The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 1110: Crisis

In fact, it was indeed attacked by the mysterious spirit of the Xuanyin Beast just now. This talent of the Xuanyin Beast is indeed a frightening magical power. However, although the magical power is strong, but at a critical juncture, the little monkey wields its use as a partner Wake up Yang Chen.

Of course, this is also fortunate that Yang Chen's Shennian is very powerful, and has not been completely attacked by Xuanyin's natural talent. If it is changed to someone else, he is already fainted, how could he be awakened? Because Yang Chen still retains a trace of consciousness, it is only that the consciousness has become a little slow for the time being.

At this critical moment, the little monkey easily awakened Yang Chen, but after awakening, Yang Chen did not immediately expose his waking state, but calculated the plan, since this Xuanyin beast must think that he was affected by it Attacked by the talented supernatural power, it must be impossible to fight back, and naturally he will relax his vigilance against him.

The existence of the little monkey is just to attract the attention of the Xuanyin Beast, letting the Xuanyin Beast not even notice what Yang Chen did under his eyelids. In this way, the mysterious Xuanyin beast, the demon beast that made the monks of the gods of the gods afraid of the wind planted in Yang Chen's hands.

All can be said that the Xuanyin beast is powerful, but powerful is powerful, but because of lack of wisdom and lack of mind, when Yang Chen is met, he must be the only one who has turned over in the gutter!

Just now Yang Chen has invaded the body of the Xuanyin beast with the sword energy inside the Xuanjin Excalibur. At this moment, the Xuanyin beast has suffered internal injuries, and it is good to be alive. When not taking his life at this time, when should he wait?

The Xuanyin Beast stared at Yang Chen very resentfully, and he couldn't understand how angry he was. Why his talent was so useless for this human? For many years, it has not known how many creatures have been killed by this magical power, and has never missed it, but today, it is planted in the hands of a monk in the early stage of the deification!

How can this be? How could it not understand how this person who should have been killed by him could react to attack him! Everything seems to be a round, this human monk has set it up, and he even thought he was going inside!

It can't understand it, of course, it doesn't need to understand at this moment, it has been seriously injured. The sword energy of the Xuanjin Excalibur is extraordinary. Even the scales of the sword shadow will be damaged, not to mention the flesh and blood in this body.

Looking at Yang Chen, he asked if he was not ready to give up his hand. Even if it was dead, it would let this hateful man take a life and be buried! It stood up to endure the pain, staring at Yang Chen fiercely, worthy of being a monster feared by the gods, the momentum at this moment was even stronger than before!

Feeling this momentum, Yang Chen and Yang Zhong also showed a slight surprise. This guy was indeed a little bit beyond his expectations. He was so badly injured that he could still be so successful and want his life! However, this guy's momentum has become stronger, it is not stronger than before, but this Xuanyin beast knows that his death is coming, so he is ready to fight his life, saying that this Xuanyin beast is a lifeless attack!

This is like a monk who knows that he must die very badly. At the last moment, although he has run out of lights, he can still press in for life and repair. Only in this way can he be contained in the body for countless years. The essence and strength of the world burst out, thereby enhancing his momentum to an incredible extent within a period of time.

If this Xuanyin beast really succeeds, I am afraid there will be some fighting, which is like two mortal fights, this is the most common. If it is placed on a normal day, the two people will feel pain when they touch it accidentally, but it really breaks up and hurts. When they lose their senses, those feelings of pain will disappear.

At this time, a sensible human will not be sensible, but the back will become the same as the animals in the mountains. In fact, humans are also animals, but the wisdom is higher, but the animals are animals after all, and there is a brute force in the bones.

Once this wild nature is excited, the so-called intellects on weekdays will no longer exist, everything will be able to relieve the other party by putting them to death, at this moment the Xuanyin beast is the beast that has lost its intellect, and it has no knowledge of suffering, Now even if it is cut with a knife, it will not feel pain, it will work hard until it kills this human being.

It's not a good thing to be stared at by an irrational beast, and this is not an ordinary beast, it is a very dangerous black beast! The most feared battle among monks is that they are not afraid of death! Cultivation is hard to come by, how can it be so careless of life?

This is why the monks of the same realm will try to avoid life-and-death fights. If it is really too much, forcing the other party to fight with life, that is not a fun thing. The desperate fight of the monks of the same rank is the most terrible. Dangerous, the realm of the two sides is almost the same, and they will die if they are not careful.

Yang Chen didn't want to be stared at by himself, but fortunately he had prepared before, seeing that Xuanyin beast was approaching him step by step, Yang Chen thought, and the child and mother cold light needle hidden in the void was already Quietly appeared beside Xuanyin Beast.

And the location of these son-mother cold light needles is just right. They are the key parts of the Xuanyin beast. Each of the eleven cold light needles is aimed at different parts of the Xuanyin beast.

The Xuanyin Beast on the head of Huoqi didn't even notice these silver needles that appeared beside it. At this moment, only the hateful human in his eyes! Of course, this is not that the senses of the Xuanyin beast are not sensitive, but that the son and mother Hanguang needles have become unattractive by Yang Chen, and there is no sound at all.

