The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 305: Arrangement

In the quiet room, Yang Chen's face was solemn, controlling an enlightened particle equation, which was slowly poured into Chen Ang's head.

Chen Angpan sat on the sofa, closed his eyes slightly, frowned slightly.

After the enlightened particle equation completely disappeared into Chen Ang's head, Yang Chen asked with concern: "Brother Chen, how do you feel?"

"Feeling..." Chen Ang whispered: "Curious... It seems that something is scratching my brain gently, itchy, warm and very comfortable."

"That's right."

Yang Chen took a breath: "That feeling is a sign that you have been enlightened. From then on, you can slowly sense the energy particles, and when you are successful, you can take the first step of cultivation by practicing the Kailin formula. "

Before Yang Chen explained the new energy particle theory cultivation system to Chen Ang in detail, Chen Ang did not make any difference to Yang Chen’s mouth full of modern scientific terms and taste. On the contrary, as an excellent scientist, this cultivation system makes him feel very familiar and very friendly.

As an elite trained by the modern scientific system, even if Chen Ang is addicted to the study of immortals, it is not superstitious like the ancients, but intends to analyze and study through modern science. The energy particle theory is exactly what he meant. If the traditional set of twists and turns, clouds cover the fog cover and the like, he really couldn't figure it out. But it must be replaced by various theories, formulas, calculations, that is his own business.

Chen Ang now only feels full of confidence.

Yang Chen glanced at him, and he didn't hurt his enthusiasm. Although it is said that Chen Ang's talent is almost completely absent than that of Liu Lei, and it is much stronger. Coupled with the previous experience and data, it took only half a day to help Chen Ang find the most suitable energy intensity for enlightenment. However, there is still a gap between Chen Ang and Liu Lei. There is no comparison with mental arithmetic. The progress is also unlikely to be fast.

"Then Brother Chen, you should seize the time to start sensing energy particles now. With the help of the Kaiqiao particle equation, it can be within the validity period. It helps you absorb a certain amount of energy particles to wash your body. Thus, enhance your energy particle affinity. The degree will eventually allow you to successfully sense the energy particles. This time is different according to your personal situation. However, don’t care too much about this time. In the theory of energy particles, practice talent. That is, the so-called energy particle affinity is no longer Important. If the time is longer, be patient."

Finally, Yang Chen reminded Chen Ang.

But Chen Ang is now at a time of high enthusiasm. I didn't care about Yang Chen's reminder at all. He sat on the sofa and excitedly began to sense energy particles.

of course. This time will not be too short. Not as he imagined. All of a sudden, it succeeded in a few at most.

He is different from Liu Lei. Although the affinity of Liu Lei's energy particles is poor, after all, it has been studied for a long time. The spiritual formulas are all proposed by others, and they are well aware of various situations of cultivation. Induction energy particles can also do their best, this threshold is not so sad. But Chen Ang's words, according to Yang Chen's estimate. Without external help, it will take at least half a month to successfully pass this level. If he can remain patient and not give up halfway.

Seeing that Chen Ang was sensing energy particles, Yang Chen closed the door of the quiet room and adjusted the parameters of Lingwu's standard environment one to make it the most suitable state for sensing energy particles. In this state, the energy particles are highly active, but the energy particles have a low intensity, which makes it easier for people to sense the energy particles without damaging the practitioner's body.

However, this parameter comes from later generations, but it needs further adjustment. After all, the environment of later generations and the tolerance of ordinary people to energy particles are different from those of today. Although Yang Chen made preliminary adjustments based on the operation of the most recent period, the data are insufficient and further optimization is needed.

Then Yang Chen went to Shang Yun's father and daughter's room.

Pushing the door inside, Shang Yun looked a little trembling, sitting carefully on the sofa, almost curled up, the TV didn't turn on, and he didn't even pour a glass of water.

As for Xiao Jing, Shang Jingyi, he was playing the building blocks on the big Simmons bed, probably Tang Moxuan specially found it.

The furnishings in this room are so-so, but compared to Shang Yun's family environment, it may still be so good that he can't let it go.

Seeing Yang Chen push the door in, he quickly stood up helplessly, opening his mouth gratefully to say something, but was too excited to speak for a while.

Turning his head to see the little boy, he quickly scolded: "Well, is there any politeness? Your Uncle Yang is still playing there."

"Oh..." The little puppet playing with building blocks has long been bored. Seeing Yang Chen coming, he quickly stood up and rushed to Yang Chen with a smile: "Uncle Yang..."

Yang Chen picked her up and turned around in the air. The little girl giggled and laughed away the awkward atmosphere in the room.

