The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 342: I can only give you 2 months

"This is a provocation against the United States of America...regardless of the target person, it must be dealt with mercilessly and resolutely! Mr. President requested that the news of the dignity of the United States must be maintained by the latest three months! The White House and Capitol Hill will Authorize you to use any means, even... even a nuclear war!"

After this representative delivered a passionate speech, he finally shouted so loudly.

What Xiao Su has done before is really terrible, so that all Americans who think they are high-weight and distinguished Americans can't help but be afraid. They must make this existence, which can control the killing of the Internet, completely disappear, otherwise, they will not be able to sleep peacefully, and there is a danger of death at any time.

What if there are strict security measures at all costs? No one can be vigilant at all times, let alone the pervasive means of the other party.

Therefore, the US President and the big consortiums, big companies, and big capitalists behind the US President seem to have lost their minds this time, and they have completely loosened the restraint of intelligence and secret agent forces. It is necessary to eliminate this unpleasant hostility.

"Mr. Special Envoy, you can rest assured that we will accomplish the missions given by the White House and Capitol Hill!" The person presiding over the meeting repeatedly promised to coax the presidential envoy away.

Then he had a gloomy chamber: "Everyone? The big men behind the White House and Capitol Hill are already unbearable. This time is the shame of our entire intelligence community! This shame can only be achieved with the blood and life of the enemy. Able to wash!"

"The big guys should be scared? I'm scared if I change..."

Many of the agents are unruly and unruly. One of them is a careless laugh.

He is not afraid of that mysterious killer. No matter how powerful he is, he can only play a role through the Internet. He believes that with his own ability, as long as he is careful to leave the network, he is not afraid that this killer will attack him.

"Code, please take it seriously..."

"Okay, take it seriously..." The codename shrugged disapprovingly and whistled.

Fortunately, Brigadier General Duncan stared at him with fierce eyes, but he personally tasted the oriental **** killing method ↖dǐng↖point ↖small↖ said, .2▽3.※o s_();, the code has such a careless attitude, which really makes him very dissatisfied.

"In short, this time, we can use all the power of the entire a overseas, even including the special forces of a brigade. We can get a military mission of ten military reconnaissance satellites as a source of intelligence for the strategic supervising team of the hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft. At the same time, We can obtain a tactical nuclear warhead launching power of at least 1,500 tons, so we can obtain a Virginia-class nuclear submarine, a Tomahawk cruise missile loaded with tactical nuclear warheads, or a b61 of a b-2 stealth strategic bomber -11 Command of tactical nuclear bombs."

The host said: "In addition, there are two attack satellites equipped with experimental space-based orbital guns with high-power laser guns..."

"Okay! It should be done! Get rid of the **** and kick his **** with American strong weapons!" Duncan said in praise.

"and many more……"

Alfonso stood up: "Sir, I insist that using this means of warfare is completely useless for us to achieve our goals."

"How can it be useless? I don't believe that the yellow-skin monkey is so powerful that he can escape his life under the attack of a nuclear bomb high-power laser gun and even a space-based rail gun!"

"However, how many civilian casualties will it bring? Have you thought about it?" Alfonso said that these plans were the biggest and were also deliberately avoided.

Duncan was stunned, but he immediately argued: "So what? This is a war! This is the war against the United States that the yellow-skinned monkey has provoked! Since it is a war, we cannot avoid casualties. We can only deal with those Civilians regret."

"No! If one day the United States ignores human rights so much, what is the need for guarding in such a country? General, everything you say is the greatest blasphemy against us, the guardians of the United States!"

Alfonso said firmly that he was a man who believed deeply in American democracy and American greatness. It was this belief that supported him to become the strongest agent in the deep net for the second place for as long as ten years.

"Well, the United States will not ignore this **** human right! But what can you do to eliminate him? Don’t forget, this is a terrorist with terrible means. Every day he exists, he will be **** to the United States and you. Human rights are huge threats."

"We naturally have our methods." Alfonso Ropeway said: "General, regular army and special agent battles are two different things, and their responsibilities are completely different. For such a goal, the use of regular army, if not useless, is quite inefficient. Yes. In order to deal with this, former President Bush did not hesitate to launch the Afghan war, but has this person been arrested so far?"

