembled. Finally, she took a deep breath and took out a spar and pressed it sharply.

This is the spar that Yu gave to summon him. The spar is transformed according to Veleslana's power of wind. It doesn't need to be called. Just crush it to make Yu feel summoned and rely on the power. Come to the person who holds the crystal.

With a gust of breeze, Yuu, who had been checking his own condition at the system center of the heaven, suddenly appeared in front of Himejima Akeno.

Yuu was stunned when he saw Himejima Akina and the other 'Himejima Akeno' in his arms, and said in a puzzled tone. "Clone technique? No, Zhu is your mother? Are you? 35

Himejima Akeno looked at Yuu with hopeful eyes and pleaded. "Help me, resurrect my mother.

Seeing Yu's appearance, Baiqiu's expression suddenly changed. Just as he wanted to act, he was blocked by the invisible force of heaven and earth. He couldn't move. Even the energy in his body was suppressed in his body. Roaring in Yuu's direction.

"Shino, stop it!!""

"Resurrection is impossible, he just wants to deceive your body, don't destroy Zhu Li's body! 35


Baiqiu stared at Himejima Juli's body in a stunned manner, watched her slowly open her eyes, and stared blankly at Himejima Akeno who threw herself into her arms.

With a quack, the lower jaw was broken by the constantly widening mouth~ba.

"How is that possible!!" Baiqiu said in disbelief.

With a wry smile, Yuno looked at Himejima Akeno who was crying while holding the resurrected mother, walked slowly to Baiqiu's side, and said teasingly.

"Hey, father-in-law, what did you just say?"

Baiqiu suddenly pushed his chin with his hand, returning his chin to its original position, widening his eyes, and said with a shocked expression. "It really came back to life.

"Can I want Akeno-senpai's body?

"You can, you can say whatever you want...

"I have a lot of wives, so I can only feel wronged for being too young, is this okay?

"Okay, okay, I'll give you anything you want, quickly release the blockade and let me see my wife!!!

Zhayou looked at Baiqiu, who was crying bitterly because his body couldn't move, and showed a happy smile.


In the underworld, Sazex looked at the document in his hand in distress. It was the document to approve whether the new generation of demon gatherings should be held.

The male subordinate beside him asked softly. "Why is Sazex-sama troubled, it's just a regular gathering.

Sazex resignedly stamped the document under the document and said softly.

"Nominally, my ancestor from another world is a family member of the new generation of Rias. Forget it, it is estimated that nothing major will happen."

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