The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 400 High School Monster Series (Second)

"That, can you let me go?" Suddenly, a voice that didn't belong to anyone here suddenly sounded.

The sudden voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

In the face of this surprised, stunned, or doubtful gaze, the visitor looked calm and patted Beo on the back again.

"Ah?" Beo turned around and looked at the boy who suddenly appeared behind him. It was an ordinary boy with short black hair, a waiter-style white shirt, and a blank expression.

"Transfer student? Why are you here." Aoko looked at Shizuki Kusajuro who appeared behind Beor with a look of astonishment.

"Hey, President Aozaki? Why are you here?" Kusaki Kusaki looked at Aozaki Aoko blankly, as if he couldn't understand the current situation.

"Who is he." Yuju, who had never seen Jingxi Kusajuro, cast doubtful eyes on Aoko who was the only one who knew Jingxi Kusajuro.

"The new transfer student in the school, the guy Yamashiro-sensei asked me to host, is an ordinary person." Aozaki Aoko explained to Youju succinctly.

Orange, who was always watching Qingzi, raised his brows and his face changed slightly. "Ordinary people have no way of invading the old school building where I stepped under the barrier.

"Beau!!!" Orange snorted coldly and ordered towards Beor.

Beo, who received the orange's order, grinned and said nonchalantly. "Knowing Miss Orange, I'll deal with the intruder.

Beo, who has traveled with Orange for a year, has long been used to dealing with those who entered the barrier by luck but unfortunately died in his hands. Often, the ingredients for his meals are from these lucky ones.

"That, President Aozaki, are you being chased by this big dog?" Kusujirou Jingxi turned his head and looked at Aoko blankly, completely ignoring Beo, who was eager to prey in front of him.

"Ah, almost, maybe?"

Aoko responded with a strange expression. She really wanted to see what was going on in the mind of the strange person in front of her. When a normal person saw Beor's terrifying appearance, the first reaction was to run away. What a weird one.

"Then, let me help you escape." Jing Xi Kusajuro raised his hand, and waved at Aozaki Aoko like a grandfather talking about his family.

"Ha." "Aoko looked at Shizui Kusanagi with a bewildered expression, did she hear a hallucination, an ordinary person who wants to help her avoid the pursuit of the fantasy species?

"Is it an illusion?" Youzhu narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Kusakajurou Shizuki with some doubts. The indifferent young man in front of her gave her a very strange feeling of deja vu.

"Just take it as a thank you to President Aozaki for helping me get used to the school." Shizui Kusajuro smiled, and there was a serious meaning in the eyes of Furui Wubo.

"I seem to be ignored and underestimated." Beo lowered his head and looked at Kusaki Kusujirou with a gloomy wolf face.

In the next second, the sharp claws tore the air and grabbed Shizuki Kusajuro's body with huge kinetic energy.

The corners of Beo's mouth twitched slightly, as if he had seen the mourning scene of the boy in front of him after being torn apart by it.

Shizuki Kusajuro took a slow step to the left, dodging Beo's inevitable attack by a tiny margin.

The right foot took a step back, and the left hand was slightly clenched, forming a loose fist gesture, and punched it violently.

Boom one by one!


The roar sounded like a hammer hitting a bronze bell.

Qingzi and Youzhu covered their ears together with a painful look on their faces, as if their ears were hurt by the roaring sound.

Beau lowered his head and looked at the thin fist printed on the mouth of Xiongyue, with dense bloodshot eyes all over the eyeball, as if it was about to burst.


The huge wolf body slammed to the ground and fell to the ground. When he was dying, Beor saw the indifferent eyes of Shizuoka Kusajuro.

No joy, no sadness, like nothingness, empty eyes.

"Just kidding, killing the fantasy species with the flesh? Are all Japanese high school (adcb) students monsters?" Orange stared at Shizuki Kusajiro in amazement, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground in shock.

"No, no, high school students in Japan are very normal. That guy is just a monster. How could humans defeat the Phantasm?" Qingzi retorted with a twitch on the corner of his mouth. In her impression, there are more than 2,000 people in the whole grade, and the only one who has no common sense in life is Shizuo Sojuro.

"Qingzi, you defeated the Fantasy Seed once before." Youzhu turned her head sideways and looked at Qingzi's profile with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

Aoko Aozaki was speechless. Only then did she realize that she had scolded herself in too.

Suddenly, Shizuki Kusajuro had a free and easy smile on his face, and opened his mouth with a smile to the air. "Well, that's all I want to do. Please, grandpa. 35

The surroundings suddenly fell into silence. Now that Shizuku Kusajuro killed the fantasy seed with one punch, no one could think of him as a fool, even if he was talking to himself in the air.

In the next second, a strange aura permeated Shizuki Kusajuro's body.

Youzhu and Orange's expressions suddenly changed. In their perception, Shizuki Kusajuro's magic power swelled in an instant, but it exceeded their total magic power in an instant, and continued to climb towards the unknowable level.

"What?" Qingzi looked at the two people whose faces had changed dramatically, just now, how could he panic like this.

"Let the little guy from the Kuonji family teach you, it seems that there is some mistake." Shizui Kusajuro said in a flat tone. The voice is still the dull voice of the previous teenager, but it has a sense of vicissitudes and antiquity inexplicably.

Hearing the somewhat familiar tone, Orange's face changed slightly, and she looked at the figure of Shizuki Kusajuro in surprise. "It's you!!! You escaped!!!!"

"I won't die?!" Qingzi's eyes widened. In her image, the only person who could call Chengzi like that was her own monster grandfather.

"Aren't you 'dead'?!!!" Aoko said, dumbfounded.

A strange expression appeared on the face of 'Shizuki Kusajuro'. "I remember, I wrote three letters to you last month, right?"

"I've become a ghost, it's not dead, what kind of letter should I send? It's enough for the Aozaki family to take care of me, hurry up and send me to hell. Qingzi retorted with a natural attitude.

"...Qingzi, it really suits your style." Youzhu said twitchingly at the corner of her mouth.

'Jingxi Kusajuro' narrowed his eyes slightly and said meaningfully. "Girl An Xin, grandpa will live longer than you."

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