Mentioning Duncan is not very confident. Because in order to deal with this guy, the United States even hesitated to wage a nine-year war in the imperial cemetery in Afghanistan, with thousands of US casualties and cost trillions of dollars. No matter how the defenders defended the achievements of the United States in the war, there is one point beyond doubt: that is, the original goal of the United States in launching this war was not achieved at all.

But Duncan still refused to convince him: "This... that person is different from Ben?"

"Yes, he is more powerful than that. But he does not have the kind of powerful power that is on the Internet, and there is no terrible ability that he can hypnotize through the Internet!"

Alfonso looked around and focused everyone's attention on himself: "Everyone must remember that most of the weapons mentioned above have been connected to the network. When we intend to use these weapons, who Dare to guarantee that it won’t be discovered by that person! It’s okay to find it. In case he hijacked the network and used these weapons to retaliate against us, who can bear such responsibility?"

"This..." Duncan choked on his words.

"Bangbang Bangbang!" The person in charge of the meeting struck the hammer in his hand to draw everyone's attention: "Gentlemen, don't argue. The Pentagon and Capitol Hill have decided to do this, and all we can do is just follow the instructions. ..."

"But..." Alfonso was anxious.

The host pressed Alfonso's direction to appease: "But, these are the last resort."

Fang Suo recovered from the excitement, the host emphasized: "Repeat, the last resort! We can't pin our hopes on it. Although the Pentagon hopes to use this to test the effectiveness of space-based rail guns, I still hope that this time We can complete the task with our agents!"

Alfonso owed slightly: "Relax, I will use the reputation of the "hermit" in the secret service industry as a guarantee. We will successfully reap that guy's life, and will not use the above methods."

"I believe in you." The host nodded: "However, I can only give you two months. If you fail, then I am afraid I have to choose the plan you don't want."


An agent next to Alfonso said: "I am afraid two months is not enough."

"Two months is enough. The White House and Capitol Hill only gave us three months. With the remaining month, I must guarantee the time required for the last resort." The host said.

"Well, as you wish." Alphonse Ropeway said to the agents present at the meeting: "Let's discuss the details, everyone."

Having said that, he left the meeting room without looking back.

At the same time, other agents also came out behind him, including the codename that had been disdainful before.

Alfonso's prestige in the American secret service can be seen from this.

"Sir..." Duncan was a bit unhappy.

"Relax." The gray-haired old man said: "The general is assured, don't disturb them, let them do things in the way of the secret service, after all, they don't have much time..."


After reloading the headset and throat wheat, Yang Chen took it to his ear. Due to the special design of Xiao Su, the earphones with rice grains are only the size of rice grains and can be directly inserted into the ear canal, so that they are not noticed. Rice grain earphones use a collar with a wireless chip as an antenna, which is fused with the throat wheat and is blocked by clothes, which is not easy to be found.

Yang Chen nodded secretly, with the support of Xiao Su through the satellite all the time, in this era of geomagnetic core energy explosion can be almost unfavorable.

After the explosion of the geomagnetic core energy, that is the most powerful spiritual warrior, but before, it has not yet reached the most suitable environment for spiritual warrior. Instead, Xiao Su's support for mastering many satellite networks is more powerful.

"Father, in fact, contacting through satellites is not very efficient in many cases. I can completely contact my father by cracking the base station of the mobile phone wireless network, which is better."

Yang Chen shook his throat secretly, and made a sound through the throat microphone without opening his mouth: "No, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, under non-essential circumstances, try to avoid cracking the domestic wireless network base station."

Yang Chen does not want to cause too much trouble in the country, so most of the things in the domestic secular world must be done in a legal way. He will try to avoid such hacking. Of course, he is not a pedantic person, and he is not taboo to do so when necessary.

"Okay, father..."

Xiao Su felt a little disappointed, but after all, he was born shortly afterwards, his temperament was uncertain, and soon regained excitement: "Father, I found a plan by the National Security Agency (naona-sr-an, nsa) interesting. Code-named's-984n', they call it the Prism Project (prs), and I think we need to do something about this project."

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