"Little boy is so good!" Yang Chen praised Shang Yun and said to Shang Yun: "Brother Shang is welcome, sit down." The little boy teased himself on the sofa.

Shang Yun sat down next to him: "Mr. Yang, is the condition you gave me too good? The little boy still needs your help. This room is still so good. Or change to a normal one. Look. ..."

Yang Chen smiled and said, "Brother Shang, you are awkward for me. The conditions of my room here are not particularly good, nor are they particularly bad. They are all similar to the pieces. If I change it, I really can't find it. ."

"Then..." Shang Yun was sweating anxiously: "There is nothing for me to do. You can rest assured, Mr. Yang, I can endure hardship and do anything..."

"This..." Yang Chen frowned slightly, thinking that although Shang Yun was from the bottom, he was simple in nature, not the kind of person who can enjoy the benefits of others with peace of mind. If he is given a little work, he will really feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, he dialed Wu Chenggang's phone.

This middle-aged migrant worker who has helped Wang Xiancheng's heart Xiaolan has been working with a group of workers on Lingwu Mountain Villa for several days. Yang Chen didn't have time to ask, but according to the feedback there, their life was pretty good. After all, no one dares to bully people who are invited by the big boss himself. They are willing to work as teachers themselves, and they will not be arrogant, and all aspects of the reaction are quite good.

They now formed a construction team, and sold 350,000 yuan from the nebula Gengjin meteorite. Wu Chenggang, who was already a small asset, became a contractor. They were originally from this industry, and they are very familiar, but they used to do it for others, but now they do it for themselves.

After the call was connected, the opposite Wu Chenggang was naturally a series of thanks, and then he performed his duties very seriously, and reported all the things he thought necessary to Yang Chen.

After this time, even after a little more than half an hour, it came to an end, and then Yang Chen said: "Uncle Wu, I have a young man here to send, he is also born and learned things with you, You don’t have to take care of him, just treat it as normal."

Wu Chenggang naturally promised nothing, and he assured him that he had beaten his chest. When he came to Lingwu Villa, he became more and more aware of how old Yang Chen was. Just look at those building materials that do not hesitate to capitalize. As an insider who is extremely familiar with the construction industry, he is more sensitive to the price of those materials than others.

Then he greeted Shang Yun: "Brother Shang, if you can't get down, then go to my construction site and stare at me. There is a shortage of people on my side. Brother Shang is here, give you three Thousand dollars a month. If you do well in the future, you can go up."

"No, no, no!" Shang Yun waved his hands again and again: "Mr. Yang, you have helped us a lot. You should do the work for you. How can you get your salary..."

He was interrupted by Yang Chen before he said: "You have to pay for your work. This is the rule. You don’t have to refuse, Brother Shang. You can rest assured that I am also a businessman and I will not be a loser. Presumably, Xiaonan What can bring me, what is this salary now?"

He said that he stood up: "Okay, let's do that. I'll give you a phone number and tell you the address. You'll go to the construction site with the car that goes to the construction site on our side, and then call me Telephone, contact the contractor called Wu Chenggang, and he will arrange work for you."

Then he remembered that he didn't see Shang Yun having a phone he called Tang Moxuan and asked him to send someone to deliver a Nokia phone. Now Nokia's feature phone is not expensive. Yang Chen also knows that a very good mobile phone, Shang Yun, will definitely refuse to take his hand, so he let someone bring a Nokia feature phone, which is just the perfect quality of the fall resistance. It is suitable for use on the construction site. Too.

Soon after the phone was delivered, Yang Chen gave the phone to Shang Yun: "Brother Shang, this phone is for you, keep in touch. You don't want to say anything. This is a job requirement, and it's for you. The phone cost is each You can reimburse 20 yuan a month, and you will have to pay for more."

Shang Yun was interrupted by Yang Chen's words, and had to take the phone. Then Yang Chen took the baby boy and planned to leave: "The baby boy first sat down with me to check, and it won't take long for her illness to be cured, Brother Shang, you can rest assured."

Of course, Yang Chen didn't plan to let Shang Yun go to the construction site for construction. This was only a temporary arrangement. After Lingwu Mountain Villa was established, he planned to throw Shang Yun in to study for some time, becoming the first group of spirits cultivated by himself. Wu Xiu.

For someone who can give birth to such a great talent, Shang Yun's talent should not be too bad. Of course, it is a waste of construction workers. It is better to let him be a spiritual martial cultivator who he cultivates. With the relationship of the Xiaonan, Being faithful is more reassuring. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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