The Xuanyin Beast snarled and stared at Yang Chen. Then his body jumped like a leopard, and he was more than ten meters high in the void, and its goal and direction were naturally Yang Chen. tear!

But just when the body of the Xuanyin Beast was in mid-air, its hair fell suddenly, and it suddenly felt a breath of extremely dangerous breath, which almost made him smell of death.

It is horrified, but at this moment when it is vulnerable in the air, especially when it is surrounded by several threats, there is no way to escape! And Yang Chen saw that his face was all cold, everything is over! With a move of thoughts, the son-mother cold light needle that surrounded the Xuanyin beast flashed a white light at the same time. After the white light passed, the volume of the mother-mother cold light needle instantly became larger than before.

In order to prevent the Xuanyin beast from appearing, Yang Chen deliberately changed the volume of the son-mother cold light needle to a very small size. At this moment, it is necessary to deal with a strong and bulky creature. Naturally, it can't use the form just now.

So the next moment, eleven son-mother cold light needles rushed through the body of the Xuanyin beast with unmatched power, and the body of the Xuanyin beast suddenly became a hole! Three of the holes are in the head, and eight holes are all over the body! Such an injury, Xuanyin beast does not want to die. These are its life points, especially the brain, which is enough to make it die on the spot!

When the eleven silver needles passed through the body of the Xuanyin Beast, the vitality in the eyes of the Xuanyin Beast gradually dissipated. Some thoughts and thoughts stopped at this moment. Then, the tall body fell to the ground, and this head was broken. Soul Valley has lived for countless years, and I don’t know how many monks’ beasts have finally fallen down!

The vitality and soul power of the Xuanyin beast Yang Chen will of course not be wasted. This beast is built to be deeper and stronger than yesterday’s ghost beast, especially its body is not destroyed by fire like the ghost beast, vitality and soul Keep more power, naturally, this time the harvest is not shallow.

After Yang Chen arranged a simple formation method here, he placed the Xuanyin Beast in front of him and began to practice the Chaos to Swallow the Heavens. The practice was working. I saw an invisible force flying on the Xuanyin Beast. Yang Chen gathered, and finally absorbed into the body by Yang Chen.

In the end, the animal really lived up to what Yang Chen had hoped for. After absorbing all of its vitality and soul power, Yang Chen quickly felt the signs of a breakthrough in the body, the meridians of the whole body appeared to be active, and the spiritual power became Very sensitive, it seems that there will be a storm in the body at any time!

Feeling this power and change, Yang Chen rejoiced in his heart. It seems that as long as he stays here, he may really be able to break through the middle period of Huashen, but before that, Yang Chen’s cultivation of Reiki can’t be done. Chaos swallowing the sky tactics has become the leading force for cultivation.

However, when Yang Chen was thinking, a power suddenly appeared in his mind. Yang Chen soon showed this power, and now he has already invaded his sea of ​​knowledge! Knowing the sea is the source of the confluence of gods and thoughts, which is very important for monks.

Awareness of the sea is the center of the monk's conscious will and soul. Unlike appearance, he can use the spirit weapon to fight. However, at this moment, Yang Chen has discovered that something ran into his sea of ​​knowledge without knowing it!

If he hadn't foreseen it early, this thing might have invaded his own sea of ​​knowledge! Knowing the sea is so important, and one of the most important functions is to win! The so-called seizing is that one soul devours another soul, and then rebels against the guests, occupying this body.

Generally speaking, if some monks die after death, if they just die instead of spirits, they can find a body to take the house. After taking the house, the cultivation will naturally be damaged, but at least they can continue to live. However, it is also conditional to win the Usually powerful monks will devour monks with low strength.

For example, the Golden Infant Period of Yuan Ying Period, the Yuan Infant Period of Enlightenment Period, etc., almost no one dared to pay attention to the body of the monk of the same realm. After all, the strength is the same. In the state of the soul, the soul is extremely fragile. If you dare to seize the knowledge of monks from the same realm, you will only have the place to die.

However, even if the same risk of losing power is lower than yourself, if you are not careful, you may be distracted. A fallen self-cultivator, close to the soul state, is difficult to survive. Unless the strength reaches the Mahayana period, he can survive in the soul state, and his ability is not too bad compared with the body.

And this sudden presence in Yang Chen's sea of ​​knowledge apparently wanted to conspiracy, and soon surprised Yang Chen, this intruder is not someone else, it is the Xuan Yin beast! Yang Chen had a heartfelt meal. Hasn't this Xuanyin beast already fallen? Could it be that this guy's idea did not disappear because of death? Even after being sucked into the body by oneself, is there any idea to save?

Yang Chen is somewhat unknown, but there is no doubt that this guy is completely dead! He even wanted to resort to him. No wonder this Xuanyin beast was so jealous by everyone. He was obviously dead, and he could still see his mind condensing! It seems that he still underestimates the Xuanyin Beast. Fortunately, even if he does not let the Xuanyin Beast enter his soul, otherwise there will be big trouble